Wednesday, May 31, 2006

dear ah.. starting to miss u again.. we may be on e phone chatting every week but just miss u being here with me.. i dont want to get used to life with u not being here with me cux it aint nice n it cant be done.. my goodnight msges aint heading anywhere.. my sorrows n happiness used to be poured out 24/7 but now it cant be done.. sigh.. wish tt u can come back soon.. like real soon..

mid term is like next week?!? totally no time..
thur.. game with AMK 7pm
fri.. end sch 1.. go church for youth emerge conference from 7-1030 pm
sat.. go church from 1.. end 830pm
sun.. 9am-130 aljunied-hougang invitational cup
130-330 captains ball finals at church (champ team $500 food voucher.. woohoo)
5-830 church
go home sleep
mon to sat mid term test.. all 9-10am.. sian.. how to study like tt..
mon stil got game with CHIJ at 745pm.. n next day got the most impt paper.. most things to memorise kind..
am i like DOOM?!?!

last week did this SPSS class test..
n guess wad??
I GOT an A!!
first time in my poly life i heard myself getting an A!! haa.. truly amazing.. thou its like majority got A and these kind either A or F(minority) n i always will go into e minority kind.. but nonono.. not anymore..
i am a changed person!!
i will score well for exams this time round thou i got NO TIME to study.. but ahhaha.. i found the mi fang to score well.. n tt is don study too hard.. cux u will get opposite result.. just abit here n there can rmb more instead.. hahah
n i hope i will improve my 1.5 GPA.. opps.. is tt like low until cannot low.. tts y i say sure go up.. at least 1.51? haha

wahahahah.. **pat on my shoulders**

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:03 PMMonday, May 29, 2006

realise i m blogging like once a week?! haa.. i still can see other people blogs n think y this fellow so long nv blog.. haa.. one week just zoom zoom zip zip zap zap away like tt? how can it till i cant rmb wad i do other den gg sch, den home, trg den home..

had trg on fri w/o seet n xt.. haa.. feels like how issit gonna be for next yr when they r gone.. but was a good time for the youngsters to bond.. had fun with the newbies and gang.. went mac for dinner with gang.. klang dave n ai was there too for supper.. haa.. weekly hang out day man.. without fail we sure meet every fri.. hhaha.. but tt day wan was short cux someone was drunk.. klang went my hse to stay den e next day go shs trg.. youth cup team trg.. hmm.. was not too bad.. but v tired already.. had trg on fri den slept so late.. woke up so early.. den still got church on sat noon.. really cant keep awake man.. after church eat den go home den zzz le.. woo.. was a good night rest..

woke up early this morning for cell grp at 10am.. left bout 1130 am for game.. game was delayed badly.. when we reached there boys still playing n we r e 4th game of e girls game.. feels good playing once again with the gang.. its like shs days..praying b4 game.. with wong on e bench etc.. won our first game.. not bad considering we nv played together for so long.. eileen sick until v sick.. went into A&E.. think she fainted in e morn or something.. din come for our game.. God bless my team mate=)

all in all i wanna thank God for the victory.. ah da n vien were lik nervous b4 game which got me worried.. haa.. but thank God they were v calm when e game started.. tiff was so irritated with the small shirt esp the short sleeve.. i was so irritated with the big shirt esp e long sleeve.. haa.. but thank God din affect much during game.. Thank God that we all played well with no injuries other den my lousy back ache.. but seems like its gone now..
thank God for everything..

i am so tired now.. just finished one assignment to be handed in tml.. one more to go by thur.. super tired when got to think n think n think.. next week exams.. but so no time to study.. got matches, got assignments to be submitted.. got church emerge conference which take up from fri to sun.. haa.. but on e other hand like nothing much to study.. i think i can just crap my way thru.. hopefully is less on theory.. more on thinking.. haa..

alright.. to be updated when i have e time..

