Saturday, January 28, 2006

IVP is finally and really over.. n we got 2nd.. yeah.. feeling so contented already.. thou we din really play well for the last game but haa.. i think to reach finals was really a big bonus for the team.. like wad i told eve.. we dont really seem to feel and realise tt IVP is over cuz this period of time is just so busy.. so fast we r celebrating CNY.. looking at the medal just make me feel so wooo.. shiok.. hahaha.. but i still refuse to accept e fact tt pple r gonna leave the team.. this team is nv gonna play again.. all e ups and downs we went through was like un countable.. just within these few months or rather only 2 months of being together as a team we experienced so many things.. its truly remarkable.. things r gonna change.. pple who r left in e team aint even sure of their future..they don even know whether can they make it or rather can e team make it.. don even know do they really wanna play anymore.. hais.. so many many.. to say the truth i m really scared esp when u guys r leaving.. i'm scared i dunno how to handle the diff grp of pple in e team.. wad if everyone get together n throw me away?? how sad.. haa. this may not be happening soon but i can already foresee some stuff tt's gonna happen.. where m i n who m i gonna put my trust into?? hmm after saying so much maybe i'm thinking too much n too early.. hahaha..

there's a more impt thing for me to think n mourn now.. haa.. now still not in e mood to start mourning.. after CNY i will mourn everyday le.. singing hundreds of songs at eve hse last night was amazing.. her karaoke was fantastic other den the screen which was spoilt..

dunno wad else to say now.. waiting for my tuan yuan fan to start..

a big CONGRATS to my dearest team who made our 2nd chance real.. indeed we fought our way into e finals.. thou we did not win it but we r all winners.. just go stare at e medal u've got n u will know how blessed we r to get tt.. hehehe.. wish u all all e best in wadever u all gonna do cuz i guess for alot of u all i wun be seeing u guys or meet up with u all so.. all e best in ur studies n projects n work.. n happy happy new year n i shall see u all at eve hse on tues.. =)

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 4:59 PMThursday, January 26, 2006

this shall be my last blog before IVP ends this year.. i am so excited yet calm for tml's game.. just have this peace in me tt e team will play well n enjoy.. winning or losing is no longer impt for tml's game cuz just feel like we r all winners already.. getting into bonus is already a big bonus for us.. so winning is ultimate..

tml is my last game with all my dearies.. eve, carol, qian, shan n jelly.. not feeling sad is fake de la.. so gonna miss u guys so much.. so......... i will play my best for u all.. don care where pain i go all e way le.. nothing to lose anyways.. so might as well fight with no regrets.. u guys fight it with me too k.. make tml's game e most memorable of all.. we end off this IVP well alright.. wrap it up nicely.. too many miracles happened to us already.. which makes this team unforgettable..

cherishing u guys right from e start was wad i know n now its time to let go its hard.. but i am really happy all these is gonna end well.. love me n miss me always k cuz i love u guys super alot.. muack (x5)

*** carol.. cheer up right now ok.. don bring in things tt r not needed into e court tml.. past few days having so much faith really led us so far.. so dont dont dont break it now.. cherish this last game with me n e team k.. i have faith in u tt u can do it.. rmb.. "Here i go again!!" so dont stumble n fall now.. Jia you ba =) BB loves u forever!!

--18 days--

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:54 PMWednesday, January 25, 2006

hehehehehehehhhehhhee.. tt's all i am feeling now.. sooooooo happy.. TP girls is in e finals already.. match with SP was great.. not e winning tt really make me feel so happy but instead how God lead us n how well the team play.. e team was super high man.. shouting like crazy esp qian.. hahaha.. shout until no voice.. but the team really did cherish hard this second chance.. when we were lagging behind everyone just really fought it back.. running after balls like crazing.. spiking n whacking into empty places like crazy n jumping n block like crazy.. everybody just went crazy.. so did my right knee.. pain from the first pt till now.. ice my leg for so long just to realise i ice e wrong part got to re ice it again.. but still cant bend.. but nvm.. i m feeling too happy to bother bout e pain..

its just so amazing how we can move so far.. from nothing until now fighting in the finals.. win or lose does not matter anymore.. cuz playing in e finals is really a bonus for us.. so i dunno winning is call wad le.. fri is the last game this team is ever playing together.. so come on everybody.. fight all u can.. really fight.. we win glorious and if we were to lose we lose it gloriously as well.. there's nothing to lose anyway.. its either a 1st or a 2nd.. so just give ur best.. don ever regret anything u do tt day.. most importantly "be humble"

good job girls.. so happy to see everyone so happy.. fight fight fight.. have the faith in all tt we do.. believe in e things unseen.. jia you for fri ba.. i love u team to bits..

happy birthday to my dear eve!! muacks..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:56 AMMonday, January 23, 2006

another meaningful and impacting verse..

