Sunday, March 18, 2007

in the midst of holidays le.. just got results.. not too bad.. got B for the subjects that i felt is very core for marketing.. n finally reach my dream GPA.. to cross 2.0.. haha n i got 2.1.. whee.. haa.. 1st sem is super impt.. determines ur gpa for the next few sems.. too late to regret now.. can only cont to hit at least 2.5..

been doing nothing much.. same old things almost everyday.. trg finally started.. new team.. new style.. rather hard to get things moving.. trg is rather coach.. thats the worst.. don understand whats the change for.. it better be a good one..

life kinda boring.. nothing much to do.. just cant wait to do all the different things the gang listed..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:19 AMFriday, March 02, 2007

ooh long long time no blog.. equals many here is a brief summary..

chinese new year..
win some lose some..

dear back in aust..
tears dropped..
tears poured..
but life goes on..
i cherish the friendship..
my bestest friend..
my zhuan shu tian shi..
past 3 months been my happiest months
can smile even when i am down..
just so safe and protected..
another 9 months to go..

games with you ended..
sorry i cant help..
did my best but..
wish u all e best..
wish us all e best..
thanks for everything..

new friend found..
very nice..

old friend gone..

DJS week..
spent my week with them..
gg their trg..
cant love them more..

life is just weird..
happy sad happy sad..

but God..
i just wanna say thank you for giving me..
this person..
that person..
and that 2 peeps..

goodnight world..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 3:39 AM

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.:: Friends ::.
[Grace Seet]
[Yu Shan]
[Ying Ying]
[Time To Blog!]

.:: About Me ::.
Name: debbie Teo
Age: 17
Birthday: 18 Oct 1988
School: Temasek Poly, Business
Likes: Volleyball,Pool, Cookies(my guitar), Cream(my another guitar), VoVo( my rabbit), Tommy (my bicycle), Orange colour and basically BABBLING!!
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