Wednesday, November 30, 2005

yeah i finally got my new phone.. sony ericsson w550i!!!

still figuring out until now how to use it .. so hard to adapt to all the new way of typing.. its kind of bulky thou but i tink the sound its v good.. cuz most importantly its orange..tts all tt matters to me.. my goodness.. so pretty.. my new number is 81988831.. haha.. very scared the phone will give me some weird problems.. up till now its fine.. but i must say the bass is really fantastic.. tts all i could hear from the music the bass.. no lyrics.. haha cuz its too powerful..

so happy=)

anw tml goin to meet germy in the noon to have lunch with her den goin back to sch for project.. they meeting at 1.. so i don tink i can make it back in time.. after tt meeting bel go see some stuff den go for friendly with NP!!! kill them kill them!! hahahahaha..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 1:52 AMSunday, November 27, 2005

feels long since i blog.. but its only thursday but guess i'm just so busy these few days with so many things on.. schedule like so tight..

super long entry but pls enjoy reading till the end..

Thursday: went to vivien chalet.. which was meant to be a birthday celebration for her on the friday.. yup.. so it starts on thurs.. went there after sch.. only 6 pple in the big chalet.. we played mahjong on a round table.. played a game called "fatal frame" where u suppose to ctrl a girl to walk thru forest n spooky houses to find spirits n take a photo of them.. n some of them were like screaming n yelling cuz its too scary.. anyway yah.. but its kind of scary especially when u r the one holding on to the controller n its not easy as it seems by the 'spectators' to capture a pic of the spirits.. we decided to stop that game after like one hour plus when we find that its not amusing anymore.. we switch to some card games where the loser got to drink water.. vivien mum is very very nice.. she bought like 25 bottles of 1.5 litres of softdrinks just for the 6 of us.. n a gigantic gigantic big pack of tidbits where we only manage to eat 1/10 of all.. n 2 cartons of water which contain 48 cups of it.. those plastic type..

haha anw we played this game which i think its called indian poker.. where we suppose to take a card n place it in front of our forehead where we cant see but the rest can.. n the smallest got to drink.. we all each take turns to pour our bet of water.. so if we tink our card is big we will pour alot.. haha.. n from the strat we play tt game.. vivien drank like dunno hw mnay litres of water already.. cuz she always get the smallest.. 2 is smallest n aces biggest.. so one of us can get like 3 heart n she can get 3 diamond.. i got 2 spade which is like super duper small until they were laughing n when vien showed her 2 diamond card.. all of them laughed like some mad cows.. ultimate.. so she really drank n drank.. so did the rest of us but nobody could beat her.. every 15 min we will just chiong to the toilet n the water tt is let out is like so purified until it seems like its white like the water we consume.. haha.. our kidney were like extended overnight.. when we bout to finish one carton me n bel did some calculations thingy.. we calculated tt it was bout 23 litres of water in one carton.. n vien drank like 10 l of it n the other 10 litres by the other 5.. hahahaaahah..

Fri: HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIVIEN!! anw by the time the game ended we decided to go for breakfast at mac.. n returning back at 7 feeling dead tired n bloated but nobody care n we all just fell on the bed n slept.. germy woke me up at 11 like tt to go sch.. almost vomited out water when i picked up the phone.. n my plan was not to go sch cuz was soo tired.. somehow my conscious caught me n i automatically went to bathe at 1245 to prepare for tutorial at 2.. in the end 2hrs of tut i slept for 1 n a half hour.. woke up during the class work n from there i understand everything he taught during my sleep so he's pretty lousy.. went for tut just for attendance in the end he also nv take.. he only see hu submitted the classwork den he mark from there..

had friendly in the night with tjc.. n sir actually forgot we got training.. goodness.. totally nonsense.. how can players be discipline like tt when the coach also forgets.. its totally ridiculous i find.. hai.. so mnay things i wanna SAY!!! but forget it.. no point.. anw we played v well i find.. our new formation n stuff with 2 setters.. i think its not bad.. but seems like better ones r coming up which would requires a little sacrifice from pple.. but my point is we seem to play happier better n more outstanding when he's not around..