goodnight world..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 1:51 AMMonday, May 22, 2006

fri: lect was cancelled when i was out of hse.. before i climb e bridge saw my fren walking down n she said cancelled.. wah.. seh man.. thou my hse is near but tts not e pt.. matter of fact i woke up early n bathe n prepare go sch den like tt.. haa.. alright.. cant imagine those hu come from AMK or TPY or all e tuas area places n den realise lect cancel.. haa.. think they will just burn down e sch.. wahahah.. had trg or rather some weird friendly.. opponent only got weirong guili n bel.. haha.. but was fun.. 1st 2 sets played super badly.. think both under 15.. all of us were practically sleeping i think.. not really functioning.. after we woke up.. woah.. we won e rest of e sets.. had dinner at techno.. den dear called n she spoke to weirong.. when its like my call?? ahha.. but i got her to call me back when i was done with dinner.. den went ECP mc cafe with david n chew ai agian.. almost wanted to go to e jetty but phew.. i strongly objected.. but still got home like 330am..

sat: woke up early morn go shs for youth cup trg.. not so bad but heard some unpleasant stuff which we could not be bothered to clear nor explain or argue e "thoughts".. anw train a while den played with the B girls.. we wanted to show them wad is team spirit.. they r just crap.. thinking tt they r so good n stuff.. n hey.. to get team spirit u don need to play more friendly starts from within.. get it into ur brains.. don go on e wrong path if not answer e consequences urself.. nobody to blame.. went swensen for lunch with gang den went vien hse to slack.. wanted to go beach but they dont wan so its off.. evening time went home den prepare go cell grp.. after tt went to meet rong n bel to havoc.. like wad havoc is tt? haha.. totally no where to go.. no transport to go anywhere either.. only ate at 7-11 n mac.. den gossip a little.. stayed at interchange mac till bout 3plus.. den we felt tt since its near 4 might as well just wait till breakfast time.. but they don wan tt mac anymore so decided to walk to e wan near my place to have bf.. haha.. i was dead tired already.. eyes couldnt open brain wasnt functioning.. not even listening to wad they were saying.. ate hotcakes but was plain..cant taste anything.. hahah den after eating it just felt like i've accomplish something big n i can finally take a rest so i slept there.. walked home with rong with my eyes closed.. woah.. such good sense of direction i have *pat on my shoulder*.. hahah.. n sombody refuse to wait for a few mins for 6am to avoid midnight charge n ended up paying so much for cab fare.. wahaha.. but it was really a fun havoc.. just to fulfil ur dream of being a pai kia for a night.. but don be pai kia so often k.. bad for my health.. suffering loss of sleep..

sunday is e day i go church.. woke up late.. so took cab there.. was like dozing off man.. my left n right also dozing off man.. haha not tt it was boring.. but it was pretty chim cux its something bout da vinci code.. something bout y pple ask e christians to ban it but he din agree.. was really a nice msg but too bad my brain just cant absorb much today.. svc ended bout 2 den slack at si hse den go back bout 4 for photoshoot.. its for the captains ball finals my team got into n e photos were for in case we become e champ.. wahaha.. theres like 11 teams in e finals.. n winning it is no joke.. kinda a big thing in church.. wonder wad will e prizes be.. hope its cash.. but doubt so cux they say its sports stuff vouchers.. haa ok la better den nothing.. next 2 weeks busy like dunno wad bumblebee.. sun start of youth cup 1st game.. 3 games in total for 1st round..but fixture not bad cux i somewhat arrange with wong..asked him to avoid our exams as much as possible.. haa.. den some competition held by aljunied hougang csc on e 4th june.. e day of my finals for captains ball too.. 5th june start mid sem.. 1-4th june emerge youth conference in church.. no time to study at all for e few days b4 e papers.. got to start like now? which is so hard n impossible.. 2 assignment due on 2 june.. aiyo.. busy like e bumblebee in e beehive..

n for now its 3 am n i m sooo tired already.. slept less den 4hours every night.. tt may seem alot to some but its seriously too little cux a kid like me need 8 hours of sleep daily.. 8 cups of water daily.. n visit the toilet 8 times.. alright.. its all crap..

