Sunday, April 30, 2006

ended sch at 1 on mon.. rong came n pei me after tt.. ate lunch together with xiang.. den went to lab help rong print her never ending notes.. keep jamming.. haha.. den slack a while den had friendly with TJ.. hmm.. was a pretty awesome game.. lost e first set thou.. ownself threw it away.. 18-25.. but won the other 4 sets.. 2nd set was actually losing 18-9 den seet svc was powerful den manage to win 25-21.. the team was so high high high.. haha.. got one set we won 25-7.. tt was so cool man.. i mean the team was like wooo.. on fire.. pretty rare thou but not bad.. rather bonded now.. more to come man.. this team will go far man in Jesus name.. -AMEN!!- i love the team=)

chiong home after game bathe n come out eat with e team.. cuz got to go home pack stuff go janis hse stay.. den seet fetch me to bus stop on bike.. 1st time ganna fetch.. always i fetch pple not e other way round n now i understand e pain they suffer sitting infront with the sharp seat so pokey.. went janis hse with siii.. as usual we will tlak about our teams.. they tell me wads gg on, i tell them wads gg on.. soon there will be this event call TRP friendship connection day.. haha.. seet suggested for tt de..

n i finally watch my 9pm ch 8 show e final episode.. recorded by jns.. the ending abit not exciting when the murderers r small pple.. not nice.. expected some big stars like musheng to be killer.. slept bout 230 woke up 730 to go ccab for my church basketball competition.. was so excited for tt man.. my category only got 4 teams.. n its a knockout thing.. so lose out.. crap.. i got the pro team.. they were wearing plain tee n don look pro n big time crap, they're RJ basketballers.. so lost tt silly game to them.. got one girl punch me in my face man.. n the referee din see cuz her back was facing him i was like "ouch!! u're dead!!" hahahaa.. obviously i din whack her back, i so gentle how can.. hahha.. but i just ACCIDENTALLY steal her ball when it was in e air.. tts call steal.. n she was just beside me so i dunno whack her where also.. haha.. opps.. but i did a kobe stunt in e game.. just one out of all my practice wan but still cant shoot in.. stupid ring..

so we sat there slack n watch all e funny games.. there was captains ball competition too.. den they say can on e spot join.. so we did.. we anyhow find some basketball guys from TP play with us.. n they happen to be good.. haha.. we still need to find other pple to be our opponent cuz its odd number of teams if we play.. so we got our friends.. n we won.. hooray.. we r into finals already.. cant imagine.. it will be in june.. but the shuai basketballer cant play cuz OSIP.. sadness.. he super good n cute man.. but i saw another guy.. i like.. not cute not handsome but i just like.. ok la.. come to think of it he's pretty cute n pretty handsome.. but e church so big how on earth m i gg to find him.. n he confirm younger.. haa..

went for some parkway mall sales.. bought nothing cuz nothing much.. con pple de.. all e nice things nett px.. waste time.. tml tp youth cup team gg play friendly with RP.. hehe cant wait.. so cool man..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 9:10 PMWednesday, April 26, 2006

its just so sickening to wake up at 8am for 9am class.. i know i'm considered very fortunate le to stay so near but still 8am is too early.. mummy called sharply at 8.. rong called couple of mins later.. but i just orh orh orh den back to sleep.. woke up at 835 in e end n took my time.. its spore law lect anw.. only 1 hr.. hahha.. today go there as usual always talk crap but i think the subject is very interesting.. so much theory things.. i like!! i think i can get A man.. haha.. thou tt is wad i always say but for this i'm so certain..

**n seet.. i think u shld drop ur french n take spore law.. its time for u to abide some law man.. choose the same class as me..hehhehe..

today i only have one lesson 9-10am.. its crazy.. went home slack abit.. den went over seet hse make jelly.. we anyhow estimate the water n sugar n coconut to be put in e jelly.. in e end turn out super nice nice nice.. nicer den e previous 2 times.. n she so selfish la.. we made four trays she only willing to bring one out.. e rest keep at her hse.. haha..

grace seet..i had a nice day hanging out with u.. started from a mad woman shouting down 5 storeys.. sticking e head out of e window.. shopping at some wulu plaza.. cooking the fantabulous jelly n noodles n porridge.. u pretending to be mother.. ur ah mei winnie pooh shoe.. u can ask her give it to me since ur mother say will scratch floor.. ahaha..n e plastic bag, umbrella, stupid cab to a wrong destination, den back to sch.. stopping at ur fave bus stop walking in e puddles of water which we almost slipped n fall n die just like tt..n den e training.. the pineapple tarts n the crazy laughter u produce 24/7.. wow.. we did so many things.. haha.. but everything was nice n awesome.. *grins*(more jelly n fan tuan in action next time man)

