Friday, September 30, 2005

Just 5 seconds after i click publish blog.. i found the keys right under my nose covered by my cds.. make me search the house like crazy.. ah.. silly..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:45 PM

i lost my house keys and tommy's key.. so many things missing.. i cant find my keys.. wad if pple take.. den everyday happily come my hse take things.. take until one day my hse becomes an empty shell.. started off with my shoes n wad's next? hais...

anyway my cell group gonna change to sun.. thou was what i wanted but don really feel super happy.. cuz means cant go out on sun.. but nvm.. for the sake of the BALL.. everything is worth it.. initially cuz of my trg den got to ask the cell to change it to sun.. but my fren rugby's trg also change to fri.. haha.. so it's like more pple adding to the problem..

yup.. finally i put an end to this problematic problem.. now where's my keys??

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:34 PMThursday, September 29, 2005

Woke up 845am to bring my grandma go polyclinic see doctor.. never woke up so early for the past one month and last night slept of 4am cuz playing pool with this guy from Jordan.. He wanted my number so i gave for fun cuz its like impossible to msg but oh man.. he really msg from there to here.. its gonna cost him a bomb..

Eve came to fetch me and bel to SHS for friendly with his friends.. it was cool because nobody turn up and we short of one player.. haha n guess wad?? Ms Teo played!!! wah.. super stress k when starting.. somemore we standing beside each other.. i wanna call out her name also don dare.. haha but alright.. she very friendly.. keep encouraging us and stuff.. today is a day we gonna remember cuz its like one in a billion years we able to see her play and somemore same team.. COOL!! slowly slowly den we start to get used in the game and shouting Ms Teo's name.. haha.. and my first tap with her on the hand was like a golden tap.. really had fun and we still can beat the "men".. haha.. women's power.. with a great gang leader.. nicest friendly i played with them so far..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:38 PMTuesday, September 27, 2005

Today went to buy my NEW volleyball shoes unwillingly.. still so sad over my missing shoe.. n nobody allow me buy back the same wan cuz its dumb.. but i tink its so nice.. i got to settle for another wan.. which is not v likeable.. but hai.. no choice.. don even have time to decide.. cuz there the FIRE ALARM rang.. n everybody got to evacuate the building at once.. e person say go back later n buy but i cant wait anymore le.. rushing for time n wad if the place get bomb n i cant get my shoe.. so i just anyhow grab one n go.. its 55 bucks la.. so its quite worth it..

Went to eat sakae with some of my cell grp frens.. so fun cuz all my generation wan.. but was like so full cuz i kept ordering tinking everyone will eat but.. got to swallow all down.. went to play pool at pavilion after tt.. cant believe it.. got to spend money just to play pool so i msg germy.. haha.. n she came to visit me.. or rather pop by.. bang so hard into me.. tot i bang into who.. so big impact.. scare me.. i was playing with this black guy... dunno from where.. he just walk over our table n ask to join him play.. so i went to play with him.. play 2 games with him n i won both.. haha.. he's from tp too.. engine.. cant get his name.. too slang.. but i still prefer my real black.. but where r u? do u even exist?

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:26 PMMonday, September 26, 2005


when i was about to leave for training with an upbeat mood.. i cant find my volleyball shoes.. panic like mad.. my fave shoes are missing.. i search high and low but just dont seem to see it.. so sad.. n now its gone forever..

after some serious investigation with my mum.. we are quite certain some cleaner took it.. cuz a few days ago my bro nike shoe was found at my house staircase there.. den we were tinking issit his but he cant be borthered cuz its an old shoe le.. n e reason y my shoe is gone n his is there is cuz tt cleaner feet cannot fit into my bro shoe.. so he return back to the crime scene again to steal mine which look much newer n smaller.. n he dump my bro shoe there.. argh.. how evil!! now i got to get a new wan tml.. wad a waste of money.. already so broke le.. now even broker.. ahhhhh!! sad la sad la.. pity my mum man.. cuz i need to get e money from her.. hai.. hai.. hai~~