2 Cor 1:8-11

We do not want you to be uninformed brothers about the hardships we suffered in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life. Indeed in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened tt we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope tt he will continue to deliver us, as u help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.

--22 days-- (not prepared at all)

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 1:09 AMSunday, January 22, 2006

opps.. correction for the previous post.. shld be hebrews 11:1 not matthew

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 3:56 AM

i am now super happy.. over excited.. totally surprised for the miracle tt just took place.. its like truly amazing.. TP girls r thru the next round.. praise the Lord!! we really dunno wad really happy but our dear khartini told us we r in cuz of a rule in IVP.. my goodness.. i m super shock.. its like unbelievable.. if u pple outside there think tt its unfair n think tt we the host n e home team did something i'm sorry.. u guys r wrong.. cuz this rule was written black n white.. n thus we r in.. the rule is explained in eve's blog.. hahah but wadever it is we r in.. its like so thank God.. until now me carol n eve still cant believe the miracle tt just took place.. there's so mnay things we could not understand.. from e start y we lose NYP 1 set.. n wad stop sir from sub-ing the main team in.. y we played well for NUS but stil can lose 3 sets n even one got thrash.. n how can can we lose to NTU when we actually din played badly.. was in fact alright.. its like no matter how hard we fight nothing went our way.. i mean its like how can all these be happening to us..

n sir called eve last night after our game n told us something about this rule thing but ask us not to put too much hope in it but just keep our faith n pray.. so me n carol keep telling each other keep on praying pray n pray till the verdict is out.. so this morning i prayed n prayed saying the same old line for like super long. went church.. heard something amazing.. shall elaborate another day.. but its like so unbelievable till my jaw was like dropping.. but all i can say guys now is keep the faith still n fight on all the way.. we r like a team who just made a round at the gates of hell maybe not so serious but yeah somehting like tt.. so now we r not afraid of ANYTHING cuz we really been thru the worst.. so come on team.. lets fight o all the way as a team.. n i mean as a team.. no more individual plays inside.. n wadever result we got at the end be thankful.. cuz everything will be better den wad was before..

so let me end off with this wonderful verse..
mat 11:1

"Faith is being sure of what we hope for n certain of what we do not see"


--23 DAYS--

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:55 AMSaturday, January 21, 2006

i'm like blogging at 345am.. came home half an hour ago.. after game.. after dinner.. n after my supper.. n after my long talk with hoho.. i dunno how long will this post last but i just dont wanna sleep cuz i don wanna wake up.. cuz i know when i wake up everything is over.. i really wish somebody can tell me now tt wad just happen was an illusion.. its all fake.. nothing is real..

"WE'VE LOST"' WE ARE OUT!!!!!!!!!!! my goodness.. i really cannot believe it.. we were like pinning so much hope to enter into finals n now wad we got??? out of top 4.. the game was like totally disgusting.. we lost to NTU.. they played like fantastically well.. nv see them play so well before.. n NP can actually take 2 sets from NUS.. wad the crap.. so obvious they did tt on purpose.. i mean its like hu cant see.. i dont wan it to seem tt we r sore losers tts y we make such accusations but come on.. so many pple could see.. 1st set don wan put the 2 players.. when losing also don wanna sub.. den even they play setter din keep setting to the huang pai like wad she did when they played with us when EVERY ball goes to the 2 huang pai.. so now NP is in n we r out when we won them 3-0.. just cant stand this fact man.. we were suppose to be standing equal with NP but cuz of the 1 set we lost to NYP all thanks to ahem n now we ended up crying.. ended up broken.. ended up lost in lala land..

there might be a miracle to get in if tt IVP rule is real.. u guys know wad i meant.. but i think tt really takes a miracle.. if its God's plan for us to lose.. n it was his plan for us to hear of such a 'rule' so who knows.. this could be just a test of our faith.. so pple.. if u ever read this before the verdict is out.. pray hard.. real hard..

i dunno wad m i feeling now.. sad?? i think its too ultimate tt i cant feel it at all.. angry?? i don think so.. nothing to be angry about.. maybe just plain disappointed n 'yi han' this team just ended everything like tt.. totally not worth it.. totally out of my expectation.. i mean its like we were so close.. maybe not on the inside but at least the outside.. u guys made me feel so protected.. i just feel so happy playing in this team.. i mean its like i dunno wad to say.. too fast too fast.. ended too fast..

there's alot reason y we lose this game.. i knew the team actually had some problems with one another.. i hesitated whether to voice out anot.. sharon did told me to settle it quick before today's game..cuz she say it could be serious.. but in e end i chose not to.. maybe if i did we wouldnt have lost.. i dunno.. but on top of tt there's really more.. pple always say its the process tt matters n not the outcome.. but when we play until this stage we can only think of the outcome cuz nobody bothers bout the process.. on the whole the team did train rather hard when IVP was drawing.. but wad bout before tt?? totally off.. it was so hard on eve.. but who saw it? who bothers? who did something bout it?