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:49 PMMonday, April 24, 2006

after today i've accepted the fate of being debarred.. cuz i find the teacher too nice.. n very pretty i must say.. at such age she can be like woo pretty.. the guys in my class were liek wee wee.. haa.. n when she was talking to me bout wad do i need to do n stuff.. she say until like this debarred thing is no big issue.. haha.. cuz its a 6 weeks subject.. so at e end of it, the 'normal' pple got to submit their proposal n stuff at e end of 6 weeks.. n so do i.. just tt mine is not graded this sem but next sem.. so this sem my result will be Fail for this subject.. den next sem den grade.. she say like tt is to relieve our work load.. hahaha just submit together den no need wait till next sem den do.. good right.. but the final conclusion i'm still debarred! haa..

today i saw my class.. n the teacher got us to do some self introduction.. when it was my turn.. i was like hi.. my name is debbie.. i've got a sad story.. i'm being debarred for this subject.. haha.. den my class was like woo.. debarred?? some pai kia.. somemore i was sitting behind den all of them turned n looked at the 'pai kia' hahah.. den i cont saying.. er.. i like volleyball.. playing for the womens team since last yr.. i ran out of things to say.. den i just er.. i like pool.. i like mahjong.. played it almost everyday last time.. i just repeat wad other pple say basically.. cuz some say they like pool den one ah beng say i like mj.. play at least twice a week.. haa.. so i just repeat.. den i tot of something tt nobody will say.. I LOVE ORANGE!! haha.. n i was wearing tt bright orange adidas sirt some more.. wahaha.. n the tutor was like i can tell.. from ur shirt, ur hp cover, ur necklace, watch n the W.W.J.D thing around my wrist.. i can sense tt the class is not bad.. better den last yr i guess but most of the v ang moh n half of them v into music.. got one open jamming studio, one got dance studio, den some got band, some just love music n write music.. goodness.. so musical incline.. haha.. i shld have added i know hw to play guitar so can be part of the musically incline gang.. n got one guy in e class very cute.. call aaron.. haha.. not bad looking.. v nice charater also n most importantly he's my debarred friend. hahah..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:40 PMSunday, April 23, 2006

sch gonna start tml.. haa.. finally back to some serious lifestyle after 2 months.. thou it doesnt feel like i've done much.. but still thank God for giving me some weird n easy job to earn some money during this break..

n i guess the debarrment thing is kinda confirm after i went to check VBUS(business website).. was written so clearly those who din attend n do not have MCs or LOA will be debarred.. still i find it ridiculous.. tml gg to find my careperson which i dunno is hu.. but gonna ask whether can i still be saved..

fri night sharon called n ask how's everything.. e debarrment n stuff.. i was like dunno.. nothing i can do also.. den she was y not we just pray cuz i feel tt this is out of human's ability, we need God to intervene.. at tt moment i was like goodness me.. from the day when i know of tt matter till dear called i did not even realise tt i need God's help.. was just thinking what am i suppose.. what do i need to do.. who can help..
was leaning too much on my own strength n not His..

on sat i went church.. klang n hoho also went.. e msg was very good.. just for me n hoho(i hope) haha.. the title of e msg was what am i suppose to do when i dunno wad to do.. one of points was set your heart and seek the Lord.. which i think tt was what i din do.. so at e end of the service i was praying so hard.. tears just began to flow n flow.. n i just let go of the whole problem n let God take over..

was talking to sihui just now on our way to n fro from cell grp.. realised tt different friends just meet different needs of our lives..its so hard to find one who will meet all ur needs..thou i know i have one.. n i also thank God sihui n janis are always there for me when i m down.. always giving me the listening ear tt i ya guys.. =) thou now we may be at a different path.. diff sch diff team etc.. but i'm still glad tt we can be so close.. sharing with one another bout our probs n being there as much as possible for one another.. friends like this dont come easy.. its just a blessing from God.. hee..

