Sunday, July 31, 2005

woke up at 630.. slept last night at 345.. super tired man. just to go for e spike competition thing which was not fun at all n i din even enjoy myself.. only enjoy e times tt i was spending with myself.. had a fair bit of fun before bath n after bath it was terrible.. sat by e beach alone looking at e sea n enjoying e sea breeze.. almost broke down..felt so burdened.. so tired.. so confused.. so sad.. so desperate.. all e bad things just sets in with e breeze.. trying hard to make a decision of what i really want but my heart just don seem to be able to get settled down.. if this goes on i will just break down someday..

mood totally went off.. went mute for very long.. when germy friend came to offer me the cigarette really wanted to just try it.. but hai.. know it will be a lifetime mistake..
don even know y i stayed there till so late.. knowing tt waiting for them will be like an endless journey.. hai.. only my weak heart knows y..

really feel so heavy hearted.. everything is like stuck in my heart.. cant let it out.. dunno to who.. dunno how.. no one can understand.. where r u when i really need u? -LOST-

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:17 PM

This morning i went for a hair-cut after all the criticism(dunno how to spell) from my friends yesterday tt e back is growing too much n messy.. n unexpectedly i dyed my hair too.. dunno wad colour it is but it just have colours on it..

Today church service was awesome though i doze off in betweens..opps.. is a special speaker who is very powerful in deliverance(if u all know wads tt).. yest during cell my leader already say must prepare cuz he v anointed den in e middle of his sermon pple will scream n stuff cuz of the evil spirit in them.. never seen it before n it sounded scary though.. before he called for an alter call today.. i hope i wont suit into the category he calling for den dun have to respond.. he called for those who have encounters with spirits, medium, n have demons inside them bla bla bla.. just simply those that have encounters with weird things around them.. den listen so long i like don suit n felt wasted cuz its like v rare opportunity.. so nvm la.. just stand there cont to worship n pray.. but he really v holy.. one by one was slain by him n fell to e floor.. e whole front of e hall was filled with bodies lying all over.. hardly have any space to walk.. but yet more n more pple responded as they really want unclean things to be out of them.. people were vomiting all over.. coughing n crying.. screaming shouting n yelling.. was really scary i must say but he say those r e demons tt is within them tt doesnt want to come out for they fear.. n tt's y all e signs will happen... its like watching a movie man.. e harder e congregation pray.. e louder they shout.. it was really awesome to see them cast out demons.. i turned to my friend n ask her y don just go down.. nothing but just go try oso nice.. but haha how can.. den slowly slowly i cont praying.. n i start to think.. maybe i am oso e one cuz i know i have some unseen n unknown bad spirits tt is obstructing my spiritual growth.. was like trying hard to find my leader to ask her to just pray for me.. just as i was thinking she walk towards where we standing n when i saw her walking here i know she gonna ask mi to respond.. indeed.. she came n ask me.. do my parents idolise any stuff.. i said no.. lust?? no.. she ask e critical qns n tt is do i have some kind of fear with me?? i stop n ponder n tt is when she know i need to respond.. i was e last person to go down the alter n when i stood infront i was like really lost cuz everybody was like lying everywhere.. cant even make any space for me to walk.. i stood there alone with my leader n the pastor just came walking down from the stage and lay hands on me.. there were like many other pastors praying for the people but i got him to pray for me.. he grabbed my head real hard and started praying.. feeling was really v strong n powerful.. he slain n i fell.. my leader started praying for me so strongly.. i cried n cried.. din have those vomits n screaming just tears.. but really felt so relieved after tt..
cuz i m like e last person to go down n standing alone n pastor praying for me.. the camera was like zooming at me only.. din know until my friends told me after the service.. i was like being captured on the screen so big alone.. woah..

everything was just truly amazing..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:12 AMFriday, July 29, 2005

Such a tiring today cuz of a lousy mood i guess..
Cuz of e game on mon n e test i will be having which will clash.. need to go get approval to skip e test n LOA.. so tiring to run up n down asking this n tt to get everything done.. such an easy thing they make it so complicated.. don understand y.. if only it was kyle..

Today went to eat with my class.. haha.. tt's an achievement i must say.. finally know who my click le e next thing is to click with them but its a little tough when hoho n germy is still arnd..

Took over my friend for the captain's ball thing.. e referees r simply lousy.. thinking they know alot but super kayu.. blow whistle to their own pple to hear not e players.. keep on running to my face n telling me not to do this n tt.. trying to be kind to me but they r not.. did quite a few unexpected stunts inside.. and got this girl my opponent.. trying to salvage a ball tt her team threw out n she caught it (woah) tried to throw it backwards (woah) but she ram it straight down my injured knee (ouch)!! in e end when we shook hand i said to her' thanks for throwing e ball into my injured knee' hope i din say it to e wrong person cuz they look all e same if not malu sia.. ok.. anyway the result was i think i scored 3 n score was 3-4.. WE LOST!!

