Friday, September 29, 2006

Monday to Wed had chalet with my gang.. went to buy food on mon before checking in.. realised we bought alot so we decided to bbq on the first night as well.. felt kinda sick once i reached there.. was sick since msia trip but tt day was worst.. running a fever.. so afraid i will get dengue cux my body aching like mad everywhere.. haa

the rest of them were busy in out.. trying to set the fire which took more den an hour and no result.. actually 5 determined pple at the pit to start fire and den slowly one by one took the food back to the kitchen to cook.. either on stove or microwave.. left jean the last woman standing to start the fire.. haa.. but she gave up and return to the kitchen.. haha.. so we cooked noodles. mash potatoes.. microwaved the chicken wings.. n cooked eggs.. was really delicious man.. watched s'pore idol result show as we eat.. but wad a disappointing result.. we immediately switch channel when the result out..

2nd day.. woke up arnd noon time.. n vien mama came with lotsa chicken rice.. thanks=) kitty came together w bel after her sch.. now we have more pple.. 7.. arnd evening time.. yili came too.. so we have 8.. and night time eeting came too and we have 9.. yea.. started fire arnd 6pm.. also took 1 hour but this time successful cux kitty set it.. started bbq-ing the food.. bbq n eat bbq n eat. the food got no chance to be on the plates.. we just surround the pit and chit chat.. had a fun time thou.. before yili left we(6 of us) sang a song for them.. "Welcome to the family" hoping tt they do feel welcome.. under the moonlight we just play the guitar, sing songs, talk talk, eat eat.. was really cool.. after bathing everyone were like tired already.. was a little moody too.. so just took the bottle of wine tt vien mum brought n just drank n drank while i was reading my book.. just kept pouring n pouring into the cup and just drank finish the whole bottle like tt.. towards the end bel came to play poker w me.. she suppose to help me drink some but she ended up making me drink cux she kept winning..

tata~ my record!

after the bottle of wine starts to flow through my body i was kinda drunk.. couldnt ctrl my body movements.. knew wad was going on exactly but everything just kept spinning.. i must say its kinda fun.. the feeling of sober yet drunk.. den i tried to sleep cux super seh already but my stomach felt really terrible.. so vien made me drink two cups of water.. n goodness.. i puked like no tomorrow.. cant even aim at the toilet bowl properly cux it was too much.. threw up 5 times in a row.. but after the puking it really feels v good.. n i went to sleep.. deep sleep.. now the bottle is on my bottle to remind me not to repeat again cux the feeling really sux..

wed morn woke up feeling super drowsy n spinny.. seet came w a msg saying she's down w fever asked me can i handle.. hmm.. one trg without her showed me all their human nature.. really upset and piss off after tt trg.. no one i could turn to.. poured out to dear at night.. like the only one i can talk to in this the other end of the world somemore.. how sad la.. (not forgetting my DJS thou) i just want to STOP doing all these.. cux i feel like i am pleasing no one n instead got me into un-necessary shit.. jus cux i wan to do something i could for u all but thanks for such reward huh.. for tt i am deeply hurt.. i hate YOUs! open up ur damn bloody eyes to see!

its really a struggle to put God into all that i am gg to decide.. but all thanks to God if not all these wun happen.. not a single part of my human brain cells will ask me to do it.. talking wad me? nvm i understand..

Thurs.. went to my cousin-in-law funeral.. she passed away on sun night.. faint n den heart stop beating.. at the age of 33 leaving behind her beloved husband and a 2 yr old daughter.. was asked to go for the wake on tue and wed but tue chalet.. n wed cux of tt sucky trg.. a worthless sacrifice.. nvm.. so on thurs is the cremation thing.. shes a christian so thank God.. nv been to a funeral when i know the person.. ether frens dad or grandad kind.. all i dunno wan.. i tot i wun cry cux we aint close.. somemore is in-law.. everyone took a flower n walk arnd the coffin n place the flower inside.. really dunno wad to react.. my cousin was crying so badly.. all her friends.. her mum too.. n tt was when i drop my first tear there.. after singing amazing grace n the pastor said a few words it was time for her body to be carried to mandai there to be cremated.. at tt instant when everyone knew tt it was time to part w her everyone were crying loudly.. i turned n saw my dad in tears too..

her body was carried into the van and we walked behind the van slowly.. like all drama shows like tt.. den my cousin was carrying the innocent daughter who was still sleeping soundly on his shoulders.. after tt we took a bus to the place where she is finally cremated.. her body was in this service hall where the pastor officially mark the end of her earthly life.. sang the song as the deer.. and last time for everyone to walk arnd her coffin to look at her.. n den after tt we went up to the viewing hall where we see her body being pushed to somewhere to be burnt or wad.. not v sure.. my cousin was alright initially.. carrying his daughter asking her to say byebye to mummy.. kept asking her to do it but she just feel shy n stuff.. i looked at tt sight i really felt so sorry for them.. but my cousin just kept saying say byebye to mummy say byebye to mummy.. when we were asked to leave the viewing hall my cousin just lost ctrl n cried very loudly.. he refuse to move..

really felt so sad for him and my niece.. losing her mum at the age of 2.. don even know tt mummy is gone.. life is really so unpredictable.. at the age of 33 for no reason the heart just stop.. probably is just God's calling.. but everything she left behind is just so much.. her daughter's future.. her husband's perfect family life.. and they r so loving.. its really so heartbreaking to see tt happen.. her young mother.. nv will she expect that she have to see her own daughter's funeral.. sigh so sad so sad.. cherishing all the good things and good pple arnd me is wad i learnt..

R.I.P my dear sister..