sch sch sch.. here i come.. i'll make sure all tutors will go crazy.. hahahaha..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 7:05 PMFriday, April 21, 2006

stranger: hello debbie.. this is ms reena from TP.. just to inform u that u are debarred from basic entreprenureship..
me: huh?!?!
ms reena: cuz u did not attend the lecture for this subject this week n u will be debarred..
me: (still lost, dunno what is she talking about)
what lecture????
she: the lect for this subject, u r suppose to attend if not have to afce debarrment, its been announce alot times last sem during the econs lecture..
me: what announcement?? i went for all lectures n i din even hear of any of this
she: oh.. i'm quite surprise(with those kinda tone like as thou i m lying)
there's 5 pple hu din attend..(i think 5 out of the whole dip)
n 2 from ur class..( my mind was ok.. at least got friend..)
me:(still insisting tt i din even hear of any announcements, not even a single bit of impression
oooooooook... so what am i suppose to do now?? m i like really debarred?
she: yah.. u can come for the tutorial next week.. n i will brief u on the supp assignment..
me: but there's no exam for this subject right? how m i gg to take e supp then?
she: yah.. thats wad i m gg to brief to u regarding how to do the assignment
me: oh ok.. (still blur n shock, waiting for her to say oh its just a prank call..)
den only this subject right? no more tutorials i need to attend right for other subjects?
(to confirm before i get another 'debarrment')
she: nope other den apel..
me: ok.. byebye
yup.. the call ended like tt with her not telling me its a prank call.. so now i dunno wad to do also.. called dear but she aslo dunno wad can she do or think to help me.. argh.. i think its total crap man..
n yah i got debarred even before i start sch.. which still remains like a big joke to me..hope my only friend in tp also din go for tt.. haah den at least got friend.. a good friend..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:25 PM

day out with klang bel n rong.. weird combi but yeah.. was fun bullying our new fren( xi ke).. haha.. wanted to buy sb but cant find e wan i like.. so ended up eating.. n walking arnd.. bought my new orange toy called mantou.. cuz e head big big round round kind like ah da de.. haha..

saw my timetable today.. its like slack? cuz i expected most of e days to end late late kind but it din.. its so early.. like before 2 before 1 or 2 at 4..e other wan 6 cuz its cds.. i think its a good one.. n tiff n ah da n mine kinda match.. so tiff already called me just now n say everyday we r meeting during my break.. she planned so well already.. haha.. but i guess i will be flooded with projects soon.. kinda excited for sch to start but i think its so amazing.. my 2 months of holiday just ended like tt.. like so fast man.. haha..

if u guys know how seet timetable is like u will just cry along with her.. haha.. EVERYDAY end at 9pm.. its no joke man.. its too serious to be a joke.. hahaha.. she early morn msg me say i wun see her for half a yr already.. goodness.. am praying for a miracle for her.. she asked me to do so by faith.. hehe.. yea.. will do just tt.. cuz she really need a miracle big time..

just finish watching xiao zhu show.. everyday without fail i will watch it.. its sooooo funny n funny n funny man.. everybody shld watch tt too man..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:53 AMTuesday, April 18, 2006

just wondering do i really know you.. or just there to make ur day? nv ask doesnt mean i dont care.. more den willing to listen.. but i bet its super difficult for some seriousness..

alright back to today's prog.. early morn woke up go mkt buy some stuff for the easter gathering at vien hse.. after buying went over grandma hse.. pei her play friendly mj n lunch.. eventhou only 3 person play n its friendly so i just anyhow play.. keep making cards to not win so fast cuz u know 3 person game is v fast to win.. haha.. den try hard to let grandma win.. n she did.. n she was so happy.. like enjoying herself so much.. den keep telling us playing mj will let old pple not go senile tt easily n keep the brains moving n the fingers too.. ok i got the hint(to play with her) but after this week sch start already.. v hard to find time n pple also.. she knows it too tt we r all starting sch next week.. can hear the disappointment from her.. saying tt we wun have tt much time already when sch start.. nobody bring her go see doc n nobody to bake stuff with her n mj too.. its really sad k to hear it from her.. thou not straight to the pt but u will know wad she's trying to say.. worst of all she still say wan learn how to do all the cakes n cookies better learn soon.. cuz she's unsure few more yrs later will she be arnd.. -cries- ..tell me.. how can my heart not break? to hear it from her..

ok back to more happy stuff.. went over to vien hse in e noon.. slack a while den went to buy ingredients at cold storage.. n it was pouring.. due to shortage of bikes tiff was standing on my bike.. n its no joke when someone ht of 1.8 stands on something behind u.. she was like.. high?!?.. hahah.. got to take note of every little things we pass by above her head.. cuz most of it will hit her head.. there was just this puny tree.. not tt puny but when she pass by it she got to bend down all e way right beside my face.. cuz she say dunno will hit so safer like tt.. n cycling in e rain with someone breathing at ur ear is no joke.. its v tiring.. haha.. but was fun thou the whole journey..