ok enough of tt.. after e game me eve n carol went down to the chalet again.. went there to eat the bbq stuff.. den we played this number game where vien cum eve mum so super enthu until she keep preparing red wine for the loser.. goodness.. haha.. serene so slow in the game.. keep losing so she kept drinking until she so gong.. 2 bottles of red wine.. 1 was for the game another one was mainly drank by me n bel.. we played finger guessing game.. win or lose we just keep drinking. hahaha.. obviously needless to say got slightly drunk again.. bel kept saying she not drunk just giddy.. yah right.. a drunk person never admits she's drunk.. haha.. anyway i was a litlle for sure.. after drinking finish red wine nvm.. we moved on to vodka which was 40%.. so its like i saw one cup on the table.. i just gulp it down.. supposed to drink it slowly but too late.. i cant think.. my throat caught fire immediatly.. sooo strong.. its like if u throw a fireball into my mouth i will just explode.. highly explosive kind.. after tt i took a cushion n i tried to sprawl n somehow my knee went on ground first so i rubbed it against the floor n it got a cut.. awwww.. after tt i fell onto the bed with my head feling so tight n so bloated with water.. cant sleep just wanna puke.. dig my throat also cant get anything out.. totally disgusting feeling.. so uncomfortable .. like some kind of deadly patient waiting to die.. horrid feeling..

Sat: went to ssb for the competition.. feeling so tired n drowsy.. cant even walk straight.. played three games.. lost 2.. night time when over to carol hse stay.. tried to fix finish 1000 pieces of puzzle but the side effect of all the alcohol just comes in n i felt so giddy n strengthless again..

Sun: woke up bout 6 cuz we got to be at the beach bout 830 n grace seet wanna meet for breakfast at 730.. played with the same teams.. lost 2 won 1.. so we played the 3rd n 4th playoff.. theres like only 4 teames n we got fourth.. ridiculous la. the team we played 3rd n 4th with we met them 3 times.. the first 2 we thrash them in the preliminary rounds.. n when come to finals den lose.. silly baboon man.. unbelievable.. its like i also dunno they come from where.. n the wind super strong.. helping in their service n they r v good in those kind accident balls like opps first ball poke over if not den roll on the net a while n drop into our court.. andrea nervous den cant play.. before tt we were like so freindly to them cuz its like seeing them 3 times.. in the end.. awww.. yup so we lost to them.. goodness.. its my pride tt's gone.. sooo sad.. hahahaha... wanna take revenge in indoor also cant cuz i dun even know where they from!!

up till this moment 1148 pm.. i still cant believe we lost tt game.. hais... after the game i was like searching high n low for hoho n seet.. they went missing in the beach.. i feeling so depress cant find them to talk to n those kind of feelings r like oh no.. its the end of everything.. hahhahaha... finally i spooted them across the bridge.. wanted to jump into the sea n swim across but afriad i forgot how to swim n die halfway.. of i bang my head into someone hu is canoeing.. aiya all sorts of impossible tots so i decided to walk over.. n i found them!! finally.. was telling them everything tt happen.. n after telling them i just felt like jumping into the sea but scared.. look so dirty.. so i jumped into the sand.. n walk into the sea.. n i could hear from a far saying wad i look like hu hu hu.. no need to hear properly i also know they saying i look like sharon.. just one is bigger version n the other smaller version.. always asking r we sisters.. somehow we got the exact same name just tt shes sharon i'm i always think tt aaron was born into the wrong hse.. he's suppose to be here.. when we were baby we got swop.. hahahah.. anw when i heard dear's name i was like soooooooo sadddddd.. cuz i missssssssss her... she go philippines le.. playing her SEA games throwing me alone here.. haiya.. faster come back la dear.. bring ur victory back n leave ur sad ness there.. hees.. only for like a week she not with me i already like cant take it.. den wad is gonna happen when she leaving for 4 yrs to australia?? i will just faint everyday i guess..

now feeling super tired after the super long entry.. enjoy reading hoho.. u waited long.. hahahahha..

but i still cant believe we lost tt.. AHHHHHH!!!!!!!