After that got cell group.. but dun wanna go home after e game super troublesome especially tommy was with me.. germy suppose to accompany me but apparently she was in a super piss off mood.. so she wanted to go central when e time is not up n suggested a few dumb routes for me to take.. in e end was abandon by her.. wanted so much to accompany her cuz she in such a mood but no choice.. duty call so got to go..

** are we really drifting apart?? u always say i think too much but i really think we are.. there's like lesser n lesser topics we talk when we c each other.. we had never gone through thick and thin if u realise.. but anyway its rather hard when ur life has no time to invovle me.. not your fault.. cuz i oso never set my time for you.. friendship to me is like so impt but when new wan come i will give less to e old wan.. how lousy as a friend i can be.. now my mood is just at e lowest peak so all kinds of emotions sets in.. no more joy..
just have e sudden urge to say all e things which i never will to u cuz u mean so much to me n i dun wanna hurt u.. but cuz i know u wun read this n tt's y..

Love u for eternal till e day we reach heaven cuz u're a part of me already.. **muacks**

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:49 PMThursday, July 28, 2005

time to blog again...

Wed: the day of my presentation..
lesson at one started changing at 1259.. haha.. was gan jiong actully.. when came out from the cubicle after i change.. my frens were like 'wow' n said 'take picture, take picture!!'hahah so funny.. make me even more gan jiong.. i tot i wasnt nervous until i went up there.. trying to act calm.. but was too fast due to e side effects of my gan jiong-ness.. my fren wrote on her file "SLOW DOWN' when i saw tt i pause.. haha tinking wad to do.. anyway my class said it was fine so hope kangaroo will tink so too but guess its hard base on e womderful inmpression she have for me..
Training was so gloomy.. atmosphere was bad was dull.. all so tired n its simply boring.. and e stupid net is giving us so many problems.. headache..
And yushan injured her knee.. BADLY!!

Thur: tried to wake up at 8 to go for lecture.. cuz my fren dare me to go.. n still say latest 930... ah wad crap.. she din even go.. she was even late for apel which was at 11.. by e time she arrive teacher end class le.. lucky din get con.. but received a bad news from qian n tt is shan can NEVER play ball again.. when i just heard it din really feel anything la.. but slowly when i really start to tink bout it.. its like so sad.. yushan is our pillar man.. everything we just go to her.. best captain i ever c in my life.. so responsible but now she cant play.. feel so sad.. den hu is goin to bring up the atmosphere with all e steady aces.. she dun lead den nobody will do it.. total sadness.. big blow to the team.. just hope everything will be fine thou it cant be back to normal again..
Just return home from the ah pek game.. hai not fun la.. feel weird when not playing with my team.. nothing feels smooth.. just plain lousy..

Now not in a very good mood oso.. things changed.. ahhh.. wad am i suppose to do?? confuse..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:22 PMWednesday, July 27, 2005

Boring Monday and Tuesday.. nothing much happen.. other den just waking up late n goin class late.. what's new??

Got back my econs paper on Mon.. got 72/80 (for e things i've studied), 77/100 ( 20 marks is on things tt i nv study) so i choose to believe in e first score..

hmm wad else?? oh yah.. i went for POM lecture.. full lecture somemore.. din left halfway -clap clap- haha but was sleeping inside la.. makes no diff.. and my classmate which i tot nv will happen insist in asking mi to concentrate in sleeping n she will help mi copy my notes.. so is my judgement of my classmates wrong or just tt moment?? haha

as for today just went tutorial.. skip lecture again for no reason other den pei-ing germy.. and now the time is 2.37am.. n i just finish writing n thinking wad i goin to present tml.. practise over n over again but it keep exceeding the given time.. just hope tml the time n tonight time will be diff.. tml will be slower.. got to wake up at 730 later which is like less den 5h time to pass germy the things to help mi write..

Tml got the presentation le.. am i going to be gan jiong?? well.. i really hope not.. must act calm from the start n everything will be fine..=) Tml would be wearing formal.. first time wear so nice... just for a 5 min presentation.. hai.. waste like 50 bucks.. not worth it.. somemore need to face kangaroo.. just hope she dun shoot mi with qns tt will make mi **stun** and **???**..

Tml got trg n might be playing with ah peks.. on thurs playing with them again.. haiyo.. is trg all about them? .......

