Sunday, August 27, 2006

this is the second week of holidays n i m so bored.. but nvm after this week once their exams r over we can go havoc already..

fri start trg already.. like finally.. but think wun be able to touch the ball yet for arnd 2 weeks.. thanks to hur hur the big plan.. hahah.. but cant wait for the new beginning man.. like so fun man..

some stuff happen last week but shall not talk about it.. just wanna let it be over.. cux things will be better right? i hope so if u r willing to..

last week spent quite a lot time with bel n vien.. the only pple hu can accompany me now at this boring period.. just waiting for the other 3 to re-unite n we can have all the fun in e world.. =)

september seems so busy... haha its like vball fanatic.. wed n fri trg.. den on 12-13 got vball camp.. sure gonna be v fun.. hahah.. den on 15-17 gg to JB for competition.. their open invitational cup.. think its gonna be tough but sure lotsa fun.. cux its overseas.. n den our gang chalet on 25-27.. will be asking the team to go if they want to.. woah.. its like endless bonding sessions.. i love to bond hahaha.. cant wait for everything.. cant wait to spend time with gang..

cant wait for someone to be back too.. haha.. n once u're back i will don care other pple le.. den someone will start saying like bla bla bla.. but don care.. hahhaa.. must fully utilise my time with u when u back.. precious like singapore water.. hahaha..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:10 PMFriday, August 18, 2006

so bored this whole week.. go back lesson from wed to fri.. everytime half hour? haa its some kind of wrapping up of th whole sem.. all tutors were shock when i go back.. cux each time the lesson only got like 10 students.. haha.. n i so dumb dumb go back for all.. cux i wanna perfect my attendanc.. hee.. ok now its the official start of my holidays.. so bored so bored.. tiff n ahda n jean next week study break den next next week exams den next next next week den holidays.. aiyo.. wad m i gonna do la.. sian-ed.. wanna work to kill time but dunno wan wad kind.. wan those super flexible kind.. i wan work den work.. but haiyo like tt hu wan employ.. haha

i really will be so bored for 2 weeks.. no ball to play no pple to play.. aiyo.. shall find some real entertaining stuff to do..

hmm.. today went out with gang to bugis st.. bought 2 shirt baby milo wan.. ahhaha so love baby mile.. its so cute.. n one volleyball slipper from fox.. kinda weird cutting but don care.. uncomfortable but don care.. anw is for display.. the nicest thing bout a slipper is when u don wear it so tt pple can see design.. haha.. n its 6.50 ..haiyo.. y not..

n finally dear called on tues night.. a long awaited call..but eee.. she so sleepy.. i like talking to the wall in her room.. dunno she listening not.. dunno she can remember.. wad i wanna tell u i only said like half of it.. see u so sian i also dunno how to say.. ahha.. nvm la.. over le the issue.. no point dwelling..

tml go church.. yey!

no i wont deny it=)

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:41 PMFriday, August 11, 2006

hahah due to some personal reason this blog will be kinda dead.. will not be updating often anymore.. haha

but when i do its gonna be long.. wahah..

hmm.. just some random things.. cux i dunno when i last blog.. cant be bothered to check.. in e midst of my exams now.. all v easy but dunno answer correctly not.. but aiya.. small %tage.. so its ok.. haa.. next week holiday le.. yea cant wait.. cant wait..

am feeling all so excited for the game on sat up against DOT.. its like almost an impossble thing if we were to win.. i tot so too.. but well my God above is good.. haa.. if we win its like a bonus.. n if we dont i have no regrets too.. cux i know we played our best le.. learnt many things from this comp.. glad tt the team is stronger n stronger... am so blessed to be playing in this team.. for my dearies n granny.. hu wans nothing but the best from us.. haha.. i represent them to say a big thank you.. thou we don say it out but we really appreciate all the things u've done for each n everyone of us.. hee.. xie le!!