i like this song tt person sing.. wow..

goodnight BB.. rest well ah.. tml wake up at 10am.. now 330am.. 10am minus 330am = 630am.. woah.. not 8hr but near.. good try..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 3:24 AMThursday, May 18, 2006

whoo.. today seem to be a long day.. watch soccer last night.. arsenal vs barcelona.. like heh like tt... haha.. watch till 430am cannot tahan den zzz.. woke up kinda late.. bout 830.. den rush go bathe den go sch.. met some teammies pass them loa form den went class..

today was tt bala lesson.. last week he was mad.. this week he's under my ctrl.. wahha.. he's like giving me so much attention can.. he keep thinking i got lotsa qns to ask so he kept on"yes debbie?? yes debbie??" haa.. den i was like nothing nothing.. was like super high in his lesson.. so when i m high hahah hu can take it.. not even bala.. haha.. n i finally met my challenger.. aaron from my class.. hes like same as me la.. talking nonsense non stop.. my frens say we r like mirror.. he say something i shoot back kinda thing.. haha.. n today my grp present sooo well.. bala was like praising non stop.. wahaha.. so i pretended to be participative to give my grp a better image.. wahaha..

his lesson was 9-11am.. den after tt met bel.. den go shs trg.. i think i must be mad to do tt.. cux reached there 1115 n they end 1230.. n sir was mad!! he's like scolding non stop.. one drill do soo long.. don even think its effective on them la.. kao.. waste time sia.. only pepper a little with bel den go eat..

ok e eating part.. ate at KFC opp TP.. the service was like HORRID!! heres e story.. this malay lady was taking my orders.. den i said i wan drum n breast only.. crispy.. den she say don have breast only all wings n drum.. den i was like huh.. so i ask can i wait? she was like NO?!? cux she say chickens there v limited.. they don fry it so often.. i was like huh?!? wad crap man.. den i said ok.. give me original den.. den before i can start on my chicken the new batch of crispy chickens were out la.. i was like what the??? so i don care brought there n requested for a change for my original piece.. den she was like "sorry.. chickens served out cannot be exchanged.. " this time the manager saw n shes a malay too.. she was kind initially n told her worker something like its ok..bla bla bla.. den e manager went to changed it for me n she came back with 2 breast 1 crispy 1 original.. i was like eh.. "i dont wan e original i wan crispy" den she was like explaining to me by right food served out r not to be exchanged.. den i(kinda unhappy tone trying to intimidate her) " BUT JUST NOW I ASK HER CAN I WAIT FOR THE CHICKENS INSTEAD N SHE SAID NO CUX THEY WILL NOT BE FRIED TT SOON" n i gave her some hand sign like look wads there.. the freshly fried chickens.. she was like ok so she went to change n this time she returned with 1 original drum n crispy breast.. i was like "EXCUSE ME!! I WAN BOTH CRISPY"

can anybody tell wads wrong over here?? r my instructions not clear or they just don understand wad i want!! crap la.. poor poor svc.. esp now after i m in marketing, every thing seem to be from a diff pt of view.. u don even have e patience to satisfy my need, no right to even be in this market man.. don u know tt a dis-satisfied customer will tell 7 out of 10 pple.. n a satisfied customer will just keep quiet.. see the power of a CUSTOMER?!?! n look how many pple is reading this? haa.. everyone take note.. e KFC opp TP provides poor svc.. haa.. ok other den the other lady hu served bel n e nice cleaner.. other den tt.. u're lousy at satisfying e need of a consumer.. BLEAH!!