not long after we got back to vien hse seet came..if u all been to vien hse u know she got this ktv room.. hahaa.. all of us sat right behind e glass door leaving the hse door wide open with tina n rocky on e run.. CUZ SEET IS FREAKING SCARED OF DOGS.. i came out with the idea to watch a show.. haha.. when she reached she was like screaming?? not too sure cuz cant hear.. but seeing is funny enough.. she took a super long time to enter e hse cuz tina n rocky was staring at her big time.. a new smell.. n she still got food..
she prepared this home cook stuff.. haa.. not bad just a little cold.. but e effort was greatly appreciated =)
and the 10 hard boiled eggs for exchange..

after a while we started preparing the sushi n jelly.. the process was real messy.. the kitchen was flooded with pple.. some real busy n the rest acted busy just to be part of it.. haha.. n good old ah da dropped the tray of brocali(dunno how to spell) but tt green curly vege.. we were like not shocked cuz tt always happen.. when ah da is arnd something bad SURE happen..tts y she is always doin e cleaning up cuz she mess it up.. so this time our sushi got no green looking stuff.. n the sushi doesnt taste as nice as last time.. n the jelly too.. no worries.. there will be more next time.. hahah..

next they switched to waxing... its super duper sticky n lotsa things r needed.. n i was the first guinea pig cuz i volunteered.. they wax some of my leg hair.. some until pathetic.. n soon they lost interest in me cuz they don really see e result.. haa.. so they diverted their attention to tiff.. with n without hair can see clearly.. so means they can see the result immediately..hahah.. they did tt for like so long from the start of my da chang jin to e end..

i really had a great time today with my teammies.. with an additional member.. always doin many silly things together.. trying our best to spend all the time we have together cuz we will not be able to gather for a week cuz of orientation.. n when sch starts its harder to meet up.. but got volleyball.. no worries.. this wed playing with ah peks.. heard ms teo(siew lan) also playing.. haha.. tts so cool.. hope can play same team again.. tts cooler..

n dear haven reply or call me back.. i like got so many things to tell her.. n cuz of the incomplete coversation we had last night i m starting to miss her already.. carol n xiang coming back today or maybe they're back already.. seet had been telling me she miss partner.. but its only 10 days.. when seet was away in cambodia for a month carol also tell me she miss seet.. but its only 1 month.. so whatever u all had been feeling i'm feeling at least 10 times more.. worst still there's some weird plans running thru her brains now.. i know it may be good but i hope it wun happen cuz i cant afford to be without u for more den 4 yrs.. but we shall see alright.. if its God's calling den its a different story..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 1:27 AMMonday, April 17, 2006

this morn jean called at 9 to ask whether my church got svc..haa cuz she miss e lighthse wan.. so in e end i got to quickly bathe n meet her n rish cab down for 10am svc.. haa.. perfect timing when we enter.. cuz we only 2 person so manage to sit infront to fill up the empty spaces.. haha.. saw e drama twice n touched by it once again.. its so cool n awesome..

after tt went to eat subway den went shopping at bugis with tiff jean n bel.. haa.. bought quite a no of stuff.. saw this black colour mj tiles.. its super nice man.. ahah.. bel was like looking at it non stop.. but its 200 for the normal size kind.. so not worth to buy n keep.. haa.. but we all bought this mj tile key chain for phone.. bought 1 wan to 9 wan.. den we all took our indivdual no.. n mine is 6 of course.. n e rest is still lying arnd my room..

tml suppose to bring popo go c doc but cuz gg vien hse for some easter gathering.. so cant go with her.. but gg to have lunch with her at her place den she ask me play mj with her n my cousin.. i knew it.. but nvm la..i'll do anything to make her happy n not lonely..

den meeting seet at 130 go vien hse.. she gg there do her work.. we gg thre to slack.. play o2jam.. its a cyber center man cuz got so many computers..den after tt go ntuc buy our ingredients to prepare for our meal.. sushi.. hahah.. i'm gonna make all egg shape kind.. cuz its easter.. n its gonna be some bonding session.. haha.. hopfully will turn out just so fine.. it so gonna be another great team.. i pray..

dear just called not long ago at bout 1130pm.. but got cut off halfway.. think her phone no batt.. i so sad.. i haven finish wad i wanna tell her.. she's sharing with me so much tt she nv did last time.. haha.. so nice.. n she say she bought my birthday present already.. it cost one week of her grocery money.. hahaha.. she dun wan tell me wad is it.. only say its orange.. n i can use forever.. it will not perish.. n 5-10% of singaporeans have it.. haha.. wonder wad issit thou something just cross my mind wad can it be.. she say i sure like it.. haha of course cuz its orange.. but i don think i can wait till my birthday.. its like oct??? haha.. den she say maybe she send it over first den nearer birthday tt time den get another thing.. haha.. so cool.. love ya so much.. muacks..

