Thursday, June 30, 2005

Bel help me change my tagboard again cuz the previous was down for maintenence n will be back SHORTLY which i tink nv.. but now i cant tag on the stupid thing but she can.. something is really wrong with my dumb com lo.. cannot log into VBUS.. i cant do my quiz den quiz close now.. lose so many marks there already.. worst thing is tt it closed on 30th june 2am.. this morning.. cant even do it in sch anymore..

Today went for APEL but some nerves were not right.. felt so outcast.. dunno y.. so din talk during lesson at all but just draw n draw.. my feelings with my classmates don seem right.. like not feeling v smoothly.. i just don seem to be able to blend in so i choose not to.. not that they r not nice pple but i guess i m e unfriendly person i just choose to go away n blend some where..

After that was computer class.. a redundant lesson cuz everybody just simply enjoy themselves for two hours using friendster, msn n playing yahoo pool n many more.. the teacher MR Binggo has no power at all.. he so tame n friendly.. so shy.. haha.. ganna bully like siao.. no LAW at all.. funny part was when 2 of my classmates were quarrelling n shouting at each other n mr binggo was in e middle.. he so scared man.. din even dare to look up.. haha.. his face at that time was simply hilarious.. but he nice guy la..

after tt lesson went to meet qian hoho n spermy.. dunno y but mood just change.. just din felt like talking suddenly.. some great thoughts were just running thru my mind i guess tt's y e mouth will stop functioning.. den after went back shs for trg at 5 with jelly.. tink sch too rich la.. hire one uniform guard sit at the gate there guard the sch.. but so dumb.. i walk in grandly n openly he din even see me.. back facing mi.. waste money man..

cell group leader called.. hai.. these few months just so so so bad in my spiritual life.. shld step out of the comfort zone and do the things i shld do.. *focus heart!!*

Germy sick again.. as always.. got the right name for her.. she prove it so right all the time.. haha.. just stop disturbing me n u will be well forever.. rest well k.. take care of ur body since u noe its weak.. c.. showing u some love over here.. so don live in denial anymore..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:32 PMWednesday, June 29, 2005

Today i finally collected the $21 for the team from kyle.. So after that we went to party..(low profile) haha.. went to qian house today.. such a complicated route from my house to her house.. ask her go pick mi from bus stop she took such a long time.. her instructions were lousy i must say.. she said when i reached the bus stop face the road walk left.. so m i suppose to walk like a crab?? sideways.. how dumb.. cant she just say walk in the direction of the traffic?? haiyo.. qian ah qian..
N she was a big time monster at her house k.. keep tickling mi non stop.. cant even take a proper rest..bel was funny.. she kept on giving mi eyes signal to ignore her.. n not tok to her.. but her eyes so small.. cant really get much signal out of it.. her room so messy lo.. filled with dirty newspaper all over the floor.. haiz.. den mi n bel played ball in her room.. haha.. was funny thou.. trying to aim her but just miss all the time.. den bel just have so many stupid ideas tt don work but just make pple laugh non stop.. i must praise qian to be able to bath in 5 mins time BUT she actually took 20 mins to prepare.. worst living human being on earth..
Nothing much today other den the (low profile) party.. N the chalet thing is still not really settled yet cuz of some BIG TIME problematic person.. somemore stole my EZ link card.. den wanna con me accompany her back to her tt complicated route home..

This goes out to all who are free on this fri 9am to 12pm.. there will be this SAF thing in TP.. dunno wad they doin there oso.. but not impt.. the impt thing is that i will be the MC.. so pls go there support my voice.. eve says its a good opportunity to practice my DJ skills.. haha.. n my partner might be lennard kong.. haha.. how nice n funny..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:28 PMTuesday, June 28, 2005

Not feeling v good now.. dunno y.. tink is cuz of the chalet thing which is like so irritating.. not really la.. cuz i noe it will be fun.. now waiting for tt qian n sihui to accept the good deal of paying 10 bucks for 2 nights.. Its like so unbelievable cheap!! n they still taking such a long time to decide.. Next month i will be ultra broke..$200 one month.. 50 goes to bills.. 20 to tithing.. 30 to savings.. 20 for debts i owe.. 20 for chalet.. n 17.50 for the quiksilver game.. yah so i m left with less den 50 for the whole month.. wonder how m i goin to survive.. but hai.. no choice la.. for all e fun i goin to get.. got to do a little sacrifice.. so if that qian dont agree.. goin to kill her ah.. don wanna ask guys go.. so not fun.. like no privacy to do all my crazy things in the night.. haha..

i hope this thing can be settled quick so tt can sleep in peace.. n not be bothered by that superior room so much..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:36 PMMonday, June 27, 2005

Blogging this everyday is so tiring but its quite cool thou.. haha.. today i decided to go for a useless lecture since next week exam but in e end i still cannot take it n left halfway.. wonder when will i be able to complete one full lecture listening attentively to e teacher.. somehow i con qian go eat by saying i got something v v v impt tell her.. haha.. i noe its bad.. but its ok..