alright after tt service i received.. went home bathe n go sch again.. went to take e sch bus to the beach volley clinic thing.. oh my e clinic was like playing beach la.. i thought is sit there listen n just play a little.. how i know is they teach n den play on e spot.. most of us were like super not prepared. i was wearing miz pants.. soo hot.. but had fun man with my new teammies.. hahah.. n e swiss guys r tall huge n handsome handsome handsome.. haha.. esp one.. whoohooo.. at least they made e trip worth.. e whole clinic only got e 10 TP-ains.. haa.. so it was like our trg kinda thng.. haha.. if we rejected n not go cant imagine wad will happen sia.. haha.. e thing was 4-6.. n our bus uncle can only come at 740.. wah seh.. in e end after we washed up n stuff me bel n ah da took e tram to n fro in siloso beach.. haa.. 4 times in total.. 8 times up n down.. took from 630 to 730.. haha.. we were making whole lot of noise behind.. n we saw some popular GAYS!! haa not sure issit them but i guess so.. ah da say so.. so i was like shouting "hu's tt GAY over there?? hahaha.. with some of my stupid slang.. freaking funny.. demo to u all next time..

e tram uncle was extremely friendly.. hahah.. everytime reach one end of the stop he will walked all e way to e back n chat with us.. 1st time he came i was like yoyoyo with him n using all my crappy slang.. haha.. n he was asking wad country m i from?? haha.. oh my i don have e typical singaporean look?? wahah.. he thot i was some kind of ABC or wad.. wahah.. we took photos non stop.. some he took for us n some he took with us.. super on uncle man.. hes like grandpa age can.. wahahha..

e pics he took for us..

e pic he took WITH us!!

guess where him?? hahaha yeah.. e 4 fingers behind us.. hahah.. cute right..

some pics we took on our 1hr tram ride..

uploading pics r so tiring.. more at bel's phone.. next time when i happier den i upload it..

tml trg or friendly.. sat morn trg at shs.. woohoo.. soo cool.. i love trgs.. i must be mad.. haha.. n hope this sat the whole gang can go beach together.. come on peeps.. fulfil me n bel's dream.. wahaha..

n before we depart with xiang i ask her wan give me a kiss? haa.. n she ran over to me n give me a big kiss on my lips.. i was like help!! wahaha.. n its a real big one.. she's mad, i'm mad.. no wonder we're w team.. all e mad pple.. whee~~

had a nice day!!!

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:04 PMWednesday, May 17, 2006

forgot to share with u all my embarrassing moment on e bus yest.. was travelling from ikea to dhoby ghaut on bus.. den i thot journey was long so i slept.. took out my slippers also to air my leg.. den when we reached i was like just woke up.. den i was helping my fren press e not working bell.. den delay my time in wearing my hard-to-wear slippers.. den it was double deck so all my frens quickly go down while i was still trying to put my leg below the strap, e next moment i look up they r all gone, already downstairs n my leg aint in tt slipper yet.. i only manage to wear one side so i held e other wan n ran down.. goodness.. i was sitting upstairs e behind somemore.. had no time to look at pple's stunning reaction.. haha den i gg down e stairs tt time e door closing.. so i quckly press e bel n jump out of tt bus.. so practically everyone saw me holding my one slipper on my hand n running bare footed..

wahahah... so pai seh man.. but still acted cool when i got down e bus.. thank goodness the bus stop nobody if not even worse..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:41 PMTuesday, May 16, 2006

i actually went out with my classmates today.. ooh.. pretty amazing.. but kinda no choice cux is some project outing.. n it was to IKEA.. hahaha.. was super tired cux was at bel place last night den this morn wake up den quickly chiong home bathe n go out meet them at 1130.. n some of them r late.. 3 of us reached earlier so we walked arnd in IKEA first.. so com-fy so home-ly so cosy.. e bed just kept calling out to me.. haha.. so many innovative stuff man.. but we dun even know our purpose for gg there.. my fren wanted it as a grp outing.. but we saw the whole class at IKEA also.. haa.. all doin e project.. they walk arnd they got so mnay things to write so many qns to ask.. but we? thinking shld buy this or that.. haha..

went to eat at their famous restaurant tt pple always talk about.. e daily special was GOOD!! e serving was huge.. e chicken was crispy n big n nice.. was telling them if my team-mates were here they will be so satisfied with it cux its BIG SERVING n CHEAP... hahah.. n i took a bite of their famous meatball.. goodness me.. the beef taste was sooo strong.. yucks.. nobody ate it too cux its nt tt nice.. n i paid 1buck for half a meatball.. had fun with them today walking arnd aimlessly.. they were only concerned which vase n flowers to buy for accrued mother's day gift..

