Thursday, July 27, 2006

sharon flew back already.. how fast.. manage to spend a little time with her in the morn before i go to sch.. well.. we left each other with a hug n one of my tear roll down my cheek.. couldnt ctrl at tt moment..

had my first presentation.. n the marketing executive of IKEA was there.. cux our report was on IKEA n stuff.. n when we saw him all shock n den nervous like dunno wad.. is like stress-ed.. somemore it was our 1st presentaiotn out of the 4 n we seem to be the only class hu got him.. i screwed up when it was my turn.. words just cant come out at the start but after a while it was alright.. gan jiong a little but still manage to say all tt i need to say.. n tt LOSER of my grp was like so nervous la.. still can say pple.. n for e peer evalutaion i fail them.. i don think they deserve to pass by contributing nothing..

finished 3 presentations already.. din do tt well for it.. but anw is just a small % tage of 10.. n its like a cfm pass thing once u present.. so.. haha.. not tt difficult..

yest had friendly with volleysports.. played 3 sets.. 2-1.. we lost.. 2nd set was 30-28 man.. so wasted.. was rather happy with everyone's play.. lost a few silly mistake.. like really silly kind.. will try harder next time.. sorry dudes..

after trg went to eat with gang n rong.. after tt me bel n vien n rong went mangosteen.. vien was super high.. shes like crazy talking nonsense non stop n doing silly stuff.. hahaha.. we had lotsa fun swing.. super high kind.. haa.. almost died in the hands of vien n bel when they swing..

alright next up some exciting stuff.. when we were cycling off to mac tt bel performed some stunt n left a scar on my face.. she asked me to cycle first n she will hop on.. i din know she is like carrying 2 big bag n holding 1 shoe bag n how on earth is she gonna jump onto the stand? can anyhow pls tell me?? haa obviously she cant balance n i cant brake if not she will fall.. n low n behold the grip for my handle (the part where u hold the bike n cycle) slip out.. the whole rubber thing came out n obviously i cant double balance with one inbalance woman behind me.. n so i fell.. i wanted to throw bike to the right n jump left.. but only manage to do 1 n tt was to fall left n the bike threw left too.. so when i open my eyes my face was on the handle.. n i can feel the bruise already.. so now its like a bruise..n den a scar... =( they said it's not a cut.. its abrasion(dunno how to spell tt)
so now i have a v shuai plaster on my face.. like went gang fight like tt.. hahah..
n tt bel is feeling so guilty.. haa.. well i accept ur apology which u made to the public.. but tt scar will be there for u to see forever.. hahaha..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 5:38 PMTuesday, July 25, 2006

finally i found some time to blog.. my tagboard so happening eh? over tommy n mickey.. wahhaa.. so silly!

last whole week was chionging reports week.. 4 reports due.. n i 1 person do 1.. they 5 do 1.. haa.. cool eh? i din kei kiang or wad man.. they were just so assured tt i could handle it myself.. hmm.. well.. the other 3 of them help me a little here n there.. 2 others just forever asking me how? can do? only ask no actions.. n i have no time to sit down n explain wad can they do cux firstly.. there is nothing they can do when they don read their text.. secondly they have no idea what is gg on for tt subject n lastly i don wan waste time on such pple hu think so highly of themselves as efficient jus by finishing the easiest powerpt slides which holds no weightage n touch nothing on reports..LOSERS!! ok enough on them cux i will mark them DOWN during peer evaluation.. wahaha.. e other 4 pf us plan to do the same.. so all e best man.. haa.. ok enough of them..