hmm.. everyday meeting my gang.. nv fail to entertain one another.. they really make me feel tt i have the best friends on earth kinda thing.. haha.. lotsa things to thank God for.. dunno how to start but only know he is amazing.. hee.. am feeling so high.. so excited.. sure cant zzz tonight le man.. so i shall go study again.. haha already read 3 times le my notes.. wah.. good right?? hahah..

erm.. wad else.. cant think of anything else le.. Sat match against DOT 7pm.. they r very good but we will play our best.. hee.. winning is bonus.. the process is wad we got to learn.. said by granny.. asking me to bear in mind.. orh.. keyed into my data le..

i love God for giving me such a wonderful life!!

hehehe.. n i realised tt i haven spoke to dear for such a long time le.. hee.. shows tt i can be so happy on my own too.. whee.. independent yea? tts wad u wanted me to be.. hehe i am now le.. can u see?? will call u after my exams.. i got tons of things to tell u which cannot be like written here? haha.. missing u so much.. muacks!!

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 1:49 AMSunday, August 06, 2006

after a v good game comes a bad game.. haha.. think today too early already.. gracescy wasnt awake.. first time see her make so many mistakes.. i mean its still lesser den the rest of us but for her its alot.. n she n xt is like connected.. she don play well xt also.. but well glad tt the rest of us played it not badly.. thank God for teamwork=) YEA! we no longer depend so much on them le.. hen hao!
won IK 3-1.. they r really tall n they really jump n block.. haa..

last fri trg was boring.. din do much.. i trained less den an hour? but the last 5 min was like disastrous.. ran n did some weird stuff.. dunno hu went to invent.. me n tiff still so ren zhen do when wongie say do 1 set can le. we go do 2.. goodness..we must be nuts.. after tt we all ache la.. me tiff ah da vien.. wahaha.. couldnt even leave the court.. got to wait till uncle come chase us.. took so long to bathe.. doing some massage before bathing..
n e shampoos we invested lost.. haa.. so many somemore.. den got to share 1 small bottle for 5 of us.. we so scared not enough.. but well as believers we believe tt God will provide if we trust.. like how he did by breaking 5 breads to feed 5000 n still have leftovers.. haa... n we were praying before we bathe.. woo.. getting all so holy yea? so happy..
n our new theme song.. MIGHTY TO SAVE by hillsong.. really really v nice.. meaningful too..

oh ya n seet.. i know u r like trying ur best to push us to do wad we can do.. n u really doing a great job already k.. tt 2 games we played is ur zuo ping.. don worry so much tt u r not doing enough.. u r already doing more den enough.. training us now n still need to train.. busy eh?? haa.. plus all the nice 'naggings'.. it really works cux its bo bian den we have to listen n keep it.. cux u will drill non stop by all ur Q n A.. haha.. thank God for gracescy=) thou i always bully u but u know i don mean it.. haa =p

went FOP with gang.. think its good.. thou similar like my church but somehow its better.. teared once Don Moen sang the 1st song.. "Think about His Love" .. the lyrics just kept running thru my brains n making me realise so much.. all de great things happening now is all cux of Him.. my sch work.. my team.. everything.. really miss soaking into God's presence like last time.. i can have the world but its not complete without You being in it..
-How could i forget Your love?-

after FOP supper-ed at mac den we all went over vien hse to ton.. good day out with gang.. really cherishing all e time we spent together.. every single thing we do.. all e prayers before game.. ah da prayer before sleep.. before shower.. thou we may have differnt spiritual backgrounds n traditions but its de same purpose.. same destiny.. n i believe we gonna help each other grow more n more alright?
love u guys to bits.. =)

having exams this whole week.. dunno wad to study.. don feel like also but sometimes i don have a choice.. reports so far v good don wan let my don wan study mood bring down my grades.. tue to sat exams n i will be free!! whee~~

received a heartwarming msg from dear.. aiyo so busy with stuff till got no time to chat since she's gone.. but am missing her so much still.. nights chip!!