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:41 PMThursday, November 24, 2005

I WANNA COMPLAIN!! VAS's management very very lousy.. sat is the match n i haven receive any fixture or wad.. thou i happen to take a glance of the fixture but it was wrong.. the corrected one is like dunno sent to where.. nobody in my team receiveed it.. i called n asked but was told to go back check my mail.. i know sure don have de ma.. den now tml i need to call again!! i call like dunno how many thousands time.. call untill i wanna scream at them le.. ahhhh!!! pek chek.. n they say report 30 min b4 the game..den the VAS person say reach there 830 or earlier.. siao.. den my game is at 345 if there is no changes.. so i'm gonna go there to look at all the sand being burnt up den we play ah.. so not right.. aiya.. i damn irritated le la.. cannot take it...

tml i call i wil just HELLO!! v loudly.. den i will say 'u asked me go back check my mail cuz the amended fixture is being sent out' but nobody on earth received it.. so wad now.. i go back n wait for ur mail again ah? u pple r just so ridiculous.. pls think of wad u have done n repent now.. BYE!! don wan see u ever agian..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:12 AMMonday, November 21, 2005

Sat: was in a cab with carol gg towards VAS for the briefing when we realise tt the meeting was cancelled when i called huiyee to ask her bout something n she tell me she just receive the msg from VAS saying it was cancelled cuz they cant find a venue.. so piss off.. me n carol headed down to Orchard where she is suppose to meet klang after the meeting.. dumb ass la.. so sickenening.. got con.. somemore we both din receive the msg.. we wanted to claim the receipt n ask VAS to pay for it n only realise we din take it after we got down the cab.

anyway i just realise y they din send us the msg.. cuz they send to the first name on the list.. so my team the first name is hui yee n carol wan is grace n tt explains y they 2 got the msg we din.. muahaha.. hahah.. so funny after we complain so much bout the lousy structure of VAS.. but well i'm not gonna take back wad i say bout them.. they changed the days of the competition w/o telling us n EXPECT us to go check in their un-updated website.. change 3rd to 10th dec..dunno when they change it also.. wad if my team n co-team(team temasek) got something on the 10th n cant make it.. who's gonna be responsible for us not being able to win n collect our prizes.. after saying so much i just wanna get to the point tt the person hu cant make it on the 10th is ME!! i gt something more impt thing to attend to... how how how?!?!?!? is VAS gona be responsible..?? huh!?!?!?!

( hoping so much tt nobody related from VAS will read this) but there's one suspect.... come on everybody.. guess hu?? but no need publicise it ah.. tell me softly will do..

ok back to my boring sunday i had.. waking up realising myself in germy house.. y?y?y? haha cuz i went over sleep last night .. wanted to play pool actually but cuz of her gigantic dog guarding the place we cant play.. n the smart her shut the door in my face when she saw her dog n started screaming n yelling to me.. how m i suppose to enter with e door shut n with the gigantic dog behind me.. hahahaha

did nothing at home today.. my com die on me.. don wan to function.. so sad so sad.. one day don use com i really can die.. but y m i able to blog now?? cuz i wanna complain bout VAS so nothing can stop me from finding a com to use.. muahaha.. now the time is 242 am.. tml got to wake up at 8.. sure die.. cant wake up n some one is gonna haunt me.. i just did finish my tutorial k.. so guai.. cant imagine.. but well only did mcq.. case study skip.. too long.. but don understand y take so long to complete.. tink i becoming more stupid le with so many pple not arnd me.. how sad can tt be.. computer ah computer pls show me a miracle n be alive tml k.. i need u.. if not i cant blog n complain bout VAS!!

oh no its 247am now.. i took 5 min to finish 5 sentence.. how stupid can i get.. ok goin to run to my bed to sleep now le.. but oh no.. my leg is numb.. needles r poking everywhere...!!

can anybody identify i'm overly tired n wad i say from the start don really make sense.. ok its 250 now i took 3 min to finish 3 sentence.. oh no!!!

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 2:25 AMSaturday, November 19, 2005

finally played pool today!! so happy.. played with andrea n ying ying n supposedly hui yee but she went missing before we started playing.. enjoyed myself.. they so crappy.. v hard for me to flow into wad they saying.. different era of rubbish we talk..

after tt went for trg.. started with like only 5 pple.. rather pathetic.. 6 pple nv come.. n the rest came kind of late.. team having a little or rather lots of problem recently.. formation is changing n changing n nothing seems best at all.. everybody thinks differently.. so wad is the best soloution?? hais.. no time no time left..

after trg someone send me this shocking but expected sentence.. kind of lost n theres so many things i'm feeling n wanna say now.. NOW!! i'm afraid tml all the feelings will be gone n nothing is left to say but *******
if u ever think of how i feel u wun do it..

