Monday, July 02, 2007

i have changed my blog to

see ya there

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:13 AMSaturday, April 07, 2007

today is saturday and i am home the whole day apart from gg shs trg in the morning(BORING).. new record.. nap the whole noon and woke up to see a yummylicious dinner on the table.. went for easter svc yesterday.. tts y today nv go church.. weird sat thou.. tml also another nothing to do day..

my holidays ending soon le.. cant believe it man.. i am gg into yr 3 n den attachment next sem.. how fast can life move? was lying on my this morning thinking almost everyday i am waking up at 12 plus 1.. by the time i am fully awake its 2 plus.. half a day gone.. seems to be wasting my life like tt thou.. but was thinking how long more can i do this.. this is my last long holiday le.. after this no more.. boo hoo..

sch got no court for us till sch reopen.. days of trg gonna change to mon n wed.. bad days.. don like.. so now we r paying to train at phs.. its a waste of money.. no coach no players.. go there touch abit ball.. waste my bus fare too..

tues gg zoo with my gang.. but a little problem now.. hopefully can be resolve.. after zoo den will head down to phs for trg.. sure super tired after walking one whole day.. but nvm.. hope zoo will be exciting.. cant wait to see the baboons again.. n its my 2nd time gg zoo this 2 months.. have the new babies been produce? haa.. but too bad no more lion so no more cubs..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 7:16 PMSunday, March 18, 2007

in the midst of holidays le.. just got results.. not too bad.. got B for the subjects that i felt is very core for marketing.. n finally reach my dream GPA.. to cross 2.0.. haha n i got 2.1.. whee.. haa.. 1st sem is super impt.. determines ur gpa for the next few sems.. too late to regret now.. can only cont to hit at least 2.5..

been doing nothing much.. same old things almost everyday.. trg finally started.. new team.. new style.. rather hard to get things moving.. trg is rather coach.. thats the worst.. don understand whats the change for.. it better be a good one..

life kinda boring.. nothing much to do.. just cant wait to do all the different things the gang listed..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 12:19 AMFriday, March 02, 2007

ooh long long time no blog.. equals many here is a brief summary..

chinese new year..
win some lose some..

dear back in aust..
tears dropped..
tears poured..
but life goes on..
i cherish the friendship..
my bestest friend..
my zhuan shu tian shi..
past 3 months been my happiest months
can smile even when i am down..
just so safe and protected..
another 9 months to go..

games with you ended..
sorry i cant help..
did my best but..
wish u all e best..
wish us all e best..
thanks for everything..

new friend found..
very nice..

old friend gone..

DJS week..
spent my week with them..
gg their trg..
cant love them more..

life is just weird..
happy sad happy sad..

but God..
i just wanna say thank you for giving me..
this person..
that person..
and that 2 peeps..

goodnight world..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 3:39 AMMonday, February 05, 2007

hmm.. new life?!
unexpected thou..
but pretty much happy with it..
but i know it wun last..
its not gonna do anyone good..
i want it to be continuing..
10 more days my dear..
off u go into that plane..
gg back to ur 2nd home..
starting to feel a lil here n there..
but too many too many things happening now for me to even sit and think and feel..
it may be good to a certain extent..
but i will miss you for sure..
love ya!

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 2:09 AMSaturday, January 27, 2007

we are the IVP champ 06/07!!
all we worked hard for..
all sacrifices..
my tears my pain..
its in the medal infront of me..
but from the last whistle till now i felt no joy..
i dunno why..
not cux i am not involved..
i feel so involve thou i am on the outside..
the connection i had with the whole team is so much..
all 12 are impt people..
in making this successful..
gg in to help the team to serve n gain points meant so much to me..
really a tough period right before this comp..
never imagine by letting everything go turned the whole table around..
i am so thankful that God had His plans..
i know the team got something big..
but to me i know i've lost something even greater..
really super stuck in my emotions..
uncertain of the future..
To Tiff..
really really so happy to see u perform tt day..
i dunno how to express but yah..
we've been exchanging w each other so much in the court..
never played together before if u realise in tp..
but i am really so glad u made it at the end..
i knew it wasnt a wrong decision to let go..
i told u after semis tt wadever or whenever u cant do i will be there to fill it for u..
n i always believe u sure can do it..
no doubt..
be it physically or supporting mentally i will be there always..
and yes!
so proud u did it!!
love ya!!

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 2:45 AMMonday, January 15, 2007

long time since i blog.. many things happened within this period.. all e unpleasant things but well its how God showed His miracle time n time again to me no matter how much i din trust.. i am able to now look at things from a wide angle.. n its simply amazing.. God is awesome!!

its project hectic weeks since e start of this year.. n its gonna last for a month.. reports after reports to submit in this 4 weeks.. n its total madness.. i really cannot take it already.. meeting in sch every morning n do all e way till evening den go sports hall for game or watch game.. go back rush the work, sleep late n next morn wake up early for same routine.. i wanna squueze dry the 2 idoits in my grp le.. SIMPLE things also can screw up.. n everybody stop asking me why i don give them chance!! be fair to me please!! work is driving me crazy.. the mood also abit siao siao.. suddenly will angry at pple.. cux i cant take it anymore.. n i fail 1 subject for mid sem.. failed the most common sense subject.. shitty man.. n tt asshole don even go class or anything don even do project but pass with a C!! obviously la.. u have all e time to mug while i slog everyday in e lab to do ur grp report.. ROAR!! seriously tired out by everything.. break down is the last thing i want to do.. i just need to survive thru this ball n work period and it will all be fine..

i hope i can get good results from both.. den i will take a long break..

i don have time to spend quality time with u.. after u're gone its hibernation period for me.. not looking forward at all but its coming soon.. sad-ed..

bebble says HI just to say BYE@ 11:13 PM

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.:: About Me ::.
Name: debbie Teo
Age: 17
Birthday: 18 Oct 1988
School: Temasek Poly, Business
Likes: Volleyball,Pool, Cookies(my guitar), Cream(my another guitar), VoVo( my rabbit), Tommy (my bicycle), Orange colour and basically BABBLING!!
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