Spermy came n join us when we were eating in sch n we went to play pool together with hoho.. haha.. kind of weird from the start cuz i like only c him once.. n we r off for pool..haha but fun la.. parkway is such a nice place to play pool.. e cue so smooth..table so clean.. music so soothing.. unlike pavilion.. so smelly, noisy, dirty, dark, unfriendly pple, unfrienly cue n unfriendly price..

after tt went to mac to slack while waiting for qian to finish her movie den go for dinner at KFC.. seems like tt is our fave hangout place man.. den spermy tried to style my hair which turns out nicer den wad i owaes do but it sink so fast.. i so not goin gel my hair cuz its so troublesome n hard to wash off..need to like put so much conditioner..

Topic of the day: I pierced my ear.. e top wan.. wanted to do tt long ago but just waiting for Mr. courage to arrive.. den just now so unplanned they pulled me go pierce it cuz they wanna c.. haha din regret la.. when i was walking towards 77th street my heart was like pouncing out.. (but it wasnt twitching like Spermy's wan.. haha..) den stomach got butterflies.. go toilet oso no use.. finally when i arrived there.. my hands were like cold.. so scared but acting calm.. thou qian offered mi her hand to twist it but i guess i wun have any strength to do so.. haha.. e person took so long to adjust.. n no signal was given den 'BANG' one sound.. theres a hole in my ear.. haha.. make me so scared for nothing.. wasnt pain at all.. just like normal piercing.. e pos quite nice oso.. Yeah.. finally i got the hole in my bone just like tt.. din even plan for it.. thanks to them..

Tml will be a boring day..
Goodnight Debbie..
Study hard..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:51 PMSunday, June 26, 2005

boring day at e start until bel came over my hse to disturb me when i wanted to study.. in e end.. she went with us to bedok reservoir to canoe... me she carol n klang.. haha.. actually only mi n klang canoeing cuz e other 2 motion sickness n seasick.. muahaha.. den in e end its like only $2.50 per hr.. so they went too.. haha.. it was fun but tiring.. after ten mins we started to rest already cuz e boundary so small n no nice views except all e dirty looking buildings tt r yet to be construct.. peddle a few times we will reach one end already.. thou we tried to race but wasnt fun at all cuz we will keep on banging into each others kayak.. most of our time is spent on e calm water talking..

We talked bout booking a chalet on e day when we all goin for e quiksilver beach volley competition. discuss until so cool.. den now big problem.. we cant find pple with e member card.. soo cant book cuz too ex.. 250 bucks.. n its like so small n not many pple.. they still dare dare put on website say SUPERIOR ROOM!! wad rubbish~~ its like so pathectically small.. n cost us a BOMB!! now the chalet had triggered my excitement nerve.. feelin so excited but yet cant book.. ahhhh.. disgusting feeling.. worse den qian touching me when i m digesting my food..

How i wish God can just send down e card when i am sleeping tonight.. i just need the card no n e particulars.. AMEN!!

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:06 PMSaturday, June 25, 2005

nothing much happen today.. went to church.. was a little moody towards the end.. guess i was just a little tired.. went to fetch dear(sharon) -we not les but we always address each other tt.. suppose to go yio chu kang find her after her training but dunno y landed up in toa payoh.. ate my dinner at 10 plus.. chit chat a while den her dad come fetch us home le.. so long never see each other.. misses each other but wad to do.. i got sch.. she got training.. n she goin start sch le.. how sad.. so just a little while every week oso must cherish.. her trg days change le.. so now hopefully tue n thur we can have more time together where she no need rush for trg..

somehow i got this problem.. always start blogging things from e back.. so now lets U turn back to e scene b4 i met sharon.. i was suppose to help carol buy this volleyball keychain thing at jurong point.. but b4 tt she already saw it at marine parade but she don wan buy yet cuz its a little yellow i guess.. after i check at JP, they dont have it so e pple there offered to help mi check out at marine parade when i noe there already have.. so i just let them check it out la waste their phone bills.. haha.. den they tell mi have ask whether wan them transfer over here not.. den i say no need n walk off.. when carol wanna go back there to buy she realised tt e 3 balls r gone n it is being reserved.. how fast.. carol forced me to go back ice lemon tea to check out whether e morons help mi reserved e dirty looking balls.. n indeed to my great suprise they did.. how dumb.. n it was on its way here to jurong point.. in e end it created such a confusing scene in e management of ice lemon tea.. they no proper organisation la.. shld join my principle of management class to learn more bout organising.. n they need to learn how to communicate with customer well.. so they shld join me too in comm skills together with kangaroo.. muahaha.. n they can train how to sleep with eyes open plus e eyeball focusing on her.. haha if not it wun work..