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 9:45 PMSunday, September 25, 2005

today played mj in e noon.. with about e same pple always.. bel nv missing for sure.. haha.. den went dinner n shopping with hoho bel n jelly.. ate kfc cuz last day of coupon.. den went metro buy carol's eye liner.. she took like donkey years just to buy one pencil.. den mi n bel trying to go arnd spraying all kind of perfumes.. but was kind of spotted by this manager hu kept on looking at us.. smiling fakely..

went to all e handphone shops to look at the phones but just cant decide.. must faster take the chance to buy a phone now when my mum feeling enthu bout it so she will pay.. tinking of getting bel's phone 3230.. thou alot pple say not gd i mean only hoho say.. but tink it looks not bad o/r den e top few buttons which is so hard to press.. will wait a little longer for price to drop further n other promotions n oso for tt phone to arise some problems.. so bel.. all e best to your expensive phone which u bought yest n today it dropped by 40 bucks.. hahahah..

went ntuc shopping cuz mama give mi 20 bucks voucher.. bought all sorts of rubbish.. haha.. it's suppose to last mi for one week.. all my meals tt i'll be eating at home..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:33 PM

Friday night went to my classmate chalet at 11 pm.. kind of like wasted trip cuz he was like deeply drunk.. cant even control his movement.. but lucky hoho went with mi if not i will be so bored.. THANKS!! but well hoho got to know this ramsten.. he kept toking n toking non stop.. i was like so tired n kept babbling nonsense to myself non-stop.. he nice but.... hai only hoho knows.. haha.. but we got a free ride home in a cab by him.. so not too bad after being there to listen to his 2hrs of rally.. haha..

after tt went hoho hse overnight.. so funny.. we kept laughing n laughing making so much noise at 3am.. i squeeze with her on her bed when i have my seahorse mattress already.. haha.. but she slept so early.. so i got to listen to her different kind of breathing sound..

climb out of bed at 730am this morn.. was like totally strength-less.. n everyone still late.. played the beach ball com.. 2 on 2.. it almost kill me.. so tired.. now i know no matter wad strategy it wun work cuz its like cant even dig the ball up properly n by e time u wanna attack u no strength to jump le..but was fun to me other den e super duper hot sun till i need to put on socks.. woah!! i cd feel the importance of it now.. haha.. e set i played with germy was e best cuz it was lik so hilarious.. we kept scolding each other n i was like so tired so i just kept toking rubbish.. e opponent were like watching a movie filming BB n Germy dumb acts.. n e curry pok referee.. he still owe me the food voucher cuz he say i v good entertainer..

when we were bathing.. got this woman just strip herself.. she took off EVERYTHING!! not say v big n quite bushy oso.. but yah.. so gross.. she took out n sit down to wait to bath.. dumb-ness right.. den hoho say when her auntie frens came in they did the same n there was a scene of naked women in sunset bay girls toilet.. horrendous man..

the sun suck up ALL my energy.. n return me with a lobster face.. sooo burned.. so pain.. cannot smile cannot frown.. must be expression-less if not have wrinkles..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:28 AMFriday, September 23, 2005

stayed home the WHOLE day.. 1st time ever since i started school.. my plan to go swimming was gone cuz of the weather.. so stayed home to watch vcds.. was suppose to go out in e night to jelly hse.. cuz bel wanna play mj but in e end too fed up la.. so last min n late.. so just stayed home..

wasnt in a v good mood today.. felt so bothered bout something.. din know y until i was praying den i realise is over the trg thing.. y m i so bothered over it?? its like such an easy decision to make for anybody.. but for me i just feel so stuck.. n i realise nobody is gonna understand how i feel.. sometimes i just wonder how come i will be so enthu for vball.. wanting to go for every trg.. so passionate over it.. it's not as thou i play it v well.. hai~~

Dear God.. u place me in this situation tt my heart can nv get an answer to it.. u gave me e passion to play vball.. n now u're asking me to choose You or something You gave.. how on Earth n Heaven m i able to make e choice?? n You keep sending this song 'Isaiah 43' to me.. so i guess i just got to trust n wait for a miracle..

sometimes i wish no one reads my blog.. cuz it's getting too close to my heart.. but i just feel tt i need to tell it to myself cuz there r things tt i cannot tell anybody cuz its hard for one to understand.. its 4 am now n i can feel tt many things i say is redundant or of no use.. oh dear.. m i drunk?? YUM SENG !!