n i just realised i got alot assignments due soon.. n i started on none.. my notes r like still everywhere.. haven organised yet.. shall go do it later.. gonna be soo busy for e next few weeks.. busy with all my assignments.. aiyo.. but i like it.. tt is den a poly student.. wahaha..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:25 PMSunday, May 14, 2006


boy oh boy.. i m never gonna mention the word JETTY ever again..

after svc last night.. we went airport for dinner.. POPEYE!! tt is much nicer den KFC man.. reached there bout 9pm n e place was OVER-FLOODED.. as in really overflow kind.. e queue was like longer den e MRT train.. we finally started eating at 10pm!! tts like 1 hr of waiting time.. n den popeye is famous for its fries n wad we got? some NTUC fries.. just those v normal kind u get at mac,bk,kfc.. cux they run out of e fantabulous fries so they went NTUC buy tt nonsense looking fries for e customer.. how dare they charge same px.. morons.. n e chicken chao da.. den e inside not cook..

ok nvm.. after tt chew ai had a wonderful idea.. she suggested gg mac for her mcflurry.. even thou we were soo full but we decided to go cux its like a very routine thing for me, chew ai, klang n david.. haha.. so klang went back get car den we go east coast park mac.. we were like dozing off after we ate wad we wanted so david suggested "LETS GO TO THE JETTY N SEE PPLE FISH!!"

as innocent n dumb we can be, we followed.. we thought its like walking distance.. MY FOOT!!
have u walked a walking distant for 1h30min?!?!! so stupid k.. stupid david kept saying reaching reaching.. we started walking at 130am.. at 230 he said reaching reaching.. look at most far away lamp post u can see n tts e JETTY!! pui~~

i've walked wad i need to walk for e year.. n laugh wad i need to laugh forever.. there's this cat couple mating infront of us can.. its like openly showing us.. the male was over e female n shaking n dancing.. wahahhaa.. i tried videoing it but too dark cant see.. wad a pity.. but i stopped there for so long to see.. wooo.. hahah.. e female was like screaming crying struggling.. but e male was like enjoying.. n got another male cat staring from afar.. goodness.. taking turns to rape tt poor chap.. EAST COAST PARK cats r so open-minded..

den we cont walking, sing song, explain to them e story of a blister.. no matter how much i crap.. how much i talk we never ever reach or even smell e JETTY.. so we decided to mark e end of our "awesome" night at this lamp post.. we were really sad not to cont cux we walked so far n we r suppose to reach soon but it was really tiring..

so at 3am we gave up our big dream..



we totally got no energy on our way back man.. n we ended doin silly stuff..

chew ai busy taking pics of the moon?? e sky? e air?? i also dunno.. klang was like taking a rest.. dunno wad david doin also.. he's trying to look retarded telling klang his grandpa story.. haa..

on our way back we saw this tombstone looking thing beside the lamp post.. hahah y issit there.. cux e person tried to walk to e JETTY too.. but did not even have a chance to turn back n died there.. wahahah.. n so so so mnay bicycles went pass us as we walked n we were like gg crazy.. i love tommy(my bike) so much now.. i realise the importance of it..

N finally we reached back where we started at 430am!!

we walked for 3 hrs!! no joke..

chew ai swear tt she is nv gonna ask for mcflurry ever again..

mention e word JETTY to me?? i will just punch right into ur face!!

but still i must say tt was a v memorable night.. but once is enough.. no more next time..

n this is wad ive got after a looong n tiring night!!!