Heaven must be a wonderful place right?

it's not easy to go there.. i know..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 2:06 PMSunday, September 24, 2006

had a small exam set by seet.. kinda exciting.. but den after tt a boring trg.. as in real boring trg.. doing the same thing for the whole trg den ended off with playing game.. bored man.. din felt like i trained anything.. i think too used to the faster pace trg by seet since we started trg after exams tt now once he train we feel like dying.. the 2 short hours felt like 4 long hours..

had some friendly matches with SP n NYP.. played 8 sets altogether.. bad day cux everyone aint performing.. lotsa disappointment everywhere esp to you.. but just pray for a better tml..

hooray.. we got a better day.. had a mini gathering at vien place before trg.. made onigiri together.. sang K together.. haa.. hao wan=)
trg was fun too.. felt more like a trg compared to wed.. a drill tt unite everyone n keeping him free for a while.. whee.. bang(4th sound)!!
carol, jelly n siew wen came for trg too.. so we had friendly with them.. don understand y r u playing n our player is sitting outside counting score.. aiyo.. don make sense..
had a little physical stuff after trg..
n some photo taking session.. hehe..
went dinner w majority.. climbing over that gate.. hahah.. so fun..
after tt went to chill w klang ai n david till 2 plus..
slept at 3 plus.. lotsa weird thinking plus words running thru my mind before i sleep.. had a nightmare too..

woke up at 645am to go american school.. cux bus at 730am cux the guys got to reach there at 8am..n we only need to reach bout 9 plus.. n basket basket basket!! only 2 guys taking the bus in e end.. n 9 girls got to wake up so early just for them n those who last min not taking bus.. they almost went crazy when they saw tt 2 pathetic guys.. worst of all no bus in sight at 730am.. called the driver den they say sch nv booked any bus.. almost fainted on the spot.. dunno wad is happening at e upper level.. driver rushed down at 830am his earliest.. thanks uncle for waking up n fetching us there.. hee

played with 3 teams.. altogether 10 sets.. haa.. shagged man.. n the place is so cold n it takes v long for us to warm up our body.. but we played some fun fun games to laugh our lungs out n force our perspiration out.. had a great day there with my team.. everyone could perform.. so everyone became happy.. yeah.. we r a happy family..
the Ribena family i mean.. haa.

tml gg church den can rest rest rest.. den mon to wed gg chalet.. n den trg.. n den trg.. haa.. good life=)

goodnight world!!

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:07 AMMonday, September 18, 2006

bad trip..
carry on??
n just sacrifice n get all the hurts??
or simply walk away?
i want to choose e first choice..
but am i allowed??
i don ask for anything in return.. simply nothing i wan..
but i don expect to be return with hostility.. gossips.. assumptions..
do not force me to do things i do not wan to do..
esp things tt've been kept within me for soooo long..
the explosion gonna be massive..
warning given..
be a nice person n a harmless soul..
cux i/we did not harm you..
love us cux we were taught to love..
despite everything we still prayed hard for the best..
tt's us n our God..
any sacrifices now from us will be given without qns ask..
cux the situation gave us no other option..
so pls love me cux i love you..

a sad me calling out for chip.. need to hear ur voice.. u will not be able to understand wad is gg on cux it cant be explained.. its too deep a cut in my heart.. just wan u to be there for me to listen to me as always.. to at least let me know there is someone at the end of the earth who still love n care for me with no qns asked but sacrifices made.. waiting waiting waiting for that voice.. for the only one who has the capability of healing the wound..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 1:54 AMWednesday, September 13, 2006

just returned from the volleyball camp.. am so strengthless now.. all thanks to seet.. haa.. she's a pro.. thanks girl for all the planing and stuff.. dunno where our coach run to le.. but thank God still got you if not its gone case for the team.. hee.. n see i told ya i'll be fine n be happy during trgs.. other stuff i just wanna fang kai le..

anw.. camp was kinda alright on tue.. den we slack n happy all the way till midnight. played the classic hide and seek game.. hid in this super dirty scary place but super dirty.. me vien n tiff found one perfect hiding place esp vien but was misuse by bel n vien.. they created a dent n damage somewhere in the sch within our hiding boundary n its like one look will make u laugh n roll all over.. haa but all was fun.. slept uncomfortably in the studio.. took a v long time to sleep.. woke up or rather jump out of bed when seet call at 840... where we suppose to be up n ready to run at 830.. opps.. she reach bout 850, den we slowly started crawling up go bathe n wash up n stuff. think started running at 940.. ran 5 rounds the stadium.. super no joke early in e morning.. n 60 sit ups push ups n aeroplanes.. haven started the full day trg we already declare dead.. haa.. but was shiok.. had ball trg from 12-4, 6-8.. n poom.. home sweet home..

tml gg off to msia for the competition thingy.. leaving at 230pm.. haa.. wonder how r my clothes gonnna dry in time but mama say no problem den ok la.. trust her.. i'm sure we r gonna enjoy ourselves big time in msia hahah cux we r alone there.. haa the coolest thing of all..

got my results everyone.. so proud of it.. 200879 taps on my shoulder**GREAT JOB**
haa.. cds got C.. den F for tt dumb thing tt i was debarred from but tt wan small case.. not core also.. n 2B n 2B+ for the core subjects.. wheee.. no C for once for core sub.. super happy can.. fnally GPA no longer 1.5... it should be above 3 this time. haa.. if don count the F..

hahah sooo happy!!

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 9:35 PM

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.:: About Me ::.
Name: debbie Teo
Age: 17
Birthday: 18 Oct 1988
School: Temasek Poly, Business
Likes: Volleyball,Pool, Cookies(my guitar), Cream(my another guitar), VoVo( my rabbit), Tommy (my bicycle), Orange colour and basically BABBLING!!
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