tml goin canoeing with klang.. haha how exciting.. we sure keep laughing non stop cuz e boat will keep capsizing.. den we wil like spend 30 min flipping the thing over.. n we will have a audience named carol standing outside there laughing at us.. must be wondering y she don canoe?? haha cuz she claimed she got sea sick.. hahaha..

that's all folks.. tune in tml for e result of the canoeing..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:40 PM

today is a friday.. means go sch at 11.. pass carol my comm skills assignment ask her help mi edit n in e end.. she really show her power man.. edited e WHOLE essay.. like not really written by me like tt.. haha.. but thanks still.. during lunch break went to lab to retype e essay again after it is being edited.. somehow carol just find me tooooo slow and she shove me away from the chair n start editing for mi.. haha.. so now the essay is hers officially.. how nice.. THANKS!! =) see her so engross in helping me think makes me feel guilty.. haha.. but nvm la.. she say she will be there for me.. promise somemore.. right.. haha.. oh ya. back to e lab scene. germy qian came looking for me n complaning n complaining tt she very hungry.. den i buy bread she don want eat.. ahhhh.. but still she got to wait for mi for 2 hours den can go eat kfc.. but tt 2 hours was unpeaceful cuz she keep complaining n complaining tt she v hungry.. wanna concentrate in kangaroo lesson oso difficult cuz she keep hao lianing n hao lianing to mi tt she watching NBA in library.. my fav show.. hai.. kangaroo somehow oso don give mi peace.. ask her a qns which is of sense she came screaming into my ears e ans of no sense.. how dumb.. n she always ask us to spend 2min of silence to write down wad we learn.. i somehow know she will ask mi cuz she stare at mi writing nothing for tt 2 mins.. normally she only ask 2 pple. but i was e 3rd.. somemore i put my bag on the table n keep my book le.. her big n gigantic eyes was like staring into my dried contact lens eyes.. it almost dropped out cuz it cant resist the stactic tt was sent.. haha.. (ALL CRAP!!) enough of her..

next is shopping time with qian.. a dumb wan thou cuz is all bout e mad mango sales.. it really makes her go mad n me extreme madness.. she took like 1 hour choosing 1 green shirt of two diff sizes.. she ask my opinion n i said M... she die die oso dun wan.. den might as well don ask.. thou i cant c but i bet tt in the changing room she keep swopping tt 2 diff size shirt n deciding.. n for tt i waited half an hour with a grouchy mad looking sales woman.. boosh** next she U- turn back to all e shirts there n how sway.. there was this shirt calling for her.. n once again one shirt 2 sizes.. half an hour.. CRAP!! this dumb cheap looking shirt which is so thin tt i can see her bra CLEARLY.. a shirt tt i don like n she keep asking my opinion n i say dont buy but as usual u tink she will listen.. obviously NOT!! keep saying she like e shirt den ask her buy she don wan.. Y?? cuz she only tried S n not e M.. ah.. e queue is like ultra long.. like wall of to let her queue?? den she took like 8mins 23 s to measure e difference between S n M.. den she stand infront of the mirror for like 5 mins 34s to c which wan better.. ahhhhh.. CRAP!! in e end i won.. she dump the dumb shirt somewhere with such an unwilling heart.. we walk off with a green shirt size S.. n 2 extra mbrs.. one spermy n hoho.. spermy so tall.. wear so nice on a ordinary day for wad?? haha for hoho lo.. not bad la his eyes can talk..

since i started blogging its all bout hoho n qian.. hai.. seeing them everyday.. haha.. but fun thou with all the nonsense.. n stop laughing at my blog cuz i m serious k..

ps** LIM QIANHUI!! stop disturbing me when i am eating or digesting my food.. it is really IRRITATING!! i don wan hit u back cuz u noe y.. yah so just keep ur hands to yourself k.. cuz hoho don wan be my backup le..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:05 AMThursday, June 23, 2005