Amazing ah.. nothing to say still can tok until so long.. woah!!

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 2:30 AMSunday, July 24, 2005

Home Sweet Home.. finally.. went for chalet but the room is like unexpectedly small n puny.. tv so high.. lousy room tt is not worth the money.. trying means and ways to put four beds on the floor but its like IMPOSSIBLE!
When e sleeping mode sets in, my entertainment show begins.. was e last to slp on the 2nd night cuz watching show but all i could hear was snorings.. 10 diff types wan from bel which i dunno she go for wad training classes to have such snores n one undefined weird one from klang.. i was really laughing my head off when they were doin their diff snoring stunts.. bel treats anything n ANYBODY as a bolster..(eg. vien n carol) haha she really put her leg over your body n try to suffocate u with her swinging hands.. haha so funny i must say..
We 'SEX' so many times in the room.. was like unstoppable.. right klang?? my sex partner i must say.. faithful one somemore.. haha. chalet was really good la.. BONDING!!

Today was the Quiksilver thing.. haha as i expected we were out.. this whole competition is like so messy n busy but yet fun n interesting.. every moment some of us will be playing den its like non-stop matches.. no time to rest at all.. klang team was good.. did us proud by getting a fourth.. awesome i must say..

The complains begins now..
1) I am being burnt like anything under e sun which like only came out for 15 mins.. din put sun block cuz tot no sun but when u look at me.. its as thou i was brought up to the sun while playing.. super duper red man.. very pain oso.. the Nivea girls oso feel so pain for me n they keep sparying the sample of the after sun lotion thing on me like nobody's business.. tml sure red like baboon backside n pain like anything.. how to wear bra?? OUCH!!

2) When watching hoho's game.. this stupid old man wearing RED, a color tt oppose me the whole day RAM n i mean RAM not hit but RAM a ball into my face.. head shot man.. for a moment i was like lost in the world.. prob it was the moment when i return from the sun.. but anyway it was like super painful man.. i tink he nutcase lo.. one whole row pple sitting there n he still DARE to kick the ball backwards which apparently wasnt the case cuz it was forward as it landed on my sunny face.. he just say sorry n ran away.. not sincere at all.. should have took e ball n RAM into his ball n say sorry.. haha.. OUCH!!

still got more but too lazy to type if not it will go on n on..

tml is a new day.. but today wun end unless u r back.. miss ya..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:53 PMWednesday, July 20, 2005

Hello everybody.. lets twist lick dunk like we did last summer.. Yeah!!

haha.. now feeling super duper high.. dunno y oso.. even when i'm alone i can like tt.. ah but nobody to entertain me except the four walls..

today had a great day.. went shopping alone after lect.. quite cool n free.. nobody disturb but cant get anything i want..

went for comm skills.. n i need to present it on fri. 2 days later.. was grumbling non stop in class.. the class was so messy everybody walking all arnd.. trying to see r they e 'lucky' wans to present this fri or the lucky wans to present next wed.. nobody is prepared.. today den give us back our outline den tml hand in e corrected wan.. den fri present tink we wad? the aliens in the war of the world ah.. so irritating.. pick the lucky draw no twice.. cuz some error in it.. first time got the next week wan.. den the 2nd time e rep pick.. den i become the fri gang wan.. i no shirt no pants no shoes.. no bra.. no script.. nothing at all.. was like cursing n swearing some good words in class.. n most importantly i pointed at her n say i going to take mc on fri.. she say its up to me.. but dun wan la.. i will look like a loser.. haha..
But anyway after toking n grumbling so much.. i goin to present next wed cuz my fren called me n ask wanna change.. haha.. Thank God, u're so amazing at times..

trg was good cuz was feeling real high.. haha blabbering non stop until no energy to react to the balls.. but can c team getting better.. good good..

this fri is the chalet le.. so excited cuz i tink it will be real fun n cool.. HAVOC is all i wan!! goin to throw away all my work n enjoy..

Germy.. wadever i said online was really true k.. (not only cuz i wanna u go the chalet) hoho n bel oso say they r so touch.. wanna cry.. (tt's for hoho) haha really until i keep on typing n typing den i realise just in such a short span since i know u i already did so many things for u.. pls be honoured n touch k.. i myself oso tink its so amazing.. n so many other things tt i wun disclose..

saying this again- my life had really been spinning round u guys since i come tp.. but i nv regret once.. on the day tt u all goin to graduate i will write a 5000 word essay about each n every one of u in the team man.. maybe the number will just keep on increasing as the days goes.. haha..