last week was an emotional week man.. many stuff happening.. with my gang my team etc.. dunno wad to do but well just letting it be over n don care n it will be fine i guess.. had some good advice from dear.. things getting better now when i jus try to look at it from another angle.. =)
last tuesday
thou my project meetings were like 11-6 everyday but i still manage to squeeze tuesday out for dear.. we went to chinatown buy some cheap n legal cds. den went to PS to walk arnd n bought some stuff from Yamaha n ate KFC.. cux she say over there she don eat fast food cux no sauce n she was craving for tt since she came back so... we went to have kfc.. thou my pt was like we hao bu rong yi meet up n have one day to ourselves u wanna eat kfc?! but well haha.. its ok.. kai xin jiu hao.. its the time spent togetther tt matters.. somehow tt day feel so short.. before i even realise its already time to head home..
den on thurs was ah da bday.. so i went to meet them after i m dismiss from my project meeting.. ah da's idea to go simei eat this dunno wad cafe.. thou none of us agree but she violently insist so bo bian she bday girl.. finally travelled there.. guess wad?? its closed.. so sway cux its like nv close before den tt day close.. only tt day somemore.. haa.. so got to travel back to tamp to eat.. but before we left we drank bubble tea from each-a-cup.. haa like a died-ed shop right but its revived again at eastpt.. we ate ajisen.. had a little heart to heart talk.. trying to adjust each other's emotions for being good friends in a team.. not good friends its buddies.. theres many things we do not understand n theres alot things we said its hard to deny.. but well we came to a conclusion tt we r v dependent n sticky to each other.. v hard for any of us to go out n v hard for anyone to come in.. being too emotional in the court is our weakness.. we fall together.. we don play well together.. we buay song together.. its like link natuarally? we din plan for it but it just happen like tt.. seet i know u dunno wad to do neither do i.. guess we just need time to step out of this comfort zone.. sometimes even i m not willing to step out wad more e rest? its like step out aready will get shoot down any moment..sigh.. dunno how come play a ball can play till like tt.. so fu zha so luan.. but still i must tt this gang really make my day.. when we r together theres like little, close to no sadness.. just be who we really are towards one another is so comfortable.. having a grp of friends is easy.. but having all of them close to ur heart always is not easy.. lotsa commitments to be given into e friendship.. lotsa sacrifice to make for one another.. really thank GOD for this gang of people who kept me going on n on for the team.. tired but for them its worth.. things will get better n better..=)
sharon wanna go back shs to visit the teachers.. so went went abck early in the morn 930.. she's like some hot star there.. everyone knows and adore her.. haha.. i was just blending into the background.. went back to tp to do some editing n den submit my precious.. u know like how precious when u do it urself.. staying up till 6am for 3days just to do it.. n the teacher say tt its good work.. she like.. n den u submit it into the box.. those kinda feeling is like whoooo.. i was like free!! big burden off my heart..
went over vien hse in e morn cux night time celebrating ah da bday again.. dunno how come she so special 2 times.. next time i wan many mnay times also.. haha.. her friends made it good for her.. so ah da better be happy.. n her speech was so funny n cute n heart-warming.. her wish was like everybody be healthy n happy?? hahha.. such a wei da wan.. n she said it with like no voice cux of the loss of voice flu she got from jian ming.. haha so shouldnt u be healthy first before u say ur wish.. haa.. n yah she said something like da jia kuai gao zhang da(something lik faster grow n be more sensible) den ah tiff was like "wo ke yi bu yao zai zhang le ma?" hahahah
this monday met up with rong bel seet xt shuqin n sharon at some Can Cafe at bugis.. haa weird combi thou.. sat there n chat a little but cant stand the drowsy atmosphere it gives.. n seet was drunk for a while.. haha.. moved on to V8 for dinner.. den watsons for shopping..den starbucks for coffee..not much common topic to talk about.. just talking in small grps.. headed home bout 11.. dear came over to book air tickets.. flying off tml(WED)!! so fast.. after tt she went home n i went to find bel they all at mangosteen.. dunno wads with tt place but once we r together we sure go there.. seet fave place..haa.. was a little moody there.. sigh.. pretty obvious cux dear gg back.. happy she came back but when its time to go its hard to part.. everything was like so fast.. she's back for bout 2 weeks but its like a zoom zoom feeling.. din have much time with her.. just those little little ones.. thou this return was an unplanned trip but the feeling of not seeing her for another 5 months is just so sad.. shes flying tml 715pm.. wanna go send her off but having friendly.. if only i can just MIA for a while.. will i cry? pls don.. don wanna do it infront of so many pple.. so nerves pls ctrl urself.. i will miss u dearly my dear friend.. everyday was a good day since u came back.. thou there was a little bit of change of treatment to other pple but tt is like only a few days thing.. not valid after ure gone.. so pple pls understand..waiting for u to come back in dec.. tt will be a longer stay den this one.. take care when ure back alright.. take care of germy too.. thou she is v hard to take care.. esp when she whines.. but she is cute in all ways.. haa.. will miss u lots here.. big big hug to u.. muackx!! dale will miss chip lots lots de..!!

*n i m so piss cux i upload bout 2hrs all my pics n cannot show.. roar!!

