Saturday, February 25, 2006

last night went vien hse.. me tiff n bel slept downstairs on e sofa.. we joined it up so tt we 3 can sleep with enough space.. den i go slp in e middle where e 2 sofas keep splitting.. nvm.. tt stupid bel so small took 1 whole bed.. with her hand over me n her leg hooking my leg.. i wanna move away also cannot.. den me n tiff so big got to squeeze in one side of e sofa.. stupid monster la.. take one whole thing..

this morning went trg.. b girls got friendly with AJC.. but we still went down.. den when we arrived den serene say sir ask us play also.. so we played.. 1st set was terrible.. cuz we all donkey yrs nv train le.. cant receive any 1st ball n stuff.. totally off.. den sir go tell vien say we not serious.. nv show respect to the opponent cuz we anyhow put the players.. n y he say tt? cuz i played middle.. cuz tiff cant play middle.. she cannot spike from there she die also dun wan play.. den i say i play la since i covering middle behind.. den front court tt time i get vien to block ma.. so wads with the anyhow put players.. no more players already cant he see.. n more over we how long nv play as a team? don say me.. vien tiff n serene how long nv play.. n we din even warm up n stuff.. nv do spiking anything just play.. think we wonder team ah.. so piss off k.. n i bet he din dare to say it to me cuz i will say my piece n walk out n not gg to go back again.. totally not appreciating us when we go back.. still say us.. to think i've like kind of decide not to change coach.. really making me think again.. not even me.. vien they all also say.. hais.. can u stop doin this to us.. one moment cold one moment hot.. dont wan u to end up the losing party cuz we nv done enough for u.. we really wanna try but den wad u doin? haiya.. stopping us.. n i dont mean only wad happen today.. many mnay more..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:22 PMThursday, February 23, 2006

yeah........... exams is finally over..!!! waited for this day for so long.. seems to have alot progs coming up.. finally all my agony in studying is over.. finally.. hopefully nothing goes wrong.. having serious lack of sleep.. slept at 530 am last night to study accounts.. don have time to study for the 2nd paper today.. so chiong during the 6 hours break..

paper started at 7pm.. was hoping can finish by 850 so can no need wait so long to rejoice.. haa.. was like rushing thru e paper cuz i dunno how to do so just write rubbish.. 1 qns 3 parts 1 ans.. haa.. sure got one part correct.. hope can pass can le la.. heart already flew away b4 i finish.. so quickly end off the sentence n leave e hall at 850..

now having good life cuz no more studying..its e best thing ever.. i must say.. tml gg vien hse to party.. will have lotsa fun with e gang. haa..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:19 PMWednesday, February 22, 2006

i thought i was strong.. thinking to myself things aint tt bad without you.. i seem to appear silly to everyone.. feeling so sad over something that is still around just far away.. m i really tt silly?

i don think so after crying to myself just now.. n i really realise i miss you so much so much.. i really dunno wad to do.. i thought i'm fine but after reading ur msg u send me i start to feel everything again..

dear!! i really miss u so much.. more than wad i thought... it takes like one million msges from others to balance one msg from you.. wish tt u're beside me now n i will give u a biiiiiiiiiig hug.. feeling lonely still n now even worst.. with another thing added in or rather minus out of my life.. its like really really so much worst.. haisssssssssssss........

--wo hao xiang ni--
--wo zhen de hao xiang ni--
--wo zhen de fei chang hao xiang ni--

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:23 AMMonday, February 20, 2006

one down.. 4 more to go.. think today wan can get full marks lo.. hahah n tts wad i always say n final score is D.. haa.. tml is the killer paper.. MBS.. management business system if i not wrong.. its bout computer.. all e input output dunno wad crap la.. even thou study twice le but i cant rmb a thing.. target a D for tt.. pass very happy le.. after tml means left 2 more paper.. n on thurs i'll be free forever.. do all e things i wanna do like pei ing my ah ma.. she so let the lonely me go pei her.. always call me ask me wanna play mj.. i reject her every week.. feel so bad.. so its time to spend some time with her.. bring her go her hospital's apponintment.. pei her go eat..