ok.. tml is 17 apr which means my dearies.. si n jns gonna start sch.. leaving me alone.. haha.. not really thou.. but i'm so gonna miss gg out together n doin silly stuff together.. weekdays sure gone case for us to meet so weekends must meet alright to have our weekly gonna miss u guys.. diff sch from me somemore.. hahaha.. but take care n all e best to u guys in ur new compound.. leong jiayou for trg also k.. don scared.. have faith in urself..=) n si take care of her alright.. hehehe.. missing u guys.. all e best.. hugs n kisses to my dearies =)

n oh yah.. 29th april.. our basketball match.. we're so gonna win.. i believe.. hehehe..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:00 AMSunday, April 16, 2006

This is a long post but read on cuz its entertaining..

Thurs 13/4

had friendly with AJ in e evening.. got to walk quite a distant from the station to their main gate.. den jean was taking a cab down from toa payoh..when we were walking got this cab stop near us den we tot its her den we don wan her come down cuz we wanna hop in den drive in.. but we not sure issit her.. stood there n stare for v long cuz e person already paying.. finally when the door open guess who?? an indian man.. haa.. n we tot it's jean.. think we're so blind..

back to the friendly.. hmm.. think its one of our best game played so far as a team.. won 5-1.. most of us could perform.. no more of seet in e middle.. tts y.. team getting closer n tts good.. went to eat n have some bonding session with seet.. reached home 12 plus like tt..

Fri 14/4 (Good Friday)
woke up early in e morn at 730 for friendly with TJC at 9.. think nobody was awake man.. got to msg n call arnd.. in the end decided to cab down so slept all e way till 830.. according to jean we r group C cuz we(me jean n seet) was the 3rd grp to set off.. grp A(tiff n vien) 1st grp to set off.. n i tot we will be the earliest cuz we took cab but they were already on e bus at 830am n i just crawled out of bed.. so we lost.. n we lost to TJ also.. the timing was just not right.. nv played so early b4.. too used to playing games during evening time..

because of the finals tt jean watched for nationals..she made all our friendlies become finals too.. hahah.. constantly reminding each other tt its finals so tt we can perform.. hahah..but tt day not much diff.. cuz nobody bother.. all serve out ball n seet mis-receive so many times in a set.. but we really played like finals.. lost 1st 2 sets.. so we went into serious talks saying tt in a finals losing e 3rd set means we lose the championship 0-3.. haa.. so only thing is to fight back 2 sets.. n we did.. hooray... but tt was short-lived.. lost e 5th set with e score 15-13.. thou it ended at 25pts but when we lost e 'finals' our pt got stuck there until the opp hit 25 pts n we 15 pts.. we lost..(n TJ pple were asking wad is the sound ah da is producing when serving.. haa.. its e sound of ur distraction n e sound of her concentration.. the more she kek.. the floaty-er it becomes..n its no joke..)

on e way to lunch dear called.. saying she wun be home during the weekends.. chatted a little den put down already cuz its pretty ex for her to talk with her hp.. seet talk to her a while also.. haa.. all said e same thing n tt is she's getting v hip hop.. with all e slangs.. n i'm suppose to get used to it n learn from it so tt we can communicate with the same tone.. haha.. after we put down i switched to sad n silent mood.. tt always happen everytime after she call.. its so hard to explain tt kind of 'missing' feeling.. but it nv feels good.. it just makes my heart tear.. =' (

tt evening spent some real good time with my family.. celebrating my mama birthday.. at pariss international seafood buffet thing.. knowing tt its not nice but i just wanna try since my bro is paying for all.. hahah..we ate lotsa lotsa lotsa prawns only.. things like salmon n all the oysters n mussles bla bla i din eat.. only prawns.. finally this family sat down at a table eating n talking together.. tts so rare.. so cherish tt moment man.. haa ok back to e food.. there's this chocolate thing where we suppose to dip e marshmellow into it n den put it in cold water to harden the choco.. oh my.. its so nice man.. its e cheapest thing there but its freaking nice.. my bro bought this 80 plus bucks gift for my mum from body shop.. he say we only need to pay 20 bucks each n he e rest.. haa.. guess he's earning big bucks.. tts good.. but i don see wad's so nice bout tt thing..only know its something for e eyes.. dunno how to use it also.. but its ok cuz i haven pay him yet..