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 3:23 PMFriday, May 12, 2006

hmmm.. i guess good day always follow after a bad day..
feeling gooder now..

last night went over seet hse to stay.. went like super late cuz bel just wanna get out of her hse so just go with her to seet hse even when we know tt her hse got NOTHING!! no games no entertainment no beds.. hahaha.. 3 of us slept on one normal size mattress.. i took a few hours to put myself to sleep cuz i cant find a comfortable position to sleep.. initially we were talking.. bout all e scary stuff.. had goosebumps all over.. haa.. den bel hungry so went out buy food come.. come back she eat one mouth den she go sleep already.. wad a pig.. hahah..

dunno wad me n seet doin but somehow we were still awake at 5am.. bel was trying hard not to snore but it din succeed at e end.. it was horrid!! haha ok not as bad as last time.. seet was suppose to wake up at 7 for her trg.. at 7am her alarm rang n i got a shock can?!?! it goes like tt.."WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!" (X 100 times).. it was freaking loud n irritating.. it went on n on for 5 min cux i totally cant be bothered to respond, bel too heard it but just tried our best to do selective hearing.. n tt seet din even hear anything la.. she's deaf like dunno wad.. after like 5 min when i cant stand it i was like whacking seet to wake up n go shut tt bloody thing up.. hahahha.. its actually zoe voice la recorded in e phone.. goodness.. it just went on n on cuz it was on snooze.. fainted can.. n from 7am it went on till 830am with the WAKE UP WAKE UP!! just feel like taking her phone n throw it down e window man.. hahahaha..

left her place bout 11.. went home bathe den went out meet tiff they all.. we went orchard buy slippers.. couldnt get the one i like cux no size.. so sad man.. so no choice bought e next best alternative..was choosing between e one tt i bought and another which only got 2 colours.. red n base n sole all white.. but tiff they all say this wan nicer so i bought lo.. still trying to like it.. haa.. its so hard to buy cux must perfectly fit ur leg.. n e colour n stuff so limited..

this is e one which i bought..

nice? still trying to like it man.. haha.. ah da bought black n white one.. den tiff bought e one i want! which same as this just tt strap is white.. jean poor thing.. her leg cant fit into any size cuz size 5 too small size 6 too big.. haha..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 6:25 PMThursday, May 11, 2006

u thought they gonna think like u? u're wrong..
u thought they r always there for u? u're wrong again..
u thought they know your feelings? u're wrong..

ur thinking is just too much of a burden to them..

oh man.. wads wrong with me?? having all e wrong thoughts..

i'm hurt do u know? i doubt so..

bad night yest.. missin dear so badly once again.. as in real bad.. sigh..

dear.. can u come back here n just give me a hug n tell me everything is alright??

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 8:03 PMSaturday, May 06, 2006

now its 3am.. i just had trg n before i can step into my hse.. klang called me go supper at airport n so i went.. so smelly can.. nv chnage or wad.. haahha.. but at least i was nice i went.. klang.. appreciate!!

today friendly was bad bad bad.. nothing went right.. everybody was just unhappy? moody? piss? stress? i dunno.. just negative stuff.. i certainly wasnt myself.. was too busy getting bu shuang with some pple.. everything was just so mess up.. nothing went right today la.. right from e start with me not bringing my pants to sch..

somehow after today, i learnt how to love n appreciate my teammies more.. not saying my own buds..think tt is needless to say, i love u guys n appreciate u all all along.. but more of the rest.. haa.. dunno how come will suddenly have those kinda thots.. maybe is cuz how one can be affected by how others act? dunno wad i saying also.. but just feel tt(addressing to my gang), we shld start opening up our comfort zone for others to enter.. me myself doin it alone cant help, they need u guys to really love n appreciate or even know their presence.. haa.. i know everything is so nice when we get together.. but lets work hard k to support this team up.. i told u pple from e start tt we r like e majority, so whatever we do or think or decide affect alot pple or things.. hmm maybe not alot.. just one?!?! one big one?? u know hu i meant right..