**tu ran lei le**

my relationship with u had never improve since we last met.. its been depreciating like nobody's business.. i tried.. i really tried but u don give me e feeling u did.. yes its true its not the time we spent tt matters but every msg n conversation contains not much love but a routine.. i'm so afraid someone will replace u eventhough i always tell myself u r irreplaceable.. u're e only one i cried for so many times.. u're the one who used to be with me whenever i'm feeling down or lost.. but now i find it so hard to tell u anything.. y is this happening? nv ever dare to imagine u not being in my life.. scared cuz i'll sure be lost.. i'm just waiting for u to fulfil wad u promise me after another part of ur life has ended.. but wad if i cant do the same like before.. den i'll be e worst person u've known..but i just wish n know u wun read this.. but if u happen to i just wanna say i still love u the same as before never will it change.. n i'll cherish u much more before u r gone for yrs.. * *MUACKS* * love u soooo much....

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:23 AMFriday, November 18, 2005

was ultra late for todays lesson.. class at 9.. woke up at 904.. morning call came late.. cant help it.. hurried hurrily with my dearest tommy which enable me to reach class at 930.. cycled super fast.. floor so wet somemore after the rain.. super reckless till all the cars r like crashing into my face.. went the steep V slope.. so scary when i went halfway n a car came from another side.. so scared the car nv see me n tommy n just BANG!!
when i enter class e teacher don even bother ask for my name.. haha.. she din bother bout my existance.. so i just try to be nice n participative so she can notice me n realise my attendance wasnt mark.. haha.. but she so blurr like sotong.. make me post so many qns to her but only for her to realise me using msn.. so dumb.. ganna caught right infront of her blur eyes.. but after lesson i kei siao.. go infront introduce myself to her.. tt i'm debbie ask her put my name beside teo li min(sounds weird but tt's my chi name, so hard to recognise n spot my name).. hahah.. n yeah.. it works.. she realise my attendance wasnt mark so she put a 1 there.. haha..

Jap lesson was fun. the jap teacher came in with her luggage.. haiyo.. she so cute n nice to bully man.. den when she talk with some little actions of hers just makes her look funny~~ keep asking us do role play.. den practise wad we learn to another person.. den she take like hours to split us up n only 1 person from e grp manage to finish e task cuz before another speaks she say change grp.. so basically i learn nothing.. i only learn tt ashe is nice n cute t be bullied.. next time i shall pull her luggage out of e class.. haha..

went to hoho hse at 8pm.. dunno do wad also.. went to pei her.. den grace came along.. watch tv n tt's all..

all i can say is things really happen just like tt when u least expects it to happen.. before u can have anytime to react to it its not there anymore.. cherish everyone with u now.. Oh Lord i pray.............................................

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:07 AMWednesday, November 16, 2005

today is my day off from school.. no lesson at all.. thought can sleep till super late but germy just needs to call me to disturb me.. asking me go down to her workplace have lunch with her.. she ask me leave my hse latest 1115.. haha i so happy say ok cuz i tot e time was like 9plus 10.. how i know put down phone den i realise is 1040.. how on earth to rush down in time.. anyway somehow i did manage to leave hse at 1111.. went down eat sub way with her.. ate tuna.. something tt i don eat but din have much of a choice.. thou its only 1 hr e break but it was great.. enjoyed my lunch.. its been long since we ate together.. n e next 2 wed i still need to go down eat subway with her.. its no good man cuz it cause me to have die rear.. all i eat came out immediately.. waste money.. ahaha..

after germy went back to work i went to tm roam by myself for a while before goin for my hair cut.. a cut tt looks e same as before..