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 3:35 AMThursday, September 22, 2005

slept at 430am.. woke up at 1234pm.. not knowing wad to do for the day.. dunno hu to msg also.. so bored.. lucky got facial at 4 to keep mi busy.. but facial is only once a month.. so tml will be boring still haha.. tinking of goin swimming.. but well it all depends wad time i wake up n the rate of my laziness..

today after facial met jelly on e way to go sch for trg.. when i reach there it was like pathetic only with eve there.. mi n klang was setting up e poles.. my goodness.. after playing for 5 yrs.. i can get e basic setting of poles wrong.. i screw it the wrong side.. e pole was facing e wrong side.. klang was like laughing n rolling on e floor.. i oso tink is ridiculous..
we started trg with a 3 on 3.. which means only 5 pple appear.. ultra boring but soon after carol they all game along too.. haiyo.. trg is getting worse n worse.. nobody is coming.. n always only manage to train 1hr plus.. dear came to pick mi up at 9.. but apparently she tok to ya guang e boys coach till 1030.. waited sooooo long.. but germy waited with mi.. hehe thanks lots.. love ya.. muacks =) but really cant bear make u wait with or for mi again.. i owe u 2 hrs.. so sorry..

when everyone starts SIP the atmosphere just feel so diff.. even when i wake up e air i breathe oso different.. everynight i got to tink wad to do for tml.. how to survive.. n there is practically no one to accompany mi.. everyone seems so busy.. Klang i'm waiting for u..

n now seems like the trg thing on friday is confirm.. feel so i like stuck in a position choosing between God n vball?? i don wan make a decision.. i need to go for cell i wanna go for cell.. don wanna go for make up thou i can.. but i cant make up forever.. n i wanna go trg too.. e only time to see everbody esp hoho n germy.. haiyo how?? n i don wanna it seems like if i go for trg means i chose God over vball cuz its not.. God gave mi this passion call vball.. n now this must happen.. haiyo.. headache man.. just called my leader told her.. she say an impossible choice which is to quit vball.. i say no immediately n she know its impossible.. so now trying to ask the whole cell grp to change it to sun.. just for mi.. n its not mi.. its for the stupid basketball team.. if it cant be change to sun.. den i dunno how le.. cuz i know wadever decision i make will make mi feel so sad..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:51 AMTuesday, September 20, 2005

Woke up at 12 noon today.. after jelly n hoho call mi n tell me they coming up my house.. no choice so got to climb out of my bed... we suppose to go out to somewhere go shop.. so left my hse after i'm done bathing n packing my trg stuff.. brought all my overnight stuff cuz tot gg qian hse ton but in e end din feel like goin.. no mood.. but just din feel like goin home so here i m now in hoho hse.. haha.. not bad oso.. at least she entertains me with her silly action n carrie underwoods..

today's training was not bad.. more like a trg where more things r covered.. like receiving spiking blocking n stuff... started pretty late n waste alot time making the net straight.. but manage to hurriedly play one game.. better trg pls sir .. i know u trying hard.. haha...

dunno wad to do tml other den helping klang with her favour from her.. ok getting pretty tired now.. its like 3am.. but don tink hoho gonna slp soon.. she's like watching FRIENDS!!! **yawnz**

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 2:49 AMMonday, September 19, 2005

Sunday: suppose to go sentosa with hoho n gang but was too lazy n plus period come.. sian.. in e end went bel hse watch her play mj with e guys.. den after tt went to her grandma hse watch her play 2 games n off to weizhi cum jelly hse to see them play again.. a while later went to my grandma hse for dinner n went back to jelly place n den off to eve place to play mj.. almost went crazy.. with just starting gg to bel hse c her play n landed up goin to 4 diff places to see e matches held..