i just feel tt i really lost something so impt overnight.. this team is nv gonna be back again.. the pple who are leaving are my dearest.. how am i goin to let go n tell myself to be strong?? n worst of all sharon is like leaving in 24 days.. i really cannot accept tt.. from the start when i know she's leaving on feb 13 was the start of my sadness.. at times i really cannot ctrl my emotions..can go moody or crazy suddenly.. can just sit down stare into space n when i realise she is leaving i will just tear.. i dunno who to tell.. if i tell her she will be even more sad.. but i know i can show no one this cuz IVP is here.. i cant bring this into court cuz i know i will let the team down.. struggling so hard inside me n today which is now its time for me to let our cuz vball, ivp is over but i just cant.. its all stuck inside me.. STUCKED!!

losing e most impt person in my life just gonna be i dunno wad.. worst still when the next most impt grp of pple r also leaving me.. so who am i?? a loner?? a nobody!!

thanksgiving session:

eve: i love u so much.. i really do.. i know how much u've done for the team i know wad u've done.. i saw everything u did n am truly touch by how u can do everything n not expecting anything n i mean anything in return.. u just wanted us to be happy.. u always smile no matter wad happen even thou pple may be letting u down. u nv get angry.. u're just so patience..u're really an amazing person.. so pretty n with all e weird talents u can do with ur bones n joints..
u always make me smile n laugh so much.. always listening to my sorrows n when we talk we really talk so deep n so serious.. i mean man.. i can do it with no one like so easily.. u're really a great captain protecting all of us.. helping us do so many things.. a big thank you to u.. love u lots lots.. really really miss u when u're gone.. i really do.. hugs hugs..

yushan: i'm so glad tt u were able to come back just in time to play with the team.. at tt time when i know tt u cannot play anymore i was like so sad.. cuz i just feel tt a pillar had been remove.. ur great leadership was like awesome.. u really make a good captain.. but am so glad tt at least we get to play this ivp together.. i know ur injury had made u feel very burden but i can really see u put in ur best effort for this team.. at all cost even ur leg u played for this team.. thanks for standing by the team always n supporting each n every one of us.. today i saw u play.. the way u shout the way u 'ping' was like so nice.. at least i know there is someone so 'ping' at tt critical period.. even thou we only know each other not long but am really thankful we can play together n enjoy so much.. gonna miss ya lots when u're gone.. love u lots lots.. muacks..

germy: my goodness.. my dear germy.. vball is over now.. can u believe it?? i cant.. we know each other for like less den a yr.. n we can be like so close.. am i blind or something?? haha just kidding.. thou u gave me alot problems when come to vball u know wad i mean.. always doing things tt u know will irritate me.. but still u're so dear to me no matter how much u irritate me.. u're always the one who can make me laugh when i'm moody.. congrats u're e first.. nobody had even done tt b4.. last sem we were like meeting EVERYDAY doin nothing but just meet until so many pple think we're les.. haha.. but i really enjoy ur accompany.. thou u always bully me but i give u face since u treat me so nice.. i decided to let go all the bad side of u.. so many pple cant understand wad r u thinking n doing.. seriously neither can i up till now but i just make do with it.. cuz u're just germy.. my one n only germy.. opps now i got to share it with xiao ming.. see la.. haa.. now tt vball is over.. time is not on our side anymore.. esp now u got xiao ming.. n all ur projects.. ur sch work n stuff.. u sure gonna be very busy until u graduate.. i'm not even sure can our friendship last tt long.. haa.. but nvm.. we still can meet everyday right.. even for just tt short while it holds some value.. really gonna miss ya so so so much.. even thou u wanna dump me on feb 13 but i'm still gonna love u.. so yeah really love ya lots n thanks for all the things u done for me.. dunno wad but yah.. big hugs n kisses to u.. muacks muacks..

hoho: my well kept grouchy monster.. ur grouch-no-more is just a myth.. ur own myth.. hahaha.. after talking to u for hours just now wad can i say to u now?? haha.. well.. just wanna say a big thank you for always supporting me in court.. we always say u n i make the big plays.. cuz we know tt glory doesnt comes to us.. but we create the play.. haa.. but feel good doing just tt.. really gonna miss all the times when u tell me in court asking me to receive high so u can set n they can spike.. the way we motivate each other is like wooo.. awesome.. always telling me i'm the best libero.. making me feel confident of myself.. haa.. thanks =) thou u r so grouchy but amazingly i share alot of my problems with u.. haha.. cuz i know u do give me good advice at times.. hahahaha.. n for sure u're be by my side always.. even thou we know each other for so long but last yr was den i really talk to u n know u.. it may be short but its surely unforgettable.. all the times we had in trg in court.. everything.. it may seem to be over now but somehow i know our friendship will not be over.. u n i gonna be so busy in our future but i really hope we still can be there for each other.. for anything.. hehe.. i know now u don wanna sleep cuz u're feeling the same as me.. once we wake up we know tt everything is gonna be over.. haha.. but i think u shld cuz u r not some ultra woman.. haha.. n pls accept the fact tt we have one more game which is the 5th n 6th playoff.. n we got to lose tt for future sake.. hahahah.. anyway really thank you so much for being there for me always no matter how badly i play.. really love u lots lots no matter how grouchy u r.. hahaha.. we will play together some day.. we will.. will really miss u lots.. big hugs n kisses to u.. muack muack..