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:28 PMFriday, August 04, 2006

finally my everything is submitted.. all my reports and individual journals.. shiok-ness..
next week is exam n den my sem ends le.. how nice man..
after my exam week my course got this weird thing called celebration of learning week where they will ask the grps with the best reports to present their report.. n my grp is chosen.. wahaha so does tt mean my grp is the best..
sad to say we r not.. is just tt got this grp chosen for 2 subjects so they r taking one n my teacher nominated us for the other one.. he thinks tt our powerpoint presentation is good.. maybe the way we present also.. but just not e best.. haha.. i don wanna present la.. so pai sei.. i sure nervous like dunno wad donkey.. somemore all lecturers will be there and the course manager n stufff.. aiyo.. my heart cannot handle man..

anw i m like waiting for trg to come den can leave n go sch.. tiff they all in my hse but ALL sleeping.. only bel eating.. yest we vs kebun bahru.. lost 3-1.. all the sets were like 26-24 kinda score.. all thanks to the referee who took 3-4 pts EACH set.. sir was like blasting off his bench n screaming..(after tt he ask us not to get affected cux he say is his strategy..)?? got this ridiculous ball where they spike aeroplane out n tiff just jump but it flew past her hand so can anybody imagine how out is tt.. but tt linesman woman to be exact says tt its a touch out.. my goodness.. flared all of us up.. tt is confirm not a touch out.. we touch we wun be so unreasonable la.. but those kind obviously din even touch la.. n the referee simply give his judgement by the expression of the players.. pple say touch out he say touch out.. pple say out he also say out.. some is he saw us yeah so loud den give us the pts.. but we know its out.. but we just anyhow scream.. den all the touch net one he catch wrong side.. we like forever touching it can.. haiyo.. y m i tlaking so much bout tt young kid.. he only 17 yrs old can.. cost us 1 game.. thanks boy n girl.. for swearing to me tt its a touch out.. wad can u use to swear with my team? ur cock eyes?? xiang ting says she will buy for u a specs next time.. hahaha..

yest was like really really a good match..some said tt we could have won not for the referee.. but we also din bao wo la.. was leading with scores like 18-8 den in the end just lost the whole thing.. super wasted super super wasted.. but it was really a good fight.. we lost beautifully.. haa n also after the game i keep on staring at the referee den i say HI to him den he so pai seh.. den he 2nd game doing linesman den i walk over say better LOOK properly.. got one part damn funny.. he was swinging his flag and the flag came off the stick.. n he din know la.. den my team mate go tell him.. goodness.. me n bel they all were just nice sitting right behind him n we were laughing our heads n lungs out.. super loud can.. like across the court also can hear.. haha.. purposely or not hu cares.. cux he is blacklisted.. den the more senior referee were like walking n talking to us... den i tell him pls go train tt youngster properly den he just laugh.. he still say we could have won but tt xiao didi dunno la.. i was liek thanks ah.. n they kept chasing us for the referee money(45x4) bucks.. m paying for such referees? hahaha die also don pay.. haha..

but still good job team.. we really play v well le.. applying everthing our captain told us.. n tiffany loh.. u r liek so cool.. cant stand it.. may not be like fantastic to pple but at least to us tt is a v big improvement.. well done.. ah da jia you alright.. be mentally stronger.. u died-ed with ur mentally yest.. n jean i know u regretted gg there to play but no matter wad circumstances u must stand up above the others k.. no matter how pple pin point u but u must believe u can do it de.. ur play is for God to see n not for ur players to see.. must know tt always.. don give up k..

i really wanna thank God for everything yesterday.. all the amazing things You did in the court.. got this part when seet was spiking n the 183 girl block but din block it back it din touch out n up as well it just went right thru her arms n fall down the net. den seet was like tt is God's power.. which is like so right.. the strength for tt ball is so huge n forceful.. surely not by her strength..

thank GOD for everything!!

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 4:36 PM

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.:: About Me ::.
Name: debbie Teo
Age: 17
Birthday: 18 Oct 1988
School: Temasek Poly, Business
Likes: Volleyball,Pool, Cookies(my guitar), Cream(my another guitar), VoVo( my rabbit), Tommy (my bicycle), Orange colour and basically BABBLING!!
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