after tt went to east coast mc-cafe for supper till 1 plus.. had fun toking n chatting.. now is e time where i cherish every moment before they r all off for SIP.. its like 2 more days to e end of all my fun joy laughter.. cant get it elsewhere i guess.. feeling pretty sad thou.. everyday just gonna be just another day.. how on earth m i goin to pull thru my 3yrs in poly??? will miss u all.. will go lunch with u all if u all want.. can go meet u to go home too..

tml shld be goin out with hoho jelly n klang.. dunno will be goin where oso.. doesnt matter anyway cuz its e time together tt matter more.. tml got trg too.. finally.. rest so long le.. time for it to begin.. bored bored n bored~~

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 2:12 AMThursday, September 15, 2005

Wed: Suppose to meet sihui at 11 for swimming.. but we started swimming at 1 when the sun was at its peak.. so hot.. put so much protection oso no use.. stil got burnt.. swam at bedok.. not too bad.. nobody there.. swam bout 20 laps den went for lunch at sumo house.. jap food..

went home to take a rest before going to meet carol they all to go eve house.. while i was resting bel came over my hse with her ban mian.. n after tt we 2 went for kfc before popping over to eve house for the night.. did nothing much at her house.. din havoc much last night.. went there to watch the volleyball vcd... had a hard time explaining to klang cuz she simply cant read ANY chinese subtitles.. how lousy.. even carol can read n understand abit.. slept bout 2 plus.. mi n hoho had a hard time settling down.. so many things to do.. got to off the dvd n e lights cuz all of them just fall asleep like tt.. had so much commotion taking out our bras before we sleep n settling the position to sleep on a single size bed with 2 pillows n one comforter.. took a long time to off the computer's screen light tt was zooming into our faces.. kept laughing non stop.. as usual bel was snoring.. even tina e dog joined her in e snoring competition.. blasting our ears.. n soon after carol did to due to her blocked nose tt cause her to have sooooo much discomfort when she sleep.. tiring night la..

today morning dunno how come suddenly wake up sit infront of e com n started chatting.. din even know wad i say.. eve got to reach sch at 10.. just nice she woke up at 10.. bel chiong to sch early in the morning.. nobody knows her movement..

did nothing in the morning.. guess not goin to do anything later.. came home cant sleep.. super bored.. waiting for klang n carol to call me after they wake up but guess no plans will happen later.. so just got to stay home n rot for the day.. die la.. how can i just waste my life like tt by rotting..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 2:00 PMTuesday, September 13, 2005

Today's dinner was cancelled.. Nobody to go out with so in the end decided to go training.. not too bad.. sir was in a good mood.. kind of tiring thou but guess volleyball really brings my life back.. the volleyball show attack no.1 so nice.. so touching so inspiring.. if only TP's team can come together n watch it..

After training.. guess do wad?? super out of plan.. all cuz of bel.. MAHJONG!!!! it drives me crazy man.. even when i sleep the tiles also come haunt me.. weird tiles somemore.. dun even know wad word was on the tile n there was this tile that was 2 sided.. one side dong e other side 4 balls.. super scary.. but at least got a free dinner for this mahjong game..

Tml goin swimming in e morning den go meet hoho they all go eve hse ton.. its mahjong for sure again.. but this time i m goin t watch the vball show.. tml seems fruitful..

To Germy who is goin cruise tml.. enjoy yourself alone with ur mum.. u can buy alot things cuz she will pay unwillingly.. u can eat till u die.. take care.. will miss ya in my mahjong world.. hahah..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:46 PM

stomach cramping now.. super duper pain.. hasnt been feeling well these few days.. yest was shivering.. today got cramp n now feeling so cold in e room.. n everbody seems to be in a bad mood.. cant communicate well with anybody.. everything turns out bad..

last night jelly came over my house at 245am.. she nothing to do den wanna watch the volleyball vcd. so watch till like 7 plus we slept n next morning/ noon woke up seeing bel's msg to play mj... crack our head n keep asking pple to play but nobody seems to be able to.. in e end left only e 3 of us.. played friendly among ourselves n den played real wan with jelly's mum.. in e end mi n bel won 50 bucks.. tink her luck is coming back.. n tt's not a v good thing cuz she will wanna play even more.. all these will end soon.. real soon..