To all who are reading this..(which is tt few) love me k cuz i love all of u.. (=

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:43 PMTuesday, July 19, 2005

Got back my accounts test paper.. got 43.5/50.. got full marks in all the numbers thing just the theory tt stole my 6.5 m.. if not i will get full marks le man..
Today so bored after lesson n germy cannot acc cuz gg out with dunno hu la.. haha but so fun.. cuz she tinks tt i was angry den keep asking mi not too.. den make her come looking for mi outside my class to say sorry n she really did.. purposely don wanna tell her where my class is cuz i noe it's diff to find..was behind the lift.. anyway she came just to see mi n not apologetic at all n make mi walk all the way to the bus stop with her..
Was deciding whether to go for lec not with a 10 cent coin.. toss n toss n results all showed to go.. i don believe it man.. so i went home n sleep.. perfect weather..

Met dear at 3.. finally caught the show 'war of the world' or 'world of the war.' wadever it is la.. not tt fantastic to mi cuz its alien show.. dear almost fall asleep.. just thrilling when the aliens appear den other den tt esp the ending wasnt awesome..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:12 PMMonday, July 18, 2005

School reopens today but i don feel the fresh air of tp cuz its like e whole holidays was in sch.. slept at 4 plus last night woke up 7 plus this morn just to meet up to finish up the CSA project which needs to be handed in by 9.. at 9am the scene outside the tutor room was horrid.. everybody were like a swarm of bees buzzing eveywhere squeezing their way into the room to hand in.. suppose to put everything in a big envelop but i tot was not needed so din bother.. but little did i wonder, this envelop made my grp from the first to submit to become the last to submit cuz even all the ah bengs n toad heads oso have a nice envelope but i bet inside is rubbish haha.. slack a while went for class at 10.. it was econs n i tot will return test paper but he too slow la.. nv mark finish so got to wait..

Was really tired so just sleep n dream in class.. den after tt force myself to go for lecture cuz there were no one to acc mi.. in the end still sleep and dream there.. went out during the break n met qian hoho n spermy.. den was forced by qian to walk all the way to biz entrance den she realise it was rainin n got to U turn go biz park.. all for her!! den something wrong with my stomach.. super duper guper luper ultra pain.. somemore period ended long ago.. n same time last mon i oso had the exact pain but this time was really pain.. don tell mi i got stomach ulcer or wadever cancer.. ahh God pls save me..

anyway i stayed up till so late to do my comm skills last night was all gone into the drain cuz i did the wrong format so its equal to nv do.. how sad..

so tired now cuz trg was like so long n tired.. played with ah peks but not much fun oso.. won nothing.. team cannot communicate la.. cannot blend together.. no teamwork.. nobody willing to take the first step.. so...... cant be helped la.. i realise i really have no connection with my yr pple man.. not even eye connection.. when i always see them in sch den trying to smile at them but they just simply ignore me.. they sure tink i have some attitude problem or wad.. heartbroken man.. how to survive?? can anyone tell me!!

Qian was moody during trg dunno wad's wrong with her.. she claim she was tired but i don tink so.. crazy girl.. dunno y like to make herself seem so attitude when she is not.. y ah?? hais.. but anywaes glad tt u tell mi bout ur stuff.. an upward shift in our friendship.. +1

So long nv chat with black but at least he reply my email on the spot.. haha.. so happy..

tml goin out with dear.. so long never go out with her already n tt's real sad.. really afraid the friendship will just drift apart.. it is really hard to maintain the friendship when we don spend time together.. she always make me feel that i am so blessed to have a fren like her but just scared tt...... When the day u r leaving, i will give my lifetime tears to u.. nobody can ever replace u in my heart i swear n i hope i will keep tt.. love ya to the max!!

i tink i bottom too many things in my heart everyday until my blog is so long but there is just one issue tt i can never blog n tt is the most heartfelt wan..

Goodnight bebble!! N Love everything tt is arnd b4 its all gone..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:27 PMSunday, July 17, 2005

Early morning when the sun shining into my butt i woke up and got ready to go to the beach.. so cool cuz klang drove.. Today was just a perfect sunday.. so relaxing at e beach.. saw so many teams played over there n carol's team seems to be the most serious wan.. so many strategies.. haha my team wan is a secret like wad they say n i don even noe wad izzit.. how funny.. but taking at a look at how pple play i seriously tink my team cannot make it.. haha.. cuz of......... ME!! no mood to play it at all.. just wanna go the chalet, that's all tt matters to me.. haha.. (i hope my team don see all these) It's really not easy la, just wanna go there enjoy myself.. spend memorable time with all my budds will be all i wan..