jelly: gonna miss the small little you.. moving in the court.. haa.. so cute.. anw thanks for wad u've done for the team.. nv seeing u miss a trg before in my memory.. even thou u may receive some setbacks before ivp but i can see tt u strongly pull thru it.. i may not know wad u really feel but at the very least u still din gave up n fight on.. tt was really encouraging.. gonna miss the time playing with u n all ur nonsence.. haahaha.. miss me too k.. love ya.. muack muack

seet: the most emotional one.. hahaha.. u really make a good game captain telling us wad to do n making us feel motivated in the game.. ur blur ness outside the court is just so funny.. n yet u can be so smart n clear in the court.. i still haven had the chance to know u well but nvm.. we still another year to pei yang gan qing.. anw thanks alot for wad u have done n put into this team.. all the analysis n trgs.. trust me.. nv once u demoralise us.. so ur effort for everything had nv been wasted.. n tt ankle of urs.. i know it hurts alot in game.. u just make me feel the hurt for u also when i see u play but yet for the team u fight on.. was really a strong determination on ur side.. really well done.. thanks for all tt u have done for the team.. lets look forward to our next team together n i mean together k.. don leave me alone n die with the rest.. hahah... love ya lots.. muacks.. hugs.. =)

xiang ting: e most crazy one.. doin all sorts of weird things.. hahaha.. but really the one who fight all the way.. nv ever once gave up.. u just whack n when u really whack into opponent court it really makes the team so high esp with ur tt loud yeah of urs.. hahhaha.. n ur blocking.. its like placing a great wall of china to block.. always so safe.. feel so happy covering behind u.. haa.. u done well for alot of games.. when nobody could play u were e one fighting so hard for the team.. u're just so great.. such an interesting teamate i got.. haha.. look forward for the next one alright.. we gonna fight even more.. *ROAR* hahaha.. love ya.. muack muack..

hui yee: thanks for sharing with me like wad u feel n stuff.. it may not be impt to u but it was to me cuz at least i know how u feel n stuff.. hehhe.. i know u've played ur best for this ivp.. so continue more k.. u still got 2 more yrs with me.. i'm gonna spice u up like siao.. haha.. i will drive u crazy too.. u know it.. so better beware.. look forward for our next yr n next next yr.. hahaha.. glad to have u arnd with me until i graduate.. love ya lots.. muack muack..

ying, andrea, kris: just wanna say a big thank you to u guys.. i know u all had been cheering n shouting n screaming n worrying so much for us outside.. u all feel more gan jiong den any of us i bet.. but haha yeah thanks alot.. without u guys the team can never be whole.. n u all gonna be stuck with me for the next 2 yrs.. hahah.. bet u all r feeling very happy right.. wahhaha.. cuz i am.. lets look forward for e next 2 yrs alright.. love u guys lots n thanks for all tt u all had done.. love u guys.. muacks muacks..

theres alot more i can say but i cant think now cuz its like 535am in e morning.. i've blog for 2hrs.. think i'm mad.. but hey all came from the bottom of my heart k.. TP womens' team 2006 is e best ever.. nv will i have such a nice team ever again.. it just feels great to be the youngest la.. haha cuz u know everybody will be there for u n protect u.. bet none of u understand wad i feel.. hahaha.. thanks alot guys for all tt u all have done for this team to make everything whole..
gonna miss u all soooooooooooooooooooooooo much.. dont dare to think of it now but yeah tt's wad i'm feeling it now thou.. hee..

"TP steady aces"

-24 days-

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 3:43 AMThursday, January 19, 2006

went for some shopping in the day.. bought quite alot stuff.. any how walk walk den spent 100 plus already.. but bought my CNY stuff n formal wear.. still got lots to buy man..

just came home from TM..went there to meet dear after my game.. she was like letting out all her unhappiness she's suffering in shs training.. so many unreasonable things so many ridiculous thing n so many taking for granted things.. hear le i also feel pek chek.. but she's just too nice to vent it out so she suck in everything n only until just now den she's able to let out everything.. she was like 'poof' finally its out!! haa.. n she's been telling me alot of things since ivp started.. all the things tt r so true which alot cant see it.. i dunno how to put it to words also.. dunno where to start also.. cuz its really too many.. i m really feeling so sad when she's gone.. its like less den a month.. dunno wad to do now also when time don even allow us to meet.. hais.. sad sad n sad..