had friendly with clementi sec boys.. we all din play well.. receving setting n spiking all seems weird.. we did won them but nothing moves well.. some stuff just seems to be happening which is affecting me.. hai.. don tink it will ever be solve.. dunno wad to do either.. well look on the bright side always.. tts wad eve always tell me right.. hehe.. thanks dear.. love ya lots..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:56 PMMonday, November 14, 2005

waking up feeling so sick.. throat was super sore.. so it became something called sorethroat.. got to wake up at 8 somemore.. morning call came at 8 but some how i snooze until 820 waking up sayin oh no!! but was too tired to chiong so just normal pace.. ended up late man n the niao sai teacher mark me down already.. hais.. n my evil friend offered me this peanut sweet saying eat one wun die.. wah.. the peanut almost suck up all my saliva..

after tt was FORCED to skip half a lecture.. was falling asleep in lect so i went to the toilet.. how i know when i am out of the toilet my friends were out too with my bag.. so i cant return back anymore even thou i really wan to k.. haha..

so the whole gang decided to go eat.. they specially walk all the way to ITAS to see e new foodcourt n not eat there.. wah faint.. super no energy already.. they decided to go design sch eat but it was like fully packed.. when we finally got seats n there was some mis communication.. so 2 of us sat in the canteen n e rest was sitting outside the canteen.. den i got nothing to eat in design cuz all super long queue n i can only eat soup stuff which the 4 stalls doesnt offer.. so decided to walk back biz park with one of my friend.. kind of piss off.. walking under the hot sun with a burning throat.. eat a bit den we went to library to take a nap.. now den i know wad is the library for.. its for students to sleep.. one whole row of pple sleeping on the sofa..

after tt went for tutorial class.. we suppose to divide into grps n each grps must have a mixure of boys n girls.. den max 6 pple.. something's wrong with tt class man.. knwing we got limited guys den 1 of the grp got 3 guys.. den another got 7 pple.. wah.. den the gay guys don wanna split den the 6 girls also dun wanna split.. made such a big hoo haa.. piss off man.. i was like yelling n screaming trying to give structural solutions but apparently only i heard myself.. my voice was eaten up by the gay air floating in e room.. we took like one hour!! one hour!! one hour!! to settle the whole thing with one grp almost ending up in tears.. a bit silly la just because they don wanna split up..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:39 PMSunday, November 13, 2005

2nd post of the day.. today seems to be such a long day.. think maybe cuz i woke up early.. went church with a bad sorethroat.. den rush off after svc to meet hoho n klang.. ended up eating kfc which made my throat worse.. so pain.. came home quite early.. bout 1030 pm.. my earliest for a sat after church..

just did finish all my tutorials.. hahah.. so shiok.. I DID ALL MY TUTORIALS!! s proud of myself.. haha but well its only the first week.. this kind of fire to do all at one shot will just cease over time.. haha... but well i still did it.. a good beginning is a good start for the future..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:41 AMSaturday, November 12, 2005

Just came back from hoho hse this morning.. went over last night bout 1am.. chat a little with her.. den sleep.. on e same bed.. hahaha.. she keep moving n moving dunno wad she doin.. so in the end she decide to roll down unto the mattress which is as hard as rock.. n i just rest happily on the bed myself.. hahahah.. thanks hoho..

yesterday had friendly.. they not good la.. feel so tired playing with them.. not tt i'm good but really just tired cuz i cant read their balls.. played only three sets n we decide t stop it n play 2 on 2.. haha.. tt was funner n better in anyway.. after trg went to eat with hoho bel n grace.. talk until bout 12 at the coffeeshop.. had been doing these for the last trg too.. haha.. just go on talking n talking until ligghts out..

goin church in bout 2 hrs time.. wanna sleep but scared cannot wake up.. but v tired le.. think i shld go do my tutorial..

one week of sch past just like tt.. so fast.. kind of weird without germy n hoho with me.. feel so lost n lonely.. everytime after class no where to go so just head home.. not v nice to like ask my friends go lunch with me or wad.. scared later they think i v bad person.. only treat them as friends when my friends not arnd.. some more when they r back in sch i sure go eat with them n not my classmates .. haha.. so just leave them alone now la.. germy n hoho faster come back la.. i so bored now.. feeling too kuai le.. attending all lectures.. not even skipping any cuz no point skipping.. skip also nobody to go out with n also nothing to do.. one more month.. speed up....... BB is dying everyday in school with no friends..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:02 PMThursday, November 10, 2005