Anyway today's weather was really good.. not hot at all.. no rain.. but as usual i got burnt somehow.. haha.. Den went kfc for dinner.. carol was so satisfied.. haha.. too bad qian the professional licker of my whip potato wasnt arnd but hoho did it for mi.. not tt pro but at least its gone.. haha..

In 2 mins time which is 9 bel will appear downstairs my hse n we goin for bbt with hoho.. cuz i need her help mi do my comm skills thing which need to be submitted tml 10am.. Thank God for her.. haha hu always help mi in all these last min stuff..=)

Perfect Sunday with the Perfect environment and Perfect timing for everything.. AWESOME!!

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 8:48 PMSaturday, July 16, 2005

Finally done with my CSA project.. so happy.. though its hard work but no regrets.. i will credit it all to myself.. haha.. no la how can so bad.. ahaha..

Chose my CDS already.. not i choose wan la.. Germy did it for me.. n i just go along with it la.. cant make up my mind too.. And the first choice was Jap.. quite diff get in but don matter la.. got choose can le.. haha..

Boring day but was super high during cell group.. nobody can handle.. haha..

Going beach on sun as bel insisted.. haha.. time to train for next week com but who cares.. haha.. i am goin just for the chalet.. everybody.. aim me when playing the game k.. like tt u all sure win.. haha..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:17 AMFriday, July 15, 2005

Today got no programme at all cuz from morn i was in sch doin my project ALONE!! when its like 4 pple in a grp but nvm i m ok with it.. things can be done quicker like tt just no opinions given from pple.. One whole day i was with Qian.. that's it la.. the both of us gonna stuck our butts together for the rest of our life man.. every single day i've been seeing her man.. ahha n take a look at our msn nick.. hai.. n e worst thing is tt she don let me change it if not some disatrous thing like wad she say which i noe wad, will happen..

Some funny stuff still happen today.. tt germy was like sleeping like a log infront of her com and when her phone ring she din hear n so happen i was not beside her.. the worst thing is tt ringtone of hers.. ahah. the super irritating chinese song tt caught the attention of e whole com lab man.. everyone staring at her n laughing cuz of the hilarious ringtone.. it was really such a funny scene..

Ok that's all for today.. boring day in sch for this entire week.. EVERYDAY goin back to do e stupid project that always go hey-wired(dunno how to spell) somewhere in e middle.. tml i m goin back again but this time diff.. my grp members will be there.. to give their opinions.. haha.. Pls tune in tml for the results of the cross disiplinary subject that i m goin to take.. but i tink no matter wad i choose i will still do attend it alone cuz i got NO friends!!

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 2:38 AMWednesday, July 13, 2005

Whee~~ its just a happy day for me.. dunno y. must be carol n qian coming for training..(applause, applause) the atmosphere like lifted up.. more natural not tt weird anymore.. everything flow nicely.. everyones mood was goood other den sir i guess.. he cannot control us anymore cuz we kept yakking non stop.. haha.. i hope this goes on for the next 3 yrs( argh, debbie stop dreaming, its impossible) but still its fun seeing ALL of u in trg.. it was AWESOME!!

i tink kids get satisfy easily..

My back and right arm aching.. why?? cuz of the 40++ rounds of pool i played.. so fun man.. and its like if i do tt in pavilion it will cost me like more den 50 bucks.. but over at qian hse.. whoo.. free!! Still got ban mian, curry rice, vitasoy n many many more la.. her place hai.. other den the bed everything is good.. haha..

Lets tune in now to the sports channel.. LIM QIAN HUI & DEBBIE TEO had a fierce but super hilarious battle of 29 rounds of pool.. n the final score was.. 20-9.. hu won?? of course its BEBBLE-DEBBIE TEO LI MIN..(thank you everyone.. **cough cough**) As u all read this pls try to picture me acting out the prize presentation scene... muahahah..

Qian hui.. i waiting for 8 aug for the second battle of like erm.. 50 rounds of pool?? haha.. k la.. getting too engross with my acting already.. actually cuz she tired la tt's y wll lose until so bad but erm.. tt's not the reason la.. hahaahaha.

Thank you guys for tuning into bebble 56.6 FM.. have a nice day..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:34 PM

woke up bout 10 early in e morning when received a msg from eve. went to sch to do project.. Bought MAC for qian den after tt i'm stuck with her for the whole day.. even until now staying over at her place.. but is cuz i don really feel like goin class bbq la.. no money n its like raining.. i rather come over her place play pool.. play with myself oso happy.. anyway i won her.. 14 games to 7.. she admitted defeat in the end.. haha..

i wish everything can just go back like last time.. i miss those times. how i wish there are no buts in everything tt we do.. we no need to worry bout anything because the world is already made perfect for us.. how i wish but tt will not happen..