today played with NUS.. lost 3-0.. morale from the start wasnt good at all.. even during the warm up we already lose to them.. the spirit n stuff.. today totally no communication between all of us.. nobody played well.. just cant play today.. everybody put in e effort.. but trying too hard for everything tts y like tt.. too focus bout winning them n forgot to enjoy the game.. cheer up for those hu r upset over the game, the team n themselves cuz today the game is nothing.. nothing to angry or sad about cuz its just a normal game in round 1.. when we meet them in the finals again den we put in our best effort n have no regrets..
there's a saying, "if you play ur usual, do wad needs to be done den winning will come in naturally" so we just play our own game n do our part n winning will come naturally.. so if we try our really best n yet still lose den we can only say the opponent is good n not tt we r losuy cuz we've done our best..

looking forward for our next game.. i have a feeling we will play well for the next game to recover wad we lost today.. so come on.. make my belief real k.. hehe.. one set from them n we r thru the next round.. so jia you k everybody.. don stress so much bout winning.. just enjoy this game n just enjoy yourself with this wonderful team..

--27 days--

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:09 AMWednesday, January 18, 2006

i am feeling super excited now for tomorrow's game man.. haha.. it just feels like we're gonna play finals tml.. so exciting.. i just cant imagine how the team gonna perform.. + tml is xiangting's birthday.. wahhaa.. we sure gonna make her feel super high.. n she confirm will.. think she will just go crazy n whack open any ball she sees..

was telling carol just now wad if tml we play until super good n we win.. haha n wad if i cry.. but its abit dramatic cuz its like only the 1st round.. not semi or finals.. wahhaha.. tt wan win already den say man..

all i need to do now is to keep telling myself tt i am a good libero.. rather hard to say it thou.. hhahaha.. but i know i can do it.. the satisfaction i get as a libero is to see my team mate spike down a ball tt i've receive.. the amt of satisfaction to the spiker will be double for me man..different pple got different satisfaction so we all got to find our most satisfying move in the game.. i can never ever score a point in this whole game so all i can do is only to create the point n keep my mistake level as low to zero as possible.. yeah i know i can do it.. can some one just tell me now i can do it?? wahahah..

so excited!!! we will rock IVP!!

--28 days-- (our days are numbered)

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:31 AMMonday, January 16, 2006

such a happy day today cuz we won NP 3-0.. not the winning tt makes me happy but rather today i saw a team n i mean a real team.. it was totally awesome.. thou we started off a little unstable.. even played till the score 25-23.. so close to losing it.. but the 3rd set was like wow wow wow.. fantastic.. qian block like dunno how many balls consecutively.. xt could just whack like its free.. everybody were just able to play better than their normal self.. my receiving was alright thou its still a little ugly but carol they all said good job.. haha n guess tt was what i needed.. just felt so good la.. nothing could beat today's game.. n the teamwork n bonding we showed everyone..we just feel so good.. EVERYBODY was so high.. real high...

we just got to maintain this n we can fight with NUS.. come on team we all can do it.. nobody will expect us to win NUS.. so we ourself got to believe we can do it.. we din expect things will turn out so well when we all feel so high as one.. n yeah tt's just wad we need.. we need each other.. we play like a team.. we win as a team.. no you n me.. its US!! hahaha..

we gonnna be like how we were when we ran the will @TP.. we just keep on running.. n the result will be something tt we never ever expect.. our motto.."for the pride of EVERYONE in the team.. just fight on" yeah.. BB so happy..

wee!! we did it.. we will do it again!! ROAR!!~~ NUS here we come!!

--28 days--

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:53 PM

went svc this morning but woke up late.. so rushed there.. service was good. but if u ask me wad was preached i cant ans cuz i cannot rmb.. only know tt it was good.. need to refer to notes.. i only know "deja vu".. the wan we always have when we seem to experience the same scene somewhere is actually something like God's vision he have for us n had place in us dunno dunno wad.. yah something like tt..

met bel at bedok.. played pool.. don seem to be fun anymore.. cuz gg back there 2 times in 2 days is boring.. haha.. met carol they all at 330 to buy their OP stuff n went to shop a little.. nothing captures my attention.. eyes were like closed when walking.. thinking of so many things in fact.. legs were tired after yesterday training..

tml playing game with NP.. not feeling anything.. not high not excited not scare not nervous.. nothing.. just numb.. something numbed it.. dunno wad shld i be feeling now also.. wad shld i be thinking tml when i play.. wad shld i be thinking b4 i play.. or maybe i can feel something.. i'm stress.. ahhhh.. something is just not right when i play.. feeling kinda lousy.. i have absolute confidence n faith in e team tt they r gonna do well.. but i cant feel the same for myself.. but still i'm gonna play my best for the team.. i will do wad i can n if pple cant see it den i dunno how also le.. cuz i've tried.. hopefully i did..

cant explain wad i feeling now.. whole lot of emotions.. too many things happening.. too major for me to handle.. so i choose to be numb..