dunno wad to do tml.. nobody to go out with.. pple i'm suppose go out with i don feel like goin.. go le dunno wad to do.. hope things wun turn out tt bad n hope i will be able to enjoy tml's dinner..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:32 AMMonday, September 12, 2005

Had a bad day~~ The wrong thing is to go play or rather watch bel play mahjong.. thought everything will end early n den be on time for dinner.. but well everyone was late n by e time we started e mj was like 3.. when it's like suppose to be at one..

was suppose to go out with bel, hoho n germy for dinner.. to treat germy to dinner cuz her birthday.. n since last night mi n hoho keep planning where to go n wad to eat.. but qian just cant give us an ans.. den never reply me den i oso dunno wad to do.. keep planning one sided stuff den everything not confirm.. was a bit fed up le cuz not in a good mood last night.. so just say meet at 5 first at tamp den decide where to eat.. yup.. so i told e super irritated hoho to meet 5.. den e next morn den i will tell her where to eat cuz germy wun be able to tink of any place to eat..

alright today.. cuz of e mj thing n i know sure cannot finish on time so i msg them change to 7.. n den bout 7 at e critical moment qian nv pick up my call n nv call me back.. so i tot she still golfing.. so told hoho to hang on cuz she nv reply me n oso bel still haven finish.. at tt time already so stress man.. i know hoho super irritated n on e verge to say don wan go le.. n qian oso angry cuz she waiting v long le.. from her reply i knew it.. in e end time change to 730.. n tt bel still haven finish.. by e time we reach was like 8.. n on e way receive so many scary msg from qian.. n mi n bel so scare k.. bel don dare go meet qian 1st cuz i need to draw money so in e end she run to help mi draw n i quickly go meet qian..

n when i reach there.. her face already printed 'bu shuang' two words.. dunno wad to say when i see n she just ignore me.. i ask her angry? she said no.. n tt NO was filled with 99% YES.. so obvious.. starting still ok but dunno how come e more she say e more angry she became.. i so scared k 1st time she angry with me.. n when hoho came in she gave me those kind of stare.. wow.. double shot..

thank goodness things turn out well when we started eating n talking n stuff.. but well obviously wasnt feeling v good thoughout..

apologies time..
carol: dunno y i saying sorry to u when from e start is not me who make u irritated.. but yah.. anyway sorry for keep changing e time.. n everything so un-planned n nothing gets confirm.. i know it gets kind of irritating.. know u don wanna come le.. but well in e end u still give face n show face.. hehe..

germy: really sorry to make u wait for 1hr.. keep changing e time so last min.. this wan really my fault.. i admit n i apologise.. n when u keep saying tt i don like last min changes n stuff i really felt v guilty.. n when i know u angry with me i so bothered cuz i know u really are n its e first time some more.. next time u can make me wait for one hour i wun say anything de.. but i wun do it again k.. at most another time den i let u be angry with me lo but this time.. 1st time offence.. so should be 'qing pan'.. haha..

n i realise the worst thing tt can ever happen to some one is when their good friends angry with them over e same thing at e same time.. is like being along in e world even for just that second..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 3:06 AMSaturday, September 10, 2005

Friday + Saturday: slept at 530 am just to do this birthday card for germy.. started doin at 430 like tt cuz was watching one episode of this volleyball show.. really exciting.. cook pasta for tt hungry qian in e noon before her paper.. n after her paper it was time for mahjong.. haha.. it was like non stop man.. 2 rounds in the evening.. n den overnight.. n they really can play throughout.. i smart slept bout 4.. n they con me to wake up at 845 say goin off le.. din know got con till so long later when i saw e thing on e table was still 'dong'.. they just started another round.. n bel is like losing big time.. hahaha.. super tired lacking serious sleeping hours.. **yawnz**

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:41 PMThursday, September 08, 2005