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 6:54 PMMonday, July 17, 2006

whoo.. seems like blogging is a weekly thing to me now.. no time at all to even sit here to blog.. rather spend the time doing my projects..

wasnt suppose to announce this secret but thing now its ok..


hee.. so happy la can..
she tried to surprise but fail.. she tried to ask aaron to call me on fri night, the night she came back.. saying his sis got her friend to pass me something den ask me where am i.. but i was at ECP.. after putting down the phone.. den i saw sharon/aaron hse no appearing again n this time dear was on the line.. she tried to con me saying she's in aust.. is the line got problem tts y show her hse no.. n i was like hais.. knew as much.. how can she be back.. but hahah... when she say "bluff u la.. i'm at home now.. just came back today" i was like ?????.. dunno wad to say.. lost for words.. but hehehe.. met her for a while bout 1am..
came back at the right time.. right time to heal my emotions.. all my fan nao n sorrows.. but this period is all my project submission .. hardly can have 1 full free day to go out.. n she's like fully book already.. she sad i sad but bo bian.. but still i super happy la she's back.. even thou gg back soon but its like better den nothing.. at last i get to see her.. msg her everyday.. n hopefully go out together.. jus both of us.. so long since we did tt.. spending time with each other.. but she's gg to go back soon.. tts like the sadest part man.. n its soon.. so pls.. give me more free time k..
i've did nothing but projects... intensive meetings.. did nothign much i feel thru out all meetngs.. having internal conflict.. today give peer evaluation n the 2 free loaders saw how low they got cux they went to peep.. den they so bu shuang n start digging out wad they've done.. but its like not alot.. how to even compare.. thou i feel a bit bad also for giving little.. but they really din do much.. esp 1 of them is sooooo irritating.. even tiff they all don like him.. haa...
things not moving v smoothly for me.. projects are like stressing my brain cells out.. some issues i felt so unfair for.. discuss with some of them n all think e same.. but when will the truth be told? when will the work be seen? when will the glory come in? sigh..
submitted 2 projects today.. 2 more on friday.. meeting everyday till everything is submitted.. so dear.. where to find any time to go out the whole day.. sigh sigh sigh..
maybe one day shld take a leave n run away from EVERYTHING.. projects + .........!!
but still DEBBIE TEO LI MIN is sooooo HAPPY that SHARON TEO LI MIN is BACK!!!

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 8:53 PMSunday, July 09, 2006

1 week gone like tt..

projects almost everyday.. 4 big reports to submit next 2 weeks.. n we r so far away.. somebody in my grp is pissing me off big time.. think he v good.. little contribution during meeting den infront teacher say all e model ans.. wad is this? shut ur gap la.. loser!don even give pple chance to ans.. n u don say my frens la.. u're just a piece of?? rag?? wadever u wan la.. dirty fellow..

sigh. feeling super moody now la.. dunno y also.. think too tired from the comp this noon.. sun drained all my energy.. now is 12 am.. waiting for 3 am to come den i can watch portugal vs germany.. den sleep 1 hr.. den wake up go beach again.. think i m siao la.. den next day same thing.. tml 3am.. italy vs france.. how long can my body last man.. i wan support france but tt stinky fellow supporting france like siao.. so i think i no choice switch to italy.. but still hoping france will win.. haa..

tml carol n klang not gg beach.. so left me n bel.. n really only 2 of us.. so lonely like dunno wad donkey... sigh..

n my shoulders n arms so burnt cux i nv apply sunblock spf 130.. (gey kiang) i just anyhow spread a bit on my arm den nv even it.. so now one patch super burnt n another patch super white.. super chou..

n i bought my tommy junior already.. but something wrong with it le.. need to repair it.. nv check properly when i buy.. now got to cycle all e way back to pasir ris to check the wheel..sian ness..

n to germy.. flying off on mon le hor.. so fast.. din had chance to spend some quality time with ya before u fly.. but rest assure i will miss u de.. n somemore u gg there to look for dear so i know u will be in good hands but poor dear.. hahhaa.. must take care of urself there le k.. on ur own already.. no more daddy mummy to be there for u to whine to le.. no more ah ma there to cook good food for u also.. no more maid to clean n pack ur stuff.. just urself n of course dear.. so u gotta grow up n be independent for once.. n pls pls wise up k.. don believe in everything tt pple say.. don be so innocent le cux the world is not as nice as wad u thought.. unless u enter a world of holy pple if not its hard..haa.. theres no regrets now on whether shld u go not.. u chose it so just got to make the best out of it yea? love ya always n will miss u lots de..

n dear.. heard some 'bad news' from rong.. sigh i also dunno wad to say.. i surely feel it for u also.. know u're sad n perhaps y i m also.. but u just got to hang on tight.. believe n have e faith to press on.. i know u know wad is best for u.. theres many things e world don understand n look at it from another angle n just keep asking u why.. i don need to ask u why cux i know all e answers to e why.. i also dunno wad to hope for.. nothing but e best for u.. miss u loads here.. loads loads loads..