** No Longer I**

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 2:04 AMMonday, July 11, 2005

got accounts paper today.. work up late to study.. left class at 230.. first to leave.. cool man.. haha easy paper la.. nothing much to be done cuz everything is given i just need to play arnd with the numbers.. but had a terrible cramp after e paper.. cant even cycle home properly.. felt so lonely dunno wad to do.. but lucky bel willing help mi buy lunch up for mi.. hehe thanks..

after tt rush to sch cuz suddenly need to meet for project den went for trg.. trg wasnt as fun thou cuz of some missing pple but nvm tink just got to start to learn how to get used to it if not in e future i wont be able to survive.. things simply moving too fast that i cant even stopped n tink of wads really goin on n wad is right n wad is wrong..

seriously speaking today trg feels weird.. wasnt able to be my true self.. din have anybody there to play with me to encourage me.. and from the moment i woke up i din felt happy n tt was when i knew the importance of this friendship.. i know u guys r not doin e right things but i cant say much also.. is that what a friend should do?? i dunno or maybe i'm just not one.. any decision u all goin to make will affect many pple.. n i'm really so scare to see this or rather many friendship going with e decision made..

i said before that my life in tp from the start was brighten cuz of u all arnd.. cant imagine when u all r not.. i know i must cherish with the short time i'm goin to have with all of you but how do i do that when u all don cherish it at all n tink tt everything is alright.. when it's gone it's really gone n there's no regrets for anything..

well maybe i guess maybe becuz i'm younger i cant really understand wad u all r feeling.. but i hope i really do if u let me to.. n i hope u all can understand how i feel..

carol: " i'll be there for you, these five words i swear to you" - that's wad u told me that time when i was sad cuz of all these things.. i hope it still applies now.. u really help me n guide me in many things that i dunno.. thanks alot for tt.. love me k cuz i love u still =)

qian: thou u everytime disturb or rather bully me but i really enjoy all the moments we had together.. u make me feel v happy n relax cuz of ur character.. u force me to laugh when i cant.. ur life itself just brightens mine.. thanks alot too.. love me k cuz i love you still =)

eve: though the time we spent is not alot but i just wanna thank u cuz u are always there when all these things happen.. u understand my agony, my feelings.. n try to cheer mi up eventhough u urself also feeling sad.. your're emotins is just simply amazing.. love me forever k cuz i love you eternal =)

**Volleyball is the the one that links these friendships together.. n i hope it really is..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:17 PMSunday, July 10, 2005

Today went sentosa.. expected it to be fun but things aint goin right from e start.. woke up early cuz of all e planning to make sure everything goes right today...... went there no court to play nvm den still rain like nobody's business.. there was no sun at all but my face got burnt badly.. weird.. travel round n round to look for toilet.. caught in e super heavy rain.. now feel so sick.. face so hot but body cold.. but hu cares??i don even care..

Things or rather emotions went wrong during bathing time.. how disgusting to bath there n tt makes my feelings so stirred up.. felt so tired n moody after this kind of day.. but so many things were running thru my mind during the quietness.. those thoughts tt i had really makes me start to think about the things i am doin.. e things i tot will go tt way, nv.. issit cuz of poor judgement, poor vision or just a heart tt wanna make pple happy?? i dunno --out of nothing at all--

Just rmb tml i still got one more paper.. saddest thing on earth i must say.. haven start memorising.. cant sleep cuz just ate my dinner n need to like wait for 1h for it to get digested..
n i need to study if not i don feel secured..

anyway thanks bel for e nice time we had at e beach running arnd n arnd in the snow..we went into e coldest container ever n still can speak 'fluent' tongues.. haha.. somehow just now u make me feel better.. not bad ah.. for once..

*** where are you dear?? i wanna tell u wad is hidden in my heart before it runs dry..***

++ Holy ghost, breathe upon me.. i give you my breathe so take all of me.. be my guide.. place your heart inside my soul++

i wish n i wish.............