--29 days-- (n i've shed my first drop of tear)

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 1:08 AMSunday, January 15, 2006

today morning got acconting test..last night study till like crazy in e end template given.. memorised rather hard man.. after test met for project.. group mate did everything.. i know nuts about it.. so don care la.. i tried doing but she prefer to do it cuz faster n less mistakes..

met bel n we went bedok to eat n play pool.. the only place she can enter currently.. hang on a little longer.. its only 1 month more n u can anywhere to play pool... haha n today she is the sway woman.. shoot in all the black balls with the white ball goin in too.. don even give me the chance to perform.. 4 daytona she must choose the wan tt is spoil.. 2 chairs n she must sit on the one tt is broken.. play game must play at the machine tt is spoilt.. hahaha.. everything was super funny man..

had trg at 5pm.. super little pple came.. only 6 plus bel.. but it was more of individual skill training.. was really good cuz the-one-who-mull-my-face came to train us.. was very good i must say.. thou it may seem lousy to him but haha.. now i know which hole i must cover when players move away.. trainings after trainings i just feel so lousy.. dunno y but just don feel good.. i enjoy the team n e time we spent together but just not happy with myself n e ball.. don seem to be able to play it well anymore.. mind feeling weak suddenly.. stress up..

i must constantly remind myself tt i m a libero.. always forget tt i am n thus will forget the responsibility tt i have.. game is like on monday.. not sure if i'm ready for it.. but its too late n no time to think much bout it.. the only way is to go on..

hoho u n me k.. we will make the big plays n not worry about the scoring.. u remind me i remind u.. jia you ba!! =)

--30 days-- (trying hard not to think bout it but my heart is starting to cry..) love ya so much..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:31 AMFriday, January 13, 2006

woke up late for class today.. real late.. woke up at 945 when class at 9.. so din bother just sleep on.. den went to bathe.. sat infront of my clothes n fall asleep again.. was raining cats n dogs so i took the longest way i've ever taken to sch..sheltered all the way.. took me like 15 mins to reach.. when i walked into class the teacher walked out.. totally don bother tt i'm her student.. hurr.. lousy fellow..

anw today was our first game in this IVP.. TP vs NYP.. score 3-1.. we won.. but shld not even have lost tt set.. super silly.. we started off rather ok.. maybe just overly excited but cant be help cuz tt's our first game.. but we still manage to win 1st 2 sets.. e 3rd set sir din put grace n hui yee n eve in.. starting still ok.. but until quite middle den i think andrea start to panic.. cant really play.. but sir just nv sub eve in.. all the way till the score 21-19.. we were losing.. he sub eve n grace in.. expect them to do a miracle.. it was all too late.. eve manage to fight back a little with her svc from e score 19 to 23.. on pile with them.. but we were not able to maintain it n lost tt set 25-23.. it was totally disgusting la.. don wan sub don wan time out n expect miracle.. how can it be done man..

4th set put all back n we won easily 25-11.. not to say tt our pple r lousy but certain things must really see situation.. when cannot must be flexible le n not be stuck to ur mindset.. anw its over n we won.. something to be thankful bout thou.. n NYP today played very well.. angel wasnt arnd.. so tt could be e reason.. haha.. they like cannot die like tt no matter how we whack..

n to all my fellow team mates who r injured.. etc seet, hui yee, yu shan n xiang ting.. i know u all put up with the pain n fight all e way with the team.. tt's like woo.. so heart-warming.. tts y i say u guys make me feel so protected.. like no matter wad happen nothing's gonna bring us down.. n our motto "FOR THE PRIDE OF THE TEAM, JUST CONTINUE" haa.. really put into use ah.. hahaha.. u all must know k.. this is the team tt is worth all these things k.. u cant find a better one out there worth u all sacrificing so much for.. we're gonna win this game not because of our skills but the bond tt we share.. its unbreakable.. so jia you ba n fight all the way for the rest of the games..

*say cheese*

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:02 AMWednesday, January 11, 2006

tomorrow 12th jan is our first game!! feeling so excited... hahahaha.. thou its quite sad to know like 2 of our main players injured.. but its ok.. haha the rest of us will do just as well.. cuz its a team..

at this stage i just feel so good.. not scared of anything cuz i feel so protected in the team.. i know i can lean on all of them.. every single one.. all of u just make me feel so loved n i know this part of my life is the most exciting n unforgettable one.. all that we've been thru last yr till now is all gonna end real soon in this competition. thou its just less than a yr this team train together but every moment was cherished..

all these sweet moments gonna end when this competition end.. so we must go as far as we can which is 27th jan.. the finals..

"For the pride of the team, just CONTINUE!!"