that day sharon called me.. haa.. talk till i almost teared.. cuz i really miss her so much.. trying to keep myself busy to fill up the lonliness in me.. last time when i'm bored or wad i will msg her ask her wad she doin n stuff.. now when i pick up my phone i will den realise i cant msg her anymore.. my phone so quiet now.. no calls no msg. cuz 70% of my msges came from her.. hais.. but glad tt she settled down there le.. got a place to stay.. convenient place it seems.. opp one big mall.. haha good.. can buy things for me.. =) hahah n tt day when she called me she was already using her aust slang.. den i also unknowingly slang with her.. ahha.. only go few days only start to slang .. when she come back she wun be able to slang back to e singapore lei lo la lang anymore.. haa..

dunno will u see this but i really miss u so much.. thinkin of all e things we've done together.. every night i really wan pick up my phone to msg u goodnight but i cant.. everytime when i listen to the song 'you're not alone' by michael jackson i sure tear.. without u here with me in my life is just simply empty n un-colourful.. waiting for e day u're back.. quick alright.. be e smartest there den u can maybe skip a grade den less one yr.. haa..
now is ur orientation week right.. enjoy urself.. make more friends esp guys.. haha.. best if its a black.. den my black n ur black shall fight n see hu blacker.. =)

all e best for ur studies there n my exams here.. hope to hear from u soon.. take care.. muacks..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 6:08 PMMonday, February 13, 2006

dear is gone.. e next time i will be seeing her will be10 months time..

just sent her off at the airport.. was a large turnout.. so many pple so messy.. maybe tt's y so many pple tt's y i din feel much when i was there.. it was until e last part when i saw her cry n hugging everyone i really felt it.. when she enter the custom thing my tears just flowed non stop.. my face turned super red..

after tt went to eat with bel n tiff.. everything just taste so plain.. eat finish went to the viewing gallery to look at her plane take off.. tears just coudnt come out.. all stuck inside.. took 34 till bel hse there..wait so long for 291 den i just decide to walk home.. took almost an hour to reach back.. seems like i've walk very long.. thinking all e good times we've shared.. n i started to tear non stop.. wanna call somebody to talk to but just dunno hu to call so i just walk on n on.. e road was like mine.. car coming straight at me i still walking at e same speed.. could not be bothered bout anything.. sat at the bus stop tt don have bus services to take a rest.. sit until got wan old man come tell me there got no bus service de.. he must be thinking i'm some mad kid who lost the way..

got to start studying but just dunno where to start.. no mood to do so.. my head so pain so pain.. wanna sleep but cant close my eyes..

goodbye dear.. take good care of yourself.. be smarter there.. don let pple take advantage of u.. don be so soft hearted because the world there is not for u to control.. i really really miss you n just cant wait for 10 months to be over.. love ya lots.. big big big hugs n kisses tt will fly to e plane u're at to comfort u.. MUACKS!!

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:11 PMSunday, February 12, 2006

Just met dear to pass her the presents.. big n small all add up got 6 gifts le.. tml giving her the big one tt i've started doin from like 2 yrs ago.. nothing special.. but it represents wad i feel n all..

the day after tml nv gonna be the same anymore...................................................................................

no mood to study for next week papers.. got 5 but i started on none.. i know none also.. nv listen in class.. all these happening at e wrong time man..

meeting ah da n tiff to bring them see kartini in e noon to help them into tp using vball.. gg to cut hair if got time.. its too messy.. n off to send dear at the airport in the night.. sigh..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:32 PM

crying.. crying.. crying..

Breathe Again
Have you wondered how it feels when it's all over?
Wondered how it feels when you just have to start anew?
Never knowing where you're going
When you face a brand new day
It used to be that way
Now I just close my eyes and say

I just want to breathe again, learn to face the joy and pain
Discover how to laugh a little, cry a little, live a little more
I just wanna face the day, forget about the woes of yesterday
Maybe if I hope a little, try a little more
I’ll breathe again

Starting out again is never easy
Disappointments come and go but life still moves on
With a bit of luck
It’s a brand new start
That might just work my way
No need to walk away
Don't want to live on life's replay

I just want to breathe again, learn to face the joy and pain
Discover how to laugh a little, cry a little, live a little more
I just wanna face the day, forget about the woes of yesterday
Maybe if I hope a little, try a little more
I’ll breathe again

Things will work out fine
If you can find the courage to look past the night
To see the break of dawn

I just want to breathe again, learn to face the joy and pain
Discover how to laugh a little, cry a little, live a little more
I just wanna face the day, forget about the woes of yesterday
Maybe if I hope a little, try a little more
I'll breathe again

I'll breathe again...