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:41 PMSaturday, July 09, 2005

i just simply have so many things happening arnd mi tt i got to blog everyday.. my blog is basically for 2 pple to read whom i meet everyday.. haha..

today cook pasta for the overly depressd girl hu just lost her wallet.. haha..

went for cell group.. it was great.. i teared again during worship..

went prata with hoho n bel at SRISUN PARATA PARADISE.. i wanna sue them man.. they make mi wait for more den 30 MINUTES!!! 30 MINUTES for a prata with onion.. tt stupid fellow simply forget our order n insist that its on the way.. how long can they take to fry a piece of dough.. unless they went to some mountain to pluck gold den add some gold bits into my prata la.. total crap-ness man.. still claim that they are e best prata in the east.. (use some brains man) no wonder need to operate 24hrs.. cuz pple need to wait 2-3 hr as wad tt stupid fellow eat a prata!! a prata!! u tink wad ah.. chef train in the best prata university in India?? argh.. tinking of it just makes mi boil.. still ask me come again.. i said HUH!!!! nv !!need to wait for donkey yrs for a piece of dough..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 2:30 AMThursday, July 07, 2005

Yo Yo Yo!! i finish my exams already.. hey.. don say i living in denial thou i still got another paper on mon but its acc.. ah.. who cares man.. i wanna havoc!! where's eve?? we got to work hand in hand..hehe..

let's c wad happen today.. hmmm.. went sch early to study with qian.. she disturb me like anything 20 min b4 my paper which is e most crucial period.. keep whistling non stop when she dunno how.. den wad she produce is obviously NOISE!! keep insisting tt there is a tune when its like flat.. and on the way to interchange after paper.. she must squeeze beside me when there is NOBODY on the bus.. n do wad?? cont her whistling.. this time she said she whistled the tune of santa claus when its like still flat..

Highlight of the day: qian lost her wallet when we were out.. its pretty amazing how she lost it.. she insist tt some MUD must have stolen it but me n carol analyse tt its impossible for pple to steal it unless her butt is made of stainless steel.. we keep laughing cuz her expression was simply hilarious.. so whiney.. den keep cursing.. den walk halfway she will stop n lean on something.. den drag her feet.. like everything is gone like tt when only her POSB card n driving license n this $300 sushi receipt which she feel so heartpain tt its gone.. tt's e funniest thing man.. haha..

k la qian.. don depress anymore if u r.. but u look cute n funny when u r angry + fed up.. be thankful tt u deposit money in already n u spend money on eating.. so to be safe.. next time just keep treating me k. den if lose money wun be tt much.. haha kidding la.. don worry bout e money u lost n e money u need to pay to renew e cards cuz u can get all those from ur daddy.. u just show ur whiney power he will give it to u le.. hehe.. carol says it ur retribution for bullying me.. haha i tink so too but no la i not tt bad.. k la don make u more piss.. cheer up alright=) u wan me do anything for u these few days i will la if tt makes u happier like always.. sun i will go support ur beach open so better win k.. at least 2 matches.. so just return back to ur chirpy self don be moody n depress.. super not used to it..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 9:05 PMTuesday, July 05, 2005

today actually i'm not suppose to be blogging cuz nothing much happen in e day other spending all my studying time playing pool.. when i came back dunno y became so fed up with everything especially ALL the computers in my hse.. tml i having this CSA paper den i wanna do the quiz to prac.. my stupid com just cant log on to vbus n no matter how hard my bro tried to erase the cookies it just wun work.. in e end got to use his com to do e quiz.. ok problem no 1: wasting time looking at my bro delete e dumb cookies.. den i wanna save the correct ans into thumbdrive den go sch print den study on it.. problem no 2: my bro needs his thumbdrive, so no thumbdrive.. decided to use my mp3 instead but cannot cuz tml need to pass it to dear send it go repair.. problem no 3: cannot save in my mp3.. so no choice got to save in floppy disk.. dunno how come my dumb come cannot even do this simple task.. problem no 4: cannot save in floppy disk using my com.. den got to go outside use my dad's super old n slow n lousy pok com.. nvm i told myself to have patience.. in e end it took soooooooo long.. 30 mins.. THIRTY MINUTES!!!! just to save 4.. FOUR!! documents into the floppy disk.. problem no 5: took donkey years just to save the few things.. i even took my notes sit infront of the com n read while waiting.. wait for what??!?!? just to save that 4.. FOUR!! documents.. unbelievable..

And before all these computer irritants started, i called the place where i bought my mp3 cuz i need to know the add where to send it to repair.. n they keep passing e phone arnd n insisting tt e add is at the back of the box.. so i said ok.. "CONFIRM AH??" n they said "YAH".. so i put down e phone went to check.. n amazingly the words i need just don seem to be there.. i called back( buay song mood) n said there is no wadever add on the box.. n i asked for the add.. the first guy picked up n i told him everything.. he said "wait".. ok i waited.. den suddenly i heard another guy's voice n he said "YAH??" fed up.. i explain the whole thing again n he said "WAIT, i go check the add".. ok i waited.. DEN a girl pick up n said "YAH??".. wow.. this time i super fed up n i shouted.. " CAN YOU GIVE ME THE ADD FOR THE WAREHOUSE??!?!?!?!?" finally i got what i wan.. the add.. the girl was shock n frightened n quickly tell me the add in DETAILS.. ridiculous shop lo.. keep passing arnd n YAH mi all e time.. now my mood super fed up ah.. so hot in e room.. facing a dumb com which performs its duty to e lowest of its ability.. HOW TO STUDY??? tml CSA sure die ah.. goin to sch at 9 to study.. Arhhhhhh!!! v fed up!!

problem no 6: qian n sharon nv pick up my call or reply my msg..
so angry le n nobody responding to me.. i need an ans from them n they purposely don wanna give it to mi n worst still i m in this bad mood.. VERY PEK CHEK AH!!