at night suppose to go seet hse but got some prob so din go.. me n bel ended up having supper n night cycling.. with one bike we tried to cycle the whole of tamp den to pasir den home.. on e way so many funny things happen.. 1stly we pretended to be cars riding in e middle of the lane..n no joke its really in e middle.. stopped when there's red light go when its green.. but after a while we just swop to pedestrains when we were at the traffic light when its red.. den got this part we were at a T junction den got 2 cabs stopped cuz red light so me n bel tried so hard to squeeze beside this cab cuz we were already on e road cant switch to path.. den opps we lost ctrl cuz we kept laughing so i jus put my hand on e cab to prevent us from banging into it.. 100% plus chop we din hit e cab only touch n let go.. n OAT OH.. e cab n driver got mad.. it was like letting out steam.. we immediately carried e bike unto the pavement.. den green light e cab din move n the window was wind down.. haa.. so we din move either , we were behind e cab so we cant really see wad is e driver trying to do n he cant get down cuz soon got car behind n it was red light.. den when green light he have to turn left cuz its T junction n den he stopped after he turn.. haa.. n e door opend n e bull dog looking driver put his right leg n den left leg on e road n got out from his cab.. n 'BANG!!' he buang his head while getting out.. haa.. ok tts fake he din.. he just kept asking us 'girl come come here NOW!!' u think we r idoits?? haha.. of course we looked at him n laughed n cycled straight.. he cant catch us or wad so he stood there n started to curse n swear.. tt's so exciting man..
n after tt we kept looking arnd for yellow cabs to make sure he's not somewhere near us..

when we saw a police car from far we were like oh no how? cuz firstly its illegal to fetch pple on bike.. we got caught once.. ok not tt illegal tt u have to go police station.. they will just ask u get down e bike n push.. lame thou~~n bel is underage to be out at such timing.. but guess wad? 4 policemen in a car chit-chatting n laughing.. din even took a glance at us.. den we were like ok.. big time slackers eating govt money..

next.. we tried cycling past tamp interchange.. it was really really dark.. den when turning out there's this area tt sell cars.. n heh heh.. we saw a car plate on e floor.. those kinda plates with the brand of the car on it.. bel ask me kup so i jut bend down n take.. keep asking got cam not got cam not.. nope.. so we took n walk off.. its rather big n long.. with just four letters 'GETZ" on it.. trying so hard to stick e plate somewhere on e bike but nowhere so we just took turns to hug it.. i cycled n she sat infront n ctrl e bike.. tts wad we did.. n both our asses went our of shape.. mine was an inprint of tt small seat of her bike n hers is the.. dunno wad u call tt.. e body of the bike? ya..but equally pain..

n obviously we din finish our plan.. we're not even somewhere near pasir ris.. but we made a perfect choice by turning back when at tpjc.. cuz the distance is no joke.. tt wulu route we took to go back her hse is really dark n wulu.. but air was really fresh.. e plants were doin their photosynthesis.. hahah.. does it even affect e air? just wanna share with u all something i learnt in pri sch.. photosynthesis.. haha..

got back her hse at 330 like tt n we just went to sleep.. n i was trying to air my painful ass.. haa.. n i had a dream.. dreamt tt i was in a fighting ship.. knowing will ganna bomb by enemy so was hurrying all fellow frens on board to eat their last meal n all i did was peeling lotsa prawns.. hahaha..prawns?? aftereffect of eating so mnay prawns..

after all e prawns the ship was already half sinking n its time to jump.. must be wondering at tt moment when i jumped into the sea with all the water splashing was i actually peeing?? wahaha.. NOPE!! the moment i jumped it beacame another scene.. i was jumping from an aeroplane instead.. bout 8 of us.. hooking unto each other until we land.. i really felt tt i was flying man.. sooo cool.. if i ever dreamt tt i was a spider woman sticking n jumping from wall to wall wad more this? flying in e air.. after i land i realised tt my frens n i were sitting in a room.. den like some cartoons playing indian poker.. cuz got brackets above our head showing the percent of enerygy left.. got one left 15% only den got bruises n cuts everywhere den another 42% left also got cuts n bruises but e seriousness was much lesser.. lesser plasters..

hahaha.. n bel said she heard me talking.. i bet its either.. 'wooh, prawns!' or ' this is freaking cool' while flying.. haha.. n i dreamt e exact same thing twice.. during e interval i was awake talking to bel.. slept back den exact same thing happen.. haha..