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:44 AMFriday, February 10, 2006

sad sad sad... just now went out with dear to the airport to send ziting off.. things seem to be piling up already.. at that moment when i saw her bid farewell n go in i just feel so sad.. not because she's gg but cux i know this thing is gonna happen on mon.. dunno wad to do.. there will be so many pple there n i know i sure cry.. but so afraid to let pple see the weak me.. even for now i already starting to feel scared.. dunno wad to do also.. hais.. so sad.. can anybody help me..

these 2 days had been spending time with her.. every moment was deeply cherished in my heart.. gonna be kept there forever.. thinking of her got to leave me for like 4 yrs is just so unthinkable.. the silly things we did today n yesterday is just so silly.. time is really runnign too fast.. i haven do the things i need to do for her n give her.. din know things would happen so fast haven really think of wad to buy for her..

feeling so tired now at 4 am.. playing cards with tiff n jacinth.. entertaining them b4 they go take their results tml.. haha.. all the best..

--3 days!!-- friday... saturday... sunday.. byebye

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 3:08 AMThursday, February 09, 2006

So happy.. finally went out with dear today.. one last time before she flies to aust on mon.. everything just feel normal.. just like a normal outing we always had but i know tt's gonna be our last n e next one will be 10months time.. she keep saying is very fast very fast.. i look left look right also not fast.. 10months is so long man.. nobody is there to love me n care for me for the next 10 months.. i will just die!! hais hais hais..

we went to ajisen to eat.. super ultra spicy e volcano noodles.. eat till my lips swell like hotdog.. haa.. den bought a pair of converse ORANGE shoes.. its a little high cut.. not say very nice the cut but hu cares when its orange.. just buy.. the perfect one i was looking for previously.. i mean the colour.. if its the normal ht den it will be awesome.. but its only 29.90.. so just buy.. don even need to think.. hahah..

walk arnd orchard for a while.. saw another haivanas slippers.. think its green.. not bad.. but wait for dear to fly off den i buy cuz she always dont understand y i like this kinda wash toilet looking slippers.. hahahah.. she bought her wallet from fossil.. i wanna buy tt for her but she dont wan.. so now i dunno wad m i gonna get for her..

anyway tts Shabie.. my new toy.. dear bought tt for me so tt i can think of her when i look at's a guy.. cuz its so cute.. its so black but i love it.. my first soft toy in dunno how many donkey yrs.. haa.. kawaii desu..

we also bought this bracelet.. engraved both of our chinese name which is the same on it..
looking at shabie n e bracelet just makes me feel tt time is really not on my side.. i can no longer control it.. heart is starting to tear as the time keeps ticking..

--4 days!!-- thursday... friday... saturday... sunday... goodbye =(

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:48 AMFriday, February 03, 2006

CNY is just so fun.. all e gathering all e fun.. all e karaoke at eve hse was so fun.. haha.. holding on to e mic n sing n sing n sing.. tone deaf or not who cares.. just sing till ur throat burst.. hahaha.. really had fun these few days thou keep seeing the same pple.. but yeah was really nice..

10 more days n u r gone.. so fast so fast.. i really wanna spend more time with u but just so hard when u n i r pack with so many things.. next week totally burn away cuz of some course.. i dunno wad to do for u.. haven prepare anything.. wad shld i buy for u i've got no idea..something tt u look n will think of me.. there's nothing but orange things.. hahaha.. will bomb u with tons of orange stuff when u leave..

hai.......... hai........... hai........... do anybody know how am i feeling now??

am feeling so tired now.. super tired.. close my eyes n i will sleep deeply instantly..

--10 days!!--

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:51 AM

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.:: About Me ::.
Name: debbie Teo
Age: 17
Birthday: 18 Oct 1988
School: Temasek Poly, Business
Likes: Volleyball,Pool, Cookies(my guitar), Cream(my another guitar), VoVo( my rabbit), Tommy (my bicycle), Orange colour and basically BABBLING!!
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