2nd posting of the day.. now i suddenly feel so depressed.. volleyball dont seems to be moving very smoothly.. one by one i hear my friends having thoughts of giving up.. not really give up but just negetive points about themselves being in the team.. what should i feel?? e same as them?? thou i also say wanna try out other stuff but i know myself tt a passion is a passion.. moreover u guys r all here.. i seriously enjoy myself during trg no matter how lame e drills can be and wad wongie say to me.. from the start i join cuz u all r here.. if none of u r in e team i wun even join.. and now i noe tt my position not tt secure after all, i wanna train hard so i can play together with u all at least once in my 3 yrs in TP.. somehow i feel so sad when u all have thoughts to quit just becuz of new pple coming in.. i tink is not worth.. e times we have together during trg shld be more worth while than whether we playing or not.. maybe i cant understand how u guys feel cuz its ur last yr.. but i only know i v sad la if u all r not in e team.. i apologized for anything tt is not pleasant.. but once again.. don leave me alone.. i will die..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:26 AMWednesday, June 22, 2005

Yeah!! it's the second day of blogging.. how proud.. hehe.. today i went for lecture. how amazing.. but tml not goin.. cuz e experts(qian n jelly) say no need to go.. no use.. waste time.. so i shall be obedient.. haha.. tml i will have CSA which is some super duper boring lesson.. if this time i fed up again like last week i will just take my bag n leave after i take my attendence.. today i got this lesson called comm skills and e kangaroo caught me sleeping with my eyes open!! **bow.. power man.. cant believe training to sleep with my eyes open since sec 1 is finally caught by her.. my 4yrs of trg just went into drain like tt.. today i skipped my lunch to do the comm skills assignment which need to be handed in by this fri.. e more i write e more it don make sense..feel so dumb after being whack on the head everyday.. i need editor Ho to help me man.. WHERE ARE YOU??
i ate my lunch plus dinner at 4 plus... and after tt as usual tt qian keep touching me when i m digesting my food.. it's so IRRITATING.. feel like whacking her but i cant do it.. if not i cannot imagine what will happen to me.. i need backups man..
today got training.. and my left ankle got injure somehow when someone push me towards the notice board and i twist the ankle just like tt.. thinking tt today can be early.. but never will i imagine tt soooooo many pple r already there.. truly amazing man.. i can c e enthu ness there.. haha.. but all these will die off soon.. trust me.. training was not boring but somehow lame.. doin some drill tt is so hard to follow.. n because of something tt someone say. it cause 2 pple to be on the verge of quitting.. c la.. result of not considering pple's feeling.. **DENIAL** don quit please!! i cannot afford to be alone during trg.. i need pple to spice mi up with some music.. e most i send u home after trg.. u quit i will cry man.. don please...............................

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:12 PMTuesday, June 21, 2005

Yeah!! Finally i am starting this blog thing.. i got so much to say everyday.. toking to my friends is just not enough.. haha.. i need to say it all out here.. today is such a busy day.. i did so many things.. Obviously i skipped lecture again for no reason.. went to com lab wait for that moronic qian hui for like more den an hour doin nothing but staring at her copying her dumb~~ i was so hungry by den n she don let mi go eat.. den must go find carol when she is like pretending to listen to the tutor but actually she is totally shut.. tinking can go have a peaceful lunch den just realise tt it was too late.. cuz need to catch bus 518 at 1:03 pm so i can be on time for facial.. in e end i ended up eating alone n stuffing all e food into my mouth so quickly due to time constraint.. n i simply dislike pple touching mi when i am eating or digesting my food.. arhh!! it's just so irritating.. but pple like qian die die also must put her arms arnd mi..
scene 2~~ went for facial.. nothing special.. just din felt any pain for once when e person squeeze my pimples..
scene 3~~after facial at dhoby ghaut, walk all e way down to cineleisure to find qian n hoho just to c them eat kfc n walk all the way back to Plaza Sing to watch movie.. how dumb!!
scene 4~~ watch Mr and Mrs Smith.. it's cool.. but rather anti-climax.. the sound effect just don suit the action.. but still its a nice show.. right carol?? watching it twice n singing so loudly in e cinema..
scene 5~~ went to huiqi house( shs classmate) for a mini birthday party.. toking all e same old stuff like we always does during all the birthday parties..forever saying tt i m v noisy.. tt's all.. nothing good..
scene 6~~ walk home.. sit down n start writing this thing.. n awaiting for tml lecture.. which i wun wake up for it..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 10:52 PM

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.:: About Me ::.
Name: debbie Teo
Age: 17
Birthday: 18 Oct 1988
School: Temasek Poly, Business
Likes: Volleyball,Pool, Cookies(my guitar), Cream(my another guitar), VoVo( my rabbit), Tommy (my bicycle), Orange colour and basically BABBLING!!
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