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:30 PMTuesday, January 10, 2006

had chalet on sunday.. was kind of fun thou it only started off with me bel carol jelly.. haha.. n tt hoho so angry cuz in e end nobody seems like they're gonna turn up.. but when pple like klang n grace n her bro came things started to look up.. haha.. bernard playing blackjack with bel.. 1 on 1.. he was simply crazy.. put all the bet so high.. bet until 300 bucks.. madness..

eve came soooo late.. n we were like waiting for her to come so can go dinner together.. after she came we went to eat n when we return back to the chalet she made us play charade(this acting game thingy) hahaha super funny when we tried to act out the word our opponent set.. its like un-act-able..

played mahjong till like 4 plus in e morning.. n got to crawl out of bed reluctantly at 815am to go for my 9am class.. super tired.. even thou dily daly for so long still wasnt late for class.. hahha.. all thanks to mr cabbie..

today is the start of the IVP games.. oh my oh my.. i can really feel the excitement of this whole game.. cant wait for our first game.. saw other 4 teams in our grp played today.. not too bad.. but some still haven show their true colours yet..

am scared of this whole IVP.. not scared of the games n opponents but rather when its time to part.. i know i will not be able to let go.. its like......... hai.. no words can describe my feelings now.. i cant find another team in this game who have more desire than us to win.. hais.. days left as a team r numbered.. days with dear are numbered too.. wad m i gonna do???

ANW so so so so so in love with this song "Who Am I" by casting crowns.. simply nice.. nice piece of music which speaks of my heart..

--3 days to 1st game--
--18 days to 27th jan--

** Bel is snoring so loudly in my hse now!!!!**

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:03 AMFriday, January 06, 2006

I'M SO PROUD OF THE TEAM!! wahahaha.. even myself.. yesterday 3am the team got to run.. something that all of us hate to do.. cuz never one trg we ran before.. even got run also very little.. but but but.. yesterday we all ran.. before our time slot to run.. we were in this classroom playing mahjong.. n we tot only need to run 3 rounds cuz thats their minimum n we were aiming for tt.. but got somebody call say the volleyball team need to run at least 8 rounds cuz tt was the avg for other sports.. we were like SIAO!! when we were registering tt time den kartini came to tell us that the rugby ran 20 rounds la.. bowling 40 la.. den dunno wad sport 30 la.. all above 20.. all of our faces were like 3 strokes streaming down from our face.. n all i could say was well done pple for running so much.. hahah..

before the run we were all so scared.. scared tt we cannot finish like 8 rounds.. our hearts were pumping so fast.. our injuries started to surface even before we ran.. den so many wanted to pee n shit la. hahah all so scared.. n when we were given the signal to start we almost fainted.. haha.. so we ran real real real slowly.. like brisk walking speed.. we just kept on running n running n i got so much energy left to talk sing n jump around.. when we reach 8 rounds we were all still so energectic so we just ran on.. keep setting targets like 10, 15, 20 n so on.. but all din happen cause nobody stopped.. nobody start to stop so all just kept running.. my knee were like pain from the 1st round but i run till tt stage tt all injuries were numbed.. ying ying was like kind of running with me for a while.. n at the 14th round i ask her how many more.. she say till she cannot make it.. i was like huh?!?! dens he say jelly huiyee they all aimed 40.. i was like madness when i was only at 14.. so i targeted 20.. n at the 20th round i met ying again i asked how many more.. she still say the same thing. haha.. she keep saying for the pride of volleyball just continue.. that sounded rather motivating so i just ran on..

when running i could hardly spot any of our pple.. so hard to see.. jelly was like running past me so many times.. she was like 3 rounds ahead of me.. n i lost eve.. could not find her.. wanted to ask her how many more den she stop.. so keep running on n on to find her.. n tt's how i ran my 32 rounds..32 man!! n tt is like 12.8 km.. nv ever believe i could run tt distant.. it will be a life time biggest thing i've ever accomplished.. ying ran 40 rounds man!! her determination level was like whoo.. good job girl=) "for the pride of volleyball just continue" real good..

i stopped bout the same time with eve jelly n qian.. when we saw each other our faces were like "OH my goodness, what just happened??" i was like hugging them cuz it was like so unbelievable.. n the hug is gonna happen again on the 27th jan when we win.. it just feels to me tt its gonna happen again.. this run thingy really showed us nothing is impossible for us now..

trainings had ended for this team.. no more trainings together again.. n in 6 more days we are gonna play our 1st game.. n in 20 days we r all gonna part as a team from this game.. at the thought of this just makes me tear.. to me.. i think the scene for ivp would be the same as the run.. before it begins.. we were all so scared.. scared tt we were not able to achieve it.. but when we set our foot to it there's no turning back but aim for the highest.. "for the pride of the team just continue"

well done team =)