Jer 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"

Hug HUg Dear..
baby CHIP is flying over a few days time..
hug it and think of baby DALE every day..

Baby CHIP n Baby DALE!!

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:09 AMSunday, July 02, 2006

lotsa things happening these few weeks.. nothing big but just many.. catching almost all the world cup games.. supporting brasil n now they're out.. sigh sadness.. world champion but not in top 4.. the ball really round anything can happen..

had the first meeting with the team last week.. no comments cux i find it no point.. but at least i said wad i wanna say all these while.. many things pointed out were ridiculous.. but some were really worth taking note of.. pple always judge in their own point of view without getting facts right.. without seeing how much effort others r putting in.. well hope everything will start afresh next week on..

yest played my last game for the VAS open.. was doin scoring half way den ah da come tell me our game next.. haa quickly go get change.. not warm up or prepared at all.. already told everyone i'm gonna lose the game.. anw its 5th or 6th so its no pt.. 6 my no somemore.. haa.. ah da i know ur no is 5 but opps.. hahah.. losing is easier den winning.. haa.. n e sun was buring hot.. real hot.. cant even keep my feet on e ground.. really wanna play faster n end it.. haa.. dunno y play this comp also.. shld have just concentrate on doin scoring only den at least i get my full day pay.. n not half day pay.. so miserable la e half day pay.. met the opponent 3 times.. no xing sian gan.. din get to play with other teams to make my registration fee worth.. haa.. thou i know sure lose.. cux my partner is ah da.. n ah da partner is me.. so will lose.. haha..

don call us loser just cux u good.. its just a leisure game for us.. aimed nothing from e start.. no need so serious.. n like i said.. ball is round.. anything can happen..even my brasil is out of world cup(man tt cant be).. esp in an outdoor situation.. n for ur a case a special situation which made everyone comment on it.. haa.. n u haven seen us play.. ok not me.. i got nothing to see.. lousy skills i admit..maybe not tt bad afterall? but my ah da is not bad.. her attitude n cheerfulness n ah da-ness push her skill up another level.. at least i m happy playing with her.. always smiling.. unlike... n she nv fail to show funny actions like her pek chek ness when she cant spike over.. wahhaha..

next 2 weeks gonna be at the beach again.. playng ntuc with bel next week.. haa.. more fun stuff coming up.. i know wun win.. but haha.. for all e fun its worth.. shall see how well can we pei he.. cux we simply mix too much together tt we know wads on each other brain cells.. shall name our team name banana in pyjamas.. den we jus keep banging into each other den will know wad we thinking le.. haa.. n following week got ripcurl.. might or might not be playing.. but not playing also shld be gg to do scoring.. tt wan earn more.. need money for new tommy.. dear ask me name it tom.. wahhaa.. no xing xian gan la.. n anybody wanna sponsor me? few bucks also good.. klang.. come on.. its just 4.50 + 0.40.. don niao sai!

tp sending 2 teams for open.. everybody is playing.. happy for all.. but is everyone happy? not tt i know of.. esp sorry to my dear friend.. rem eve told me before.. "Rmb.. u cannot pls everyone.. u can nv make everyone happy" haa.. tts how she made it.. making those around her hu appreciates as happy as they can.. wish to do e same but...
open shld be in august.. 1st or 2nd week is my exams n all project submission n presentation.. so nobody shld be as stress as me other den my dear captain.. forever stress.. 24/7.. its part of her life le.. haa..
really hope tt e team will be a better one from wed on.. no more internal n unknown stuff pls cux i cant handle it anymore.. i think for u u think for me.. hen hao.. a better tml i pray O Lord..

hmm.. think tts bout it.. kinda long.. n all were type when i'm in a sad mood.. the loss of tommy.. n e loss of seeing brasil in world cup.. apologise for anything said which i think theres none..

--PRESS ON!!--

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:16 PM

TOMMY IS GONE!!!!!!!!!
e donkey hu took it sure cycle n fall cux TOMMY don like u!!!
ROAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 5:52 PM

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.:: About Me ::.
Name: debbie Teo
Age: 17
Birthday: 18 Oct 1988
School: Temasek Poly, Business
Likes: Volleyball,Pool, Cookies(my guitar), Cream(my another guitar), VoVo( my rabbit), Tommy (my bicycle), Orange colour and basically BABBLING!!
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