n my dear gang.. now tt we r back playing together again.. really do treasure every moment we have with one another k.. its really so rare to have all of us in e same sch after we graduate from one.. like i said just now, at e end of e day, we got to be prepared to see one or two of us on e bench.. but tt doesnt mean u don put ur heart into trg k.. we shld in fact put in double effort cuz at least u know u tried ur best.. e process is e thing tt matters more at this stage.. having one another by our side every trg to me is more impt now den anything.. without any one of u the atmosphere will just be diff.. think u all also can feel it right.. so we shld all jia you n support our "captain" as much as possible..she need some help.. haa.. just trust in e Lord for everything = )

n i can see tt ever since tt day on bus 8 back.. e pics we took really made us kinda express our appreciation with one another.. really man, from all e pics i can see joy n true friendship.. i mean wad can i ask for.. n bel, seeing u say so much really made me happy?!?!? hahh.. cuz all along we trying to appreciate each other silently?? now tt more words r spoken forth dont u guys feel even loved?? hahahh.. i really love "My Gang"!!

HapPiNess= Ah Da+Bel+Jean+ Tiff+Vien.. (hao kai xing you ni men.. ni men kai xing ma??)

N seet, thanks for trying to stay online for so long to wait for me.. haha.. but u r still kinda lousy to give up e moment i came in.. haha.. n look at e stuff i wrote up there.. shall make u have no regrets feeling attach to us k.. n y tt day u feel so sad bout all e stuff happening or gonna happen in e team? tt is cuz i think u already feel part of us le.. congrats!! but ok i know theres still mnay sad stuff gg on but we shall clear it one by one alright.. u just do ur best to lead n we sure will support.. at least e 5 of us n xiang.. tt is enough le!! hugs n stop being upset over e new team le.. see.. its new.. slowly step by step k.. hee..

i love gracescy( e team too).. appreciate u for all e stuff u doin for e team.. hugs.. =)

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 2:40 AMThursday, May 04, 2006

N oh ya!! go check out some nice pics from bel's blog( some laughing session i bet..

see bel i helping u promote ur new blog..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:37 AMWednesday, May 03, 2006

after you're gone.. friends come n go come n go.. i don even know who to be true to..don even know which is e one hu will stay n listen..(but at least theres 'them' hu really appreciate even with just e presence around, u know hu u r..
* hugs*)

always afraid of getting hurt at the end of e day after putting so much effort into it.. fighting so hard with myself for so long.. always thought tt they know wad happen but so sad to tell myself at e end of the day they dont..

sigh.. i miss u so much.. i really need u to be here to listen to me.. to encourage me.. =' (

hmm.. some updates for e week..

mon: finally got the jerseys done.. it was pouring like mad when we left tt building.. so took cab down to spans.. had friendly with RP team.. was pretty fun.. e TP youth cup team was not bad.. thou not playing together for quite some time but glad tt everything went smoothly.. i'm sure it will get better..

tue: crawled out of bed unwillingly after receiving 4 morn calls.. if i dont go think all 4 will jus kill me n not wake me up again.. so i went for the ONLY lesson of the day.. 9-11am.. its was soooo BORING.. he spoke without any tone n just read from our notes.. n e egs he give all no link to wad he saying.. jean dunno how come pop out in my lect n she was helping me write notes.. even she can understand cuz its all written on e notes.. so come on pple.. just tell me..looking at it from a marketer point of view.. issit v meaningless to cont gg e lect?? hmm.. no need to say i'm sure all ur ans r YES!! haha.. yeah thanks for thinking e same as me.. so i've decided not to go on tues.. den i will have a free day.. whee~~ den i can go find klang for lunch.. heheh.. klang u happy?!?! i know u waiting v long le right.. haa..

anw.. on tue after sch me n bel did some fan tuan n gave it to rong cuz her birthday.. look simple but e process was no joke.. think if u saw how we did it u wun dare to eat..

kk.. here's e process..

carrots n broccolli boiling crabsticks waiting to be boiled e smashing!!

n e final project.....