attended my first jap lesson today.. quite cool thou i cant really figure wad she toking most of the time cuz of the jap slang in her.. but she look so nice n kind n funny too.. tink i go late for class just crap with her outside raining when its so sunny also will work.. she so easy to bluff.. haha.. anyway all the jap words are so cute.. its like scolding bad words like tt.. but i can see its not easy to remember.. for jap if we absent for 3 times straight away bar from exam.. lectures also counted.. faint~~ haha but i found this guy help me take attendance le.. he say he will help if possible.. so.. i'm still on my own..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 8:01 PM

today noon went all the way down to toa payoh to submit the VAS form.. sooo far.. almost died on the journey..hhaha but receive a heartwarming msg from germy thou.. was reading my mbs notes.. i was so surprised i could read finish patiently.. haha.. went there den chat a little with the lady there.. n tml i got to call thge VAS up again cuz of hoho.. to ask bout some stuff den see whether can she join a not..

went back for trg.. today like so mnay pple n it started on time some more.. quite cool thou but once again sir walk off with his bag halfway.. din really bother anymore.. at this stage if this kind of things r still happening wads the point.?? seriously.. i mean yah we know we r not serious n stuff but we know how to think.. not say totally not our fault but its a bit too much to just walk off like tt.. because seriously it has no impact on us anymore.. we still enjoy ourself n already at e stage of not feeling guilty anymore because its so YOU.. looking on another side i tink all these had help the team more in our bonding.. the team just seems to be better as the days goes by la.. come on team.. we gonna win.. but first of first receiving must be good ah debbie.. haha

after trg we went to eat.. me bel eve hoho n grace.. jelly was a little piss off with i dunno wad.. n maybe klang too.. haha i dunno.. they just din join us but well they miss out our great conversation.. we started toking bout christ n heaven n hell n all the spiritual stuff.. i tink it really sets our young mind thinking.. why r things happening.. we fear the coming of judgement day really fear.. n the power of prayer.. haha n seems like we gonna pray at our next trg like how we did last time shs.. i tink its gonna be cool.. lets see the difference when we have Jesus in us when playing n when we do not have..

i once had a vision while praying to God one night tt TP team came together to pray before our matches in IVP.. haha.. my goodness.. vision from God are real man.. don ever doubt.. so cool tt its coming true.. i hope it just last n not just at this moment when we feeling so much of it.. hahaha.. God is just amazing..

i shall just end of with this verse Pro 21:31 "The horse is made ready for the day of battle but victory rests with the Lord".. hehe.. i think we r the horse n it goes a long way before attaining our victory.. decision rest with God but it is wad we do for God to come out tt decision.. so lets just pray all the way.. the power of all who r able to come together as one..

hehe i tink this is my most spiritually post.. n all God's children remember to say AMEN!! not to urself but to debbie's tagboard.. hahaha..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:37 AMMonday, November 07, 2005

my heart is in a mess now.. had been thinking so much past few days.. not really knowing wad i wan from it.. just getting sick of it.. sick of how pple is looking at it too.. ah... i cant think wad is right.. it just hurts me.. cry? shld i? no not worth.. but wad shld i do with a heart full of tears.. hais.. tommorrow gonna be a better day..

tml got to go church for churchwide BS at 730.. but i just cant seem to find pple go with me.. n if i got to go alone i don wanna go.. its just hard to explain y.. but i just hate the feeling.. hai.. feel like an attitude girl in my group..

anyway today 1st day of sch.. my wake up call from germy came at 1030 when my class was at 11.. took my time still cuz i suppose meet my fren 1040 but knowing she will be late cuz my morning call for her was like 1030 too.. seeing the exact pple.. no changes opnly lesser.. haha.. same classmates.. at least feel more belong not so outcast.. first time lecture hall filled.. overflow somemore.. MBS.. just wait another 2 weeks n pple will all be gone..