sat 15/4

went out with jean ah da n bel.. went to eat carls junior.. ate fries n onion rings.. ah da n bel ate tt ultra big burger.. b4 tt ah da was asking how big is it.. den we said its as big n round as her head.. haahah..n its true lo.
went to candy empire to buy different kind of eggs for our easter-egg exchange on mon.. got pple v cheapskate man.. wanna buy losuy n not nice kind cuz its to exchange only.. evil..

tml gg out again.. den mon gonna be together for the last time b4 sch starts.. after mon they all got orientation.. all these months had been enjoying so much with them.. haa.. cant wait for mon.. making our fan tuan n cai yan again..

n easter svc was great.. was touched by it once again.. touch until my contact lens fell out.. n klang was helping me to look for it during the alter call.. haha.. but really it was great.. 2000 yrs ago.. Jesus died on e cross for our sins so tt we may live again.. e drama was awesome.. easter is just so wonderful.. cuz it separates the B.C and A.D..not only tt.. its for you n me..

have a nice day everyone!!

N........................................ DEBBIE TEO LI MIN MISSES SHARON TEO LI MIN!!!

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 1:06 AMThursday, April 13, 2006

mon 10/4

ooh.. woke up ultra early like 8am to go for some stupid gym session with ah da n gang.. its like a waste of time cuz got pple use hall den we cannot play ball.. n e gym stinks to the core.. n its a little small n cuz its e 1st time we doin it so we dun really know how to use it n the pictures r hard to interpret so we just come up our own way.. haha.. din do for long cuz it really gets boring.. wanted to run but tt 2 long pple don even wanna wear their shoe.. n by e time we wanna run the sun was like baking hot.. so we just drop tt idea.. n tt vien only interested to go bathe when we din even do much.. we were like sitting at the sports hall e upstairs looking at all e newbies n leaders do all the silly cheers n dance.. hahah.. was like laughing at tiff they all cuz they need to do it next week also.. the chicken dance.. tp mass dance n all e standard cheers.. wahaha.. n tiff is trying to con me down to pick her n get out of sch in e middle of her orientation.. no way man.. u all must suffer wad i suffered last yr.. wahaha..

ok.. after e hanging arnd tp sports hall we went for lunch.. SUBWAY of course.. they have no choice.. tml we're eating tt too.. wahhah.. its like such a natural thing to eat tt whenever i'm with them.. den we went to queensway tt super complicated shopping mall.. we like walk around n around to look for all e stupid shops.. n e mizuno shop closed.. so its like waste of time.. haha.. we wanna buy something from the 1st shop but wanna walk arnd see got others not.. its a wrong choice cuz we will take donkey yrs to find back the 1st shop.. n bel was like not v bothered bout the things we see she onl care bout her food.. haha.. at tamp she was carrying lays.. den reach there she bought tea eggs. den cup corn den laksa.. hahaha.. tts all tt matters to her..FOOD!! wahhaah..
n we found the printer tt always print for tp jerseys.. haa.. so we kinda got our jersey for youth.. no samples so its purely wad we see from the book.. n e colour combi is like whoo~~ can u all imagine wad is the worst thing bout the jerseys? theres no more orange fabric!! have all other colours but orange!! its super unfair!

alright after e jerseys stuff which we din place our orders yet.. we went to spans for friendly with RP.. was not bad cuz at least can play some ball.. think we played 6 sets.. lost e last set.. all thanks to grace seet!! cuz she played middle!! n she said its a curse since dunno when.. once she plays middle e team will lose.. so she was trying to break tt curse? haa.. goodness.. all thanks to her.. she like some goon goon playing inside can.. super funny..

11/4 tue
went jean hse in e morn to watch the shows she recorded for me.. brought e tea eggs my mama made to her hse.. ask her heat it up for me.. gosh i din know egg cannot put in microwave.. haha.. so tt 3 eggs exploded in the microwave? haha it was like 'bom'. haha i was laughing in e room can.. so funny..

12/4 wed
suppose to have frenly but cancelled..freaking comlicated story.. so wanna go work.. n meet at vien hse at 3 to do some waxing experiment on tiff.. on her hands n legs.. haha.. but morn we went ther to put the wax in her place n we got stuck in her hse cuz its too cosy.. in e end din do the dunno wad waxing dunno y also.. tiff so poor thing cuz we got to try on her to see the effect ma.. haha.. den she was like 'ouch'.. we ended up watching 'date movie'.. this super ultimate lame show.. the intro already got me laughing like mad.. was like hitting everthing cuz i cant ctrl.. its so stupid la.. with the milkshake song.. n theres this history of the milkshake song between e 6 of us.. so when e song came out i just laughed like nobody's business.. the show is super no link.. super dumb.. super brain-less show.. those who went to the cinema to watch this show i think u all r crazy.. hahaha.. xian qian tai duo..