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:42 PMTuesday, January 03, 2006

had friendly today with SIM.. it was at xin min.. we got this gigantic bus to fetch us there.. just the 7 of us.. friendly was not too bad.. quite fun.. especially all the money thing.. one svc error pay $1.. seet hao lian say she pay $2 for one error.. haha.. n i e most poor thing.. got to pay 50c for each ball tt fly away.. sounds little but my ball seems to fly away all the time.. but ahaha i think its good n it helps..

today i finally could get back some of my receiving back.. so happy =) we won 4 sets.. lost 1.. but overall not too bad.. everybody played rather ok.. now our fund super rich.. one match like tt got 17.50 le.. haahhaa

on thurs we gonna run in the will dunno wad thing.. volleyball pple needs to run at 3am.. haahah.. sounds ridiculous but its fun.. cant wait.. n got loa on thurs n fri.. haha whole day we will just play hide n seek.. n try to make faces at the camera so can catch their attention n we will be in the news.. wahahha...n on sun we got the team chalet.. gonna be ultra fun too.. so mnay things lining up.. n next week is ivp.. my goodness.. fast-ness.. cant believe..

time pls slow down.. u're moving too fast..

--2 trgs to ivp-- (1 if fri got no court)
--9 days to first game of ivp--
--24 days n its all over--

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:30 PM

this is wad the personality test says..

Debbie, your true color is Orange!

You're a bold, confident orange. A warm, powerful color that indicates a strong, welcoming personality, orange is the mark of people who are social and extroverted by nature. Vibrant, with an upbeat attitude, you have a bright, inviting demeanor. Energetic and fun-loving, you're a real friend-magnet. Your easy charm and unassuming manner make you the sort of person people want to meet and get to know better. Well-rounded and fun to be around, you enjoy helping others, so it's no surprise that orange also symbolizes attraction. Orange is an extraordinary color — for an extraordinary person.

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:16 AMMonday, January 02, 2006

i stayed home the whole day today.. so amazing.. woke up bout 12 pm den went my grandma hse help out in the making of the new yr tiring to do the same process always..

just did some test to see wad colour represent me.. i anyhow click n the result is ORANGE.. hahahaha.. so true n i shld really buy the ownership of this colour in the future le.. hahaha..

and my grandma got this orange scissors.. so nice.. i told her i will trade two simliar scissors just tt mine is black with her orange wan.. hahah my mum was like WAD?!?!?!? haha but don care.. i am going to trade it for sure..

just realised tml need to submit this project.. n i haven even do.. my grp also sure dunno need to do..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:59 PM

Sat: slept bout 5 am , woke up bout 9 to go for friendly with PHS.. their attitude really disgusting .. totally no discipline.. so wad if they can play better den others.. stupid attitude just pissed me off from the start..running around the court splashing water all over.. got to spend time to clean up tt place.. worst still they did it when we were already getting ready at the other side.. n e mr ang just stood there nv even say anything.. horrible..

was feeling rather moody already.. n my disgusting receiving just makes it worst.. ahh..when playing the 4th set carol did some stunts. bang into this metal rusty stand which scrap her skin away.. n left a big hole on her thigh..everything got to be stop cuz we need to attend to her n we got no players to sub in.. mr ang gave her 40 bucks to see doc which wasnt enough to cover the consultation fees.. vaccine.. n all the medcines.. haha n carol was simply funny when she was having her mini surgery.. everything the doctor took out she will just scream.. hahah.. n when she took the jab was e funniest.. she literally screamed until all e rest outside also can hear..

after we r done with all these we went to have lunch at mac.. n by the time everythng end i was late n got no time to rush back to church so in e end i din went.. was kind of disappointed.. in e night went over to vien hse to countdown.. not very happening.. i alone trying to be high there.. playing mahjong with vien n tiff n bel.. rather amazing they will play.. 2 rounds somemore.. n after tt went over to jelly hse to cont playing.. played from 3am till 7am.. n got to meet my friend at 845 to go church.. the timing was like not even here not even there.. i went home den fell on my bed n sleep till 830 like tt.. so its like only an hour..

sun: was just this close to msg my friend i don wan go le but i know i should not.. so decided to go.. when i was at church i couldnt stand properly.. cant balance myself.. n when i closed my eyes.. mj tiles keep flying infront of me.. hahaha so freaky.. i just left my eyes open.. hahah when its over.. went to eat kfc w shimo n after tt met bel go yushan hse play mj again.. its like mj non stop hits.. but now i m on my losing streak already.. losing non stop..

dear came to fetch me n bel from tanah merah mrt.. feeling super tired now.. like some super woman who no need to sleep for 2 days like tt.. later i m gg to sleep until tml evening.. nights all..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:50 AM

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.:: About Me ::.
Name: debbie Teo
Age: 17
Birthday: 18 Oct 1988
School: Temasek Poly, Business
Likes: Volleyball,Pool, Cookies(my guitar), Cream(my another guitar), VoVo( my rabbit), Tommy (my bicycle), Orange colour and basically BABBLING!!
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