can see the words?? "Happy Birthday VON"
haa.. i think it was a perfect art piece from me n bel man.. right bel.. haha.. its no joke.. its all rice.. e VON itself can let u eat for 3 days already.. when doin we keep grumbling this is e 1st time we put in so much effort into somebody's birthday.. haha.. so rong.. pls be honoured.. hahah..
e team is getting into e fan tuan n jelly business.. all we know how to do is just this 2 but we can do it forever man.. me n bel was still having plans for this fan tuan.. haha.. pple call n order e fan tuan they wan n e words n we can do it n deliver to them.. wahhah.. so pple give me a ring if u r really interested in this 'unique' present.. hehehe..

n tt weird looking thing was meant for seet.. its actually a happy face.. e 2 triangle things above e face is another fan tuan.. not meant to be together.. anw, i think it look like mickey mouse.. an evil one.. haha..

tt happy face(look carefully) was done by me n bel for seet.. wanna cheer her up a little cuz shes like sad tt day.. but too bad she refuse to reply or pick up our calls .. half of e face is in my stomach now.. was in e fridge so i took it out n eat.. n now my stomach pain.. haa.. so rong.. i doubt ur wan can keep for long n so far u only ate e VON.. haa so u just take lotsa of pic of it at diff angle den throw it away.. but don tell me k if u throw away.. me n bel e heart will also have e feeling of being thrown away.. haa.. do it secretly at ur rubbish chute.. tell e rats n roaches will do..

after we pass rong the fan tuans we had swensen.. was her treat cuz she say birthday must treat de.. had an interesting encounter with the waitress.. but had fun.. thanks girl for e treat thou me n bel din wan u to pay.. n if u realise we keep passing our phone arnd cuz we're communicating.. haha.. pool with u was hilarious.. e table was too short for u man.. n u did some stunts tt no normal human can do man.. haa..

wed: woke up reluctantly at 8am again.. for spore law.. 1 hr lect.. almost died.. was a long day.. 9-10, 11-1, 2-4.. finally met my classmates.. n now i can recognise how they look like already... n i so happy cuz we form grps already n my grp is good i think.. they look good n innocent.. most importantly e only handsome or nicer looking guy is in my grp too.. he on LOA today but e girl hu approach me to be in e grp is his fren.. hahaa.. i think is for all 5 projects.. wahahah.. so cool..!! ok think i'm getting too crazy.. he actually look normal only but cuz e rest of e guys r avg so he is above avg.. haha.. n he's a dancer with his studio n he got a band n he know how to beat-box(however u spell tt) u know those kind where u go umm-ci-ke-ah-chi.. hahah.. yah something like tt.. but i still think tt e bball guy i saw last sat cuter.. less handsome than this but i still prefer.. waahah..

ok.. back to my day.. slack at jupital cafe after lesson with e gang.. ate only fries.. think ordered bout 4 5 plates.. chepaest thing there.. den had trg.. was e selection for all e newbies.. sorry to those hu din turn up.. u're eliminated!! haha..only selected bout 1/3 hu came n those selected n plus jean they all we have bout 20 plus?? its really alot.. n those hu can really play is like 18? for 12 space? haa.. tts alot man.. anw trg was tiring so once.. dunno y.. but at least is some proper trg with spiking n receiving n not games all e way..

after trg me n bel wanted to treat rong back.. tts y we kept asking u come down u goon.. haaha.. but in e end she got to go dunno where to meet others.. so our plan failed.. came home instead.. nvm.. treat u next time=)

rong, hope u had a great time with me n bel.. tt few pieces of fan tuans no joke k.. haa.. thanks for taking out ur studying time to meet us.. HAPPY BITHDAY!! have a nice day=)

got to go sleep soon cuz tml morn 9am is tt monotone tutorial.. i need enough sleep to fight against e boringness..
but i wan watch xiao zhu tt show!!

Goodnight everyone.. if u're kind enough pls morning call me at 8am.. i confirm plus chop cannot wake up..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:52 PM

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.:: About Me ::.
Name: debbie Teo
Age: 17
Birthday: 18 Oct 1988
School: Temasek Poly, Business
Likes: Volleyball,Pool, Cookies(my guitar), Cream(my another guitar), VoVo( my rabbit), Tommy (my bicycle), Orange colour and basically BABBLING!!
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