got to settle the beach volley thing by wed.. wanna submit it by wed if not no time le.. but got stupid class from 2-4, 6-7.. how to submit.. n i dunno how to go.. ahh.. so sick of everything la..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:51 PMSunday, November 06, 2005

sch's gonna start tml!!! so fast.. 2 months of holiday just fly like tt.. no more slacking.. no more waking up late.. no more no more!! better buck up this sem n improve my ultra lousy GPA which was like 1.6?? guess only stupid morons can get tt.. terrible..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:42 PM

my house is under construction.. under the painting process n so sad to say i'm not included in this project.. i'm always busy when they're painting.. n return only when they're done.. n i got to do all the packing.. they painted my study room blue.. which looks like the old color.. but my mother insisted tt its a diff colour.. last time wan was v v light purple.. now its blue.. sky blue.. still asked me compare n confirm with the sky that its really blue.. MOTHER!! IT STILL LOOKS THE SAME..

played friendly with SAJC today in the noon.. played in SA outdoor court.. rather un-fun.. journey there was rather sian le.. n outdoor some more.. the sch is kind of run down.. quite old looking.. the court just makes my body itch all over.. tink we lost.. 2-3.. dun really understand y we lost.. guess its my lousy receiving ba..

met bel for dinner at her hse coffeeshop there.. came home after tt.. boring night.. but at least there's some nice shows..

^^so many thoughts had been running thru my mind this very day.. no longer feeling the same.. ********** i've lost you.. how do i get you back?? so scared.. real afraid..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 1:45 AM

my house is under construction.. under the painting process n so sad to say i'm not included in this project.. i'm always busy when they're painting.. n return only when they're done.. n i got to do all the packing.. they painted my study room blue.. which looks like the old color.. but my mother insisted tt its a diff colour.. last time wan was v v light purple.. now its blue.. sky blue.. still asked me compare n confirm with the sky that its really blue.. MOTHER!! IT STILL LOOKS THE SAME..

played friendly with SAJC today in the noon.. played in SA outdoor court.. rather un-fun.. journey there was rather sian le.. n outdoor some more.. the sch is kind of run down.. quite old looking.. the court just makes my body itch all over.. tink we lost.. 2-3.. dun really understand y we lost.. guess its my lousy receiving ba..

met bel for dinner at her hse coffeeshop there.. came home after tt.. boring night.. but at least there's some nice shows..

^^so many thoughts had been running thru my mind this very day.. no longer feeling the same.. ********** i've lost you.. how do i get you back?? so scared.. real afraid..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 1:45 AM

my hse is painting without me.. i'm always out when they start to paint.. n when i'm back they're done so i got to do all the packing.. i wanna paint.. seems fun.. my study room is painted blue.. looks e same as the previous wan.. but my mum insisted tt last time was purple.. v v light purple n now is blue.. sky blue.. still ask me take a look at the sky to match the colour.. no diff la mother!!

anyway today played friendly with SA JC in their sch.. outdoor.. super sian.. the journey there n stuff.. the sch is rather run down.. rather old.. looking at the court just makes my body itch.. tink we lost.. but all close fight.. dun really understanding y we lost.. tink its my lousy receiving ba..

headed home.. met bel for dinner.. my first n only saturday which feels so free cuz din go church.. but did nothing.. stayed home watch tv.. at least there's some nice show..

**so many thoughts running thru my mind this very day.. no longer feeling the same.. xxxxxxxxxx i've lost you.. how can i get u back?? so scared.. real afraid..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:51 AMFriday, November 04, 2005

finally back from genting.. miss home!! miss my bed!! miss my com!! super duper tired now man.. but just wanna blog..