EXAMS are finally over for me!!! super happy n relac.. the time now is 330am.. if its e past few days i will be like still awake trying hard to memorise with a tired brain.. had been such an agony to memorise so many things n time just keep running out.. but well its over for this sem.. i got 5 more to go.. CSA n accounts were good.. but for today POM n econs.. i tink is bad.. real bad cuz 2 in one day.. can only memorise half for each n in which the half.. none came out.. was really guessing the answer for POM n crapping my way thru.. n for econs.. all i know was tt i wanna get out of the room n everything will be over.. thus my mcq i just do without much serious tots.. just used all my instincts for the ans.. i tot i really memorise everything but well i din take note of the key words of all the graphs.. n i was like so stuck in which graph to draw.. den i tried to perform stunts like cracking my neck bone but is just to peep at my friend paper to confirm my ans.. she sat on my right n was a left hander.. i like need to crack so many times to one side just to be able to see clearly without her blocking..

after tt went to havoc with bel.. do wad?? MAHJONG again.. haha.. with jelly hu like no more exams already.. bel lost alot.. cuz both of us big loser to jelly n e bro.. super alot.. dunno where all the mahjong cells go le..

so happy i can lead my normal havoctic life le.. staying up late to blog n not squeeze information into my puny brain cells.. last three days my sleeping hour only add up to 12 hours.. super tired.. gonna sleep till the sunset tml.. *yawnz big time*

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 3:20 AMWednesday, September 07, 2005

This entry is specially made for my dear germy who had turn nineteen today.. wasnt able to spend the day with u or even see u for e day.. wow.. 1st time..but well i still wish u after u force me right.. haha.. actaully we did made some plans for u today but well it din happen i oso dunno y.. right now sincerly from the bottom of my kind-hearted heart.. i wish u HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY thou u din enjoy yourself much today cuz u din spend it with us.. no no no.. i tink is ANOTHER reason which u tried to act tt u don care but well.. yup.. but if there is this little percentage tt e reason is cuz of us den i will compensate u another day with erm.. i dunno wad.. anything u wan me do la.. or maybe coupons to a tickling session?? (hahah.. JUST KIDDING)..

study hard for e rest of e paper ah.. Happy Birthday once again.. love ya e same thou age diff now.. i'll c u on friday.. nights..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 2:59 AMMonday, September 05, 2005

Unbelievable!! CSA is actually over n i m currently slacking.. haven study for tml's accounts paper.. but well at least CSA is over.. one big load off my shoulder.. haha n i m so happy cuz all i studied came out.. but well i guess i will only manage to just pass cuz of 20 marks which is like gone.. i tot it was not impt n it came out the whole qns on it.. but nvm la.. it's over n exams r lik over for me.. hahahaha.. a bit more n i will enjoy like mad.. real mad..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 9:42 PMSunday, September 04, 2005

wooo.. just had a fantastic dinner cooked by my mum.. finally some home cook food surfaced in my house.. had been studying the whole day.. nothing but CSA.. dont seems to get the meaning of it but after reading like 4 times e same thing.. all i am doing is memorising the exact words printed on e paper.. after tml my brain will have so much memory space for the rest of the papers.. woah.. CSA term.. memory space.. haha.. ok off to study now.. time is 715.. hopfully will be done by 2am.. den will total up this week's studying hours to 45hours.. which is like amazing lots.. all the best BB for all your papers.. =)

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 7:10 PMFriday, September 02, 2005

So boring this whole week.. all i did was study n study n study.. so many things i have yet to study n it's like on mon my paper will start.. tml whole day will be spent on church.. so only left in e night n whole of sun.. cant wait for next week where all these will end n i can go out happy hour.. HAVOC!! already kind of plan wad to do but well if someone doesnt wants it i cant help it.. bleah...

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:19 PM

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.:: About Me ::.
Name: debbie Teo
Age: 17
Birthday: 18 Oct 1988
School: Temasek Poly, Business
Likes: Volleyball,Pool, Cookies(my guitar), Cream(my another guitar), VoVo( my rabbit), Tommy (my bicycle), Orange colour and basically BABBLING!!
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