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:37 PMMonday, July 04, 2005

Today is the grand opening of e first paper i ever take in tp n it was a failure.. i literally memorise five chapters.. ask mi anything i oso can quote to u.. but we tested on 6 chapters n mi being nice believe qian tt the sixth chpt wun come out, (not blaming u qian k..) cuz haven gone thru tutorial den in e end more den 25 marks on that stupid topic.. i tried to do using the vague memory i had for that chpt but to no avail.. anyhow bluff way thru oso bluff wrongly.. hai.. no choice.. so i left the class at 2.44 pm..

After that went to find qian den study.. in the process somehow she just ended up sitting on me n tickling mi non stop.. den when i struggled i accidentally bang my ear into the edge of my hard file.. it is no ordinary ear k.. it is the freshly pierced ear.. after tt it became swallon like baboon backside man.. n e ear still running fever.. super pain almost cried man so can u imagine the pain.. most painful pain i ever got since the start of this yr..#$%#$%#$%..

Treat u so nice.. buy BBT for u.. return u some debt despite mi being in a serious economic crisis.. go sch early just to acc u eat.. disturb my ear somemore indirectly i will just auto cancel the debt i owe u since there are more pple oweing u more den wad i owe..haha

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 9:49 PMSunday, July 03, 2005

Tomorrow got exam.. ahhh.. Econs.. haven memorise finish yet..i guess i got the most horrible exam timetable.. next mon still got paper.. cannot even enjoy early.. sian ness..

Today went qian hse with bel kok.. suppose to study there n play pool but obviously pool was everything.. i only manage to study 2 topics.. bel suppose to do her chi newspaper cutting but it would be a miracle if she does it.. qian helped her with 8 articles.. i did one.. not too bad thou.. haha.. n tt bel went crazy when we were eating.. she was like in another world.. kept on toking to herself bout all the aliens, spaceship stuff.. holding the egg yoke and swing arnd saying tt's a spaceship.. mad-ness.. N once we started pool, it nv end.. i played with myself for 4 rounds.. i oso end up toking to myself cuz nobody wanna entertain me.. it was a draw between strip n solid.. haha but i prefer strip more somehow.. After playing for like 4 hrs i guess.. wow.. din realise.. it's so long n FREE!! haha.. den somehow James appear at qian hse n he fetched us home.. saved some cab fare n leg energy.. such a tiring pool day..

Once again.. tml got exam.. don wan it man but wanna get over n done with it quickly but how to when it ends next mon.. Sadness..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:00 PMFriday, July 01, 2005

Today did the SAF show.. haha.. suppose to be the mc but end up only sayin one sentence.. haha pai seh noe.. but had fun in production crew.. seems interesting n there's more to come man.. hehe.. qian came at 9 to support me.. haha.. thanks.. thou i nv said much into e mic but u had fun right.. attracting all the greeny looking commandos.. den after that went to qian hse.. she got a pool table.. cool.. haha... thou 7 ft but still a pool table.. can save lots of money le.. no need go pavilion anymore.. n tt pool table can help all of us to kick away the habit of playing pool cuz will play until we super bored of it..

After that went for cell grp n tt evil carol knowing tt i m late. purposely make me miss one bus.. don let me board the bus.. so irritating.. but its ok.. forgive forget n forward.. wasnt late anyway.. Teared during cell group.. been so long since i felt the presence of God during worship.. Felt so peace..

Came home on my com den saw something nice.. my Mr. Black is online.. feel so happy toking to him.. but hai guess it's a fruitless love i m feeling.. he say might be coming over singapore for holiday but well i oso tink it's hard to believe but if he is really coming.. oh man.. i cant believe it!! i will faint.. haha.. shall see den..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:34 PM

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.:: About Me ::.
Name: debbie Teo
Age: 17
Birthday: 18 Oct 1988
School: Temasek Poly, Business
Likes: Volleyball,Pool, Cookies(my guitar), Cream(my another guitar), VoVo( my rabbit), Tommy (my bicycle), Orange colour and basically BABBLING!!
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