nice day thou spent with them=)

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:54 AMMonday, April 10, 2006

alright here comes another new post by BB.. feeling happy now cuz dear just called me.. we talk bout 2 hrs plus i guess with a break of 30 min.. haa.. i knew she confirm fall asleep during the break n she did.. but when she called back she so proud tt she's able to wake up.. haa.. alright.. finally manage to talk to her.. cuz had been emailing her but she din reply n e worst thing is she say she din receive my email.. how sad.. no wonder din reply.. how can such things happen when i need her so much man at times.. haha but anw its all over..

after talking to her made me realise tt things aint tt sad case here.. she's e sad case there.. so lonely.. no vball.. tt's worst i guess.. but nvm at least she got alot church frens.. hehe.. n over here i have so many friends.. some purely to create laughter n happiness in my life while the rest r there to listen to me.. even thou my bestest friend is not arnd with me daily.. but the place u have in my heart will not be replace..(be honoured k u little chap there..)haha.. everytime when i feel like our friendship gets further apart.. but one call or email will draw it back again.. tts pretty cool..

in e past we cant even talk on e phone for 1hr pls.. its like silent.. nobody will talk much cuz we see each other everyday.. but today e thing just go on n on.. so much so tt we got to stop talking bout 'some stuff'.. haha.. so its quite good thou to not see each other so often erm but i doubt i can last for another 8 months before seeing u.. u will hear from me soon bout all the stuff i told u today.. all the missing here n there.. all e needing here n there.. haa.. but u know wad i like to be be.. i will nv be a ***kling to anybody only u.. haha.. amazed?

ok enough of dear..

played basketball just now.. theres a great improvement in the attendance.. so mnay pple suddenly.. but so cool.. was fun cuz got alot pple unlike the pathetic 4.. i'm so sure we're gonna win the competition.. haha hope there's some cash attach to it.. think we can claim the 1st prize to e last cuz we're the only team hu participated.. haha just kidding.. some can it be tt un pro..

tml morn 9am we r having some secret trg.. haha.. e 5 of us got motivated suddenly to go do some extraordinary stuff which we nv ever imagine we will ever do it.. but yup we r.. ahahha.. cant wait.. its like few more hours n CANNOT BE LATE!! cuz officer BB say so!!

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 1:29 AMThursday, April 06, 2006

its really long since i last blog.. cause i think its just so tiring.. haa.. but i shall do this for my dear klang..

nothing much really happen.. other den working.. cycling arnd sticking all those paper for 60 cents each instead of 50.. having butt aches after tt.. den meeting tiff n gang almost like everyday.. tt day did sushi rice.. fan tuan.. at vien hse.. today did agar agar at tiff hse.. made a whole lot of mess at her hse.. den we all started to miss serene ong ah da.. she went bali.. we miss her so much when we look at e dishes.. haha cuz she is our washing cum cooking cum cleaning up queen.. all the chores she will do.. very happy somemore.. she's back today n tml they r coming over my place to make jiao zi.. looks like its gonna be a big project but ah da agreed dumbly to clean up.. wahaha.. so nice of her.. i shall reward her with non stop agar agar tml man..

having friendly this week for bout 3 times.. tues with AJC, wed with ah peks, tml with ijc.. haa.. no comments bout any.. its the same always.. pple getting lesser n lesser.. xiang is gone to a dangerous land.. haa.. grace is back but still like MIA.. only left e poor me to take balls keep balls bla bla bla.. geting a little tired of it already when nobody is there to help.. how long will all these last???

k.. back to some happier stuff.. wed just went out with my dearies.. sihui n janis.. i think give us 24hrs we also can nv talk finish.. there's just endless stuff we can talk about.. but so sad they gonna start sch soon.. haa.. but nvm we still have sat morn right leong? wahhaa.. feel happy with them cuz i can really talk bout all my feelings.. hehe.. thanks dude.. n its really true.. when one is gone.. more will come.. thou not replacing but at least fill up the emptiness.. thanks dearies.. love ya.. muack muack..

hmm.. i really cant rmb wad else happen.. n wad else i've done..
other den missing u daily..
never talk to you never see you is really making me miserable..
sob sob..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 8:54 PM

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.:: About Me ::.
Name: debbie Teo
Age: 17
Birthday: 18 Oct 1988
School: Temasek Poly, Business
Likes: Volleyball,Pool, Cookies(my guitar), Cream(my another guitar), VoVo( my rabbit), Tommy (my bicycle), Orange colour and basically BABBLING!!
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