from mon night till today all my sleeps nv last more den 4 hours.. on mon went klang hse stay before goin genting at 4am in the morning.. was on bed at 2 but nv slept at all.. just lie there till the dad woke up n woke us up to get ready.. haha n off we go for our genting highlands.. me n klang sat in her aunt's car cuz another family of 4 was in her dad's car.. kind of weird thou cuz klang sat infront n i got to sit behind with her little cousins.. trying to sleep on my way there.. n its like every hour also stopping.. when i just manage to fall asleep we've reached our next rest point.. hahaha.. so on our way there we ate 2 breakfast.. 2 lunch n one tea-break.. haha.. reached genting bout 12 plus.. kind of early thou.. check in n sleep till dinner time.. shiokness.. ate at ktv with the whole gang.. haha.. klang's aunties.. altogether 4 families 17 pple.. haha.. the ktv room super big n comfy.. her aunties sang all kinds of old song but nice.. me n klang was force to sing one.. so we sang tong hua.. easiest but super paiseh.. when the song started both of us were still like... errrr???? how to start.. haha.. after tt went to first world hotel to shop.. not v fasinating but tt's the only shopping area.. after went to play arcade.. haha.. played only a few machines but kept on playing.. 1st day already spent 50 bucks on arcade.. a bit silly but yah we did tt.. haha.. went to drink coffee bean at 1 plus am.. took donkey years to decide wad to order n when we wanna order den the fellow tell us no coffee drinks.. only non coffee.. why is coffee bean called coffe bean man?? they shld be name coffee bean-less.. anyway we bought this 2 super disgusting drink.. hers is sunrise but taste disgusting.. mine is called malibu dream which is the worst drink on earth. but no choice we got to stuff it down our throat.. we chose the best place which was outside.. the weather is like dunno wad.. sooooooooo cold.. clouds super a lot.. but so shiok.. but my knee also broke into 2.. so pain..... from the start of the trip i got pain n problem everywhere.. knee pain.. stomach cramp.. eyes pain.. pimples poping out.. nose flooding.. aiya.. klang cant even be bothered with me cuz she dunno where to start from.. haha..

after drinking our disgusting drinks we went back to sleep cuz next morning got to wake up at 6!! to go theme park at 8?!?!? hahaha.. anyway we woke up at 7 la.. cant wake up.. i cant sleep anyway cuz watching klang sleep.. v entertaining.. she keep bouncing on the bed.. snoring in her own unique way.. so cute..

WED: ate mac for bf.. taste terrible la.. n so ex the meal.. u add the ala carte is even cheaper.. dumb right.. but tt's msia.. haha we super racist la when we there.. n i just cant stand the chinese there speaking chinese n the the attitude of the pple working.. no good service.. simply lousy.. me n klang's fave phrase when we were there n when we cant stand the things they r doin.. 'where are we?? we're in msia man!!" haha.. tt's how we console ourself when things are so lousy there.. anyway after tt we went theme park with her aunt n all her cousins.. haha.. at 750 we started queueing so tt we can start on time at 8.. i tink quite waste money la.. played nothing much cuz there got nothing to play.. all the exciting wan close.. so it was kind of a disappointment.. watch movie at 10 ringgit.. haha.. watch 'koma'.. super dumb show la.. hope singapore doesnt shows it cuz its a waste of money for any body to watch it.. went back sleep after movie before gg dinner with the whole gang again.. after tt went to play arcade as usual.. haha.. me n klang pro in this machine.. where the frog got to eat all the insects using its tongue.. den the bonus round we mastered how to hit jackpot which gave us so many tickets.. haha.. n we met some real sickening msians at tt machine.. not old but most r really bad when they know we singaporeans.. all in all spent 100 bucks on arcade.. before arcade we were shopping n i was trying to spend all my money away cuz still left alot n i don wanna bring back.. felt super rich there.. eating n buying things i will nv get in singapore..
played mahjong cards before we sleep.. kind of fun despite just having e 2 of us only.. haha our mahjong addiction follows us whereever we go man.. bel msg me her mj luck is bad.. dunno wad zi mo man.. ping hu many times.. hahaha.. so funny..

thursday: ate dian xin for breakfast.. den check out already.. finally i'm leaving tt place where i declare myself rich.. haahahaha.. almost fainted on my way down in the car.. was turning round n round as we go down the hill.. jam like crazy.. jam soooo long no reason.. no accident or anything but it just got jam.. finally manage to reach JB at 9 for dinner.. n reach home bout 12.. woo.. feel good now..

ate a lot good food there with her family n plus a rich kid like me "there" hahaha being able to buy anything i like n want.. don eat also just buy.. haa..

enjoyed myself lots with klang doin many silly things with her.. hehe.. thanks dear=) this trip wraps up my holiday nicely.. hehe.. will miss the time we had n spent together in genting.. certainly will miss u too.. n ur little yiping cousin..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 1:03 AM

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.:: About Me ::.
Name: debbie Teo
Age: 17
Birthday: 18 Oct 1988
School: Temasek Poly, Business
Likes: Volleyball,Pool, Cookies(my guitar), Cream(my another guitar), VoVo( my rabbit), Tommy (my bicycle), Orange colour and